Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


LESSON XVII UNIT ONE Ecce Agnus Dei; ecce qui tollit peccata mundi. Behold the Lamb of God; behold Him who taketh away the sins of the world. Vocabulary aedificare, to build apenre (aperui, apertus), to open aspergere (aspersi, aspersus), to sprinkle canere (cecini, cantus), to sing cogere (coegi, coactus), to lead or bring togeth", to assemble effulgere (effulsi), to shine sentIre (sensi, sensus), to feel deinde (adv.), then ita (adv.), so, even quasi (adv.), as if, like tantum (adv.), but, only argentum, -i, n., silver cinis, cineris, m., ashes episcopus, -i, m., bishop epistola, -ae, f., epistle, letter lingua, -ae, f., tongue sinus, sinus, m., breast, bosom semen, seminis, n., seed, descendant leo, leonis, m., lion militia, -ae, f., army exercitus, exercitus, m., army, host ovis,ovis (gen. pI., ovium), f., sheep amarus, -a, -um, bitter J2~

enignus, -a, -urn, favorable certus, -a, -urn, certain ceterus, -a, -urn, the otller praeteritus, -a, -urn, past LATIN GRAMMAR 41. Indirect discourse. ./\n indirect quotation occurring after a verb meaning to say, to think, to I\.nolv is expressed by an infinitive with the subject in the accusatn· case. All subordinate clauses occurring in an indirect quotation are nut in the subjunctive. T hey say that their sons are com­ Dicunt f.aios SUDS venire (pres. Ing. inf.). T hey say that their sons 11ave Dicunt fBios SUDS venisse (perf. come. inf.) . They say that their sons will Dicunt fBios SUDS venturos esse come. (fut. inf.). T hey said that their sons were Dixerunt f1lios SUDS venIre (pres. comIng. in£.) . They said that their sons had Dixerunt fBios SUDS venisse (perf. come. in£.) . T hey said that tlleir sons would Dixerunt fllios SUDS venturos esse come. (fur. in£.). She knew that he was sleeping Sciebat eum dormire quod lassus because he tvas tired. esset. He said tIl at tlley had asked Dixit eos quaesivisse ubi futurus where he would be. esset. Note the following: I) An introductory word for that is not needed in an indirect quotation in Latin. 2) The present infinitive is used when the time is the same as that of the principal verb. 3) The perfect infinitive is used when the time precedes that of the main verb.


UNIT ONE<br />

Ecce Agnus Dei; ecce qui<br />

tollit peccata mundi.<br />

Behold the Lamb of God; behold Him<br />

who taketh away the sins of the world.<br />

Vocabulary<br />

aedificare, to build<br />

apenre (aperui, apertus), to open<br />

aspergere (aspersi, aspersus), to sprinkle<br />

canere (cecini, cantus), to sing<br />

cogere (coegi, coactus), to lead or bring togeth", to assemble<br />

effulgere (effulsi), to shine<br />

sentIre (sensi, sensus), to feel<br />

deinde (adv.), then<br />

ita (adv.), so, even<br />

quasi (adv.), as if, like<br />

tantum (adv.), but, only<br />

argentum, -i, n., silver<br />

cinis, cineris, m., ashes<br />

episcopus, -i, m., bishop<br />

epistola, -ae, f., epistle, letter<br />

lingua, -ae, f., tongue<br />

sinus, sinus, m., breast, bosom<br />

semen, seminis, n., seed, descendant<br />

leo, leonis, m., lion<br />

militia, -ae, f., army<br />

exercitus, exercitus, m., army, host<br />

ovis,ovis (gen. pI., ovium), f., sheep<br />

amarus, -a, -um, bitter<br />


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