Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org


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UNIT ONE<br />

Panem nostrum quotidhinurn da<br />

nobis hodie.<br />

Git/~ us this Jay our daily br~ad.<br />

Vocabulary<br />

suavitas, suavitatis, f., sw~etn~ss<br />

servitus, servitutis, f., sert/ic~, s~rt/itude<br />

utHitas, utilitatis, f., benefit, usefuln~ss<br />

farnulus (f., -a), -i, m., s~rtlant<br />

ops, opis, f., help<br />

mors, mortis, f., death<br />

seeIus, seeleris, n., sin, crime<br />

cunetus, -a, -urn, all<br />

universus, -a, -urn, all<br />

slmilis, m. and f., SImile, n., lik~; simili modo, in lik~ manner<br />

praeehirus, -a, -urn, excellent<br />

inferus, -a, -urn, low; as a noun, h~ll<br />

quotidianus, -a, -urn, daily<br />

praeteritus, -a, -urn, past<br />

idem, eadem, idem (decline like is, adding ~em to each form), same<br />

plaeere, to pl~as~, to be pleasing to<br />

frangere (fregi, fractus), to br~ak<br />

eoenare, to ~at supper<br />

cffundcre (effudi, effusus), to sh~d, to pour out<br />

respleere (respexi, respectus), (an -io verb), to look, look upo"<br />

relinquere (reHqui, reHetus), to leat/~ behind<br />

remanere (remattsi, remansus), to remain<br />


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