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Liturgia Latina POSTED BY DAVIDFORSTER AT 00:30 NO COMMENTS: Recommend this on Google SATURDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2013 19th October, St Frideswide, Virgin St Frideswide, Virgin, Patron Saint of Oxford. St. Frideswide - or Fritheswith - was born about 665 near Oxford, the daughter of noble parents. She founded a convent at the gates of Oxford - where Christ Church now stands. Aelfgar, prince of Mercia, was determined to marry her for her beauty and her inheritance, but she fled to the forests to avoid his attentions. When she returned to Oxford, Aelfgar beseiged the city, but just at the point of victory he was struck blind. For many years afterwards, she presided as Abbess of a double monastery of both monks and nuns. Some say that the origins of the University of Oxford lie in the school she established there. She was well known in her lifetime for effecting miraculous cures, and a well at Binsey - where she latterly retired as a hermitess - became known as a place of healing. She died at Binsey on19th October 735, and was buried in her monastery. Dilexisti justitiam, et odisti iniquitatem: properea unxit te Deus, Deus tuus, oleo laetitiae prae consortibus tuis. * Eructavit cor meum verbum bonum: dico ego opera mea Regi.Thou hast loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. * My heart hath uttered a good word: I speak my works to the King. (Psalm 44:8,2 from the Introit of Mass) Exáudi nos, Deus, salutáris noster: ut, sicut de beátae Frideswidae Vírginis tuae festivitáte gaudémus; ita piae devotiónis erudiámur afféctu.Hear us, O God our Saviour; that as we rejoice in the festivity of blessed Frideswide Thy virgin, so we may be instructed in the affection of pious devotion. (Collect) Wikipedia entry: POSTED BY DAVIDFORSTER AT 00:30 NO COMMENTS: Recommend this on Google[8/10/2013 4:32:35 PM]

Liturgia Latina 19th October, St Peter of Alcantara, Confessor St Peter of Alcantara, Confessor Born at Alcantara, of noble parents, Peter distributed his fortune in alms and at the age of 16 entered into the Order of St. Francis. A rigid observer of the primitive Franciscan rule, he had a great devotion to the Passion and an extraordinary love of penance. He died in 1562 and appearing to St. Teresa, he said: "O blessed penance which has earned for me such great glory." Justus ut palma florebit: sucut cedrus Libani multiplicabitur: plantatus in domo Domini: in atriis domus Dei nostri. * Bonum est confiteri Domino: et psallere nomini tuo, Altissime.The just shall flourish like the palm-tree: he shall grow up like the cedar of Libanus: planted in the house of the Lord, in the courts of the house of our God. (Psalm 91:13-14,2 from the Introit of Mass) Deus, qui beátum Petrum Confessórem tuum ad mirábilis poeniténtiae et altíssimae contemplatiónis múnere illustráre dignátus es: da nobis, quaesumus; ut, ejus suffragántibus méritis, carne mortificáti, facílius coeléstia capiámus. O God, who wast pleased to ennoble blessed Peter, imbuing him with a marvellous spirit of penance, and bestowing upon him the gift of the highest contemplation: for the sake of his merits, grant unto us that, by mortifying the flesh, we may more easily apprehend the things of heaven. (Collect) Almighty God, Father of mercies and giver of all good gifts, we come before Thee to honour Thee in Thy servant, Peter of Alcantara, and to ask his help in our many needs. Thou didst promise that those who ask would receive, those who seek would find, and thoe who knock would have doors opened to them. Hear the prayers of Thy church and grant the requests we make as we trust in Thy love for us. Amen. Catholic encyclopaedia: POSTED BY DAVIDFORSTER AT 00:30 NO COMMENTS: Recommend this on Google Home Older Posts[8/10/2013 4:32:35 PM]

Liturgia Latina<br />


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SATURDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2013<br />

19th October, St Frideswide, Virgin<br />

St Frideswide, Virgin, Patron Saint of Oxford.<br />

St. Frideswide - or Fritheswith - was born about<br />

665 near Oxford, the daughter of noble parents.<br />

She founded a convent at the gates of Oxford -<br />

where Christ Church now stands. Aelfgar,<br />

prince of Mercia, was determined to marry her<br />

for her beauty and her inheritance, but she fled<br />

to the forests to avoid his attentions. When she<br />

returned to Oxford, Aelfgar beseiged the city,<br />

but just at the point of victory he was struck<br />

blind. For many years afterwards, she presided<br />

as Abbess of a double monastery of both monks<br />

and nuns. Some say that the origins of the University of Oxford lie in<br />

the school she established there. She was well known in her lifetime for<br />

effecting miraculous cures, and a well at Binsey - where she latterly<br />

retired as a hermitess - became known as a place of healing. She died<br />

at Binsey on19th October 735, and was buried in her monastery.<br />

Dilexisti justitiam, et odisti iniquitatem: properea unxit te Deus, Deus<br />

tuus, oleo laetitiae prae consortibus tuis. * Eructavit cor meum verbum<br />

bonum: dico ego opera mea Regi.Thou hast loved justice and hated<br />

iniquity: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of<br />

gladness above thy fellows. * My heart hath uttered a good word: I<br />

speak my works to the King.<br />

(Psalm 44:8,2 from the Introit of Mass)<br />

Exáudi nos, Deus, salutáris noster: ut, sicut de beátae Frideswidae<br />

Vírginis tuae festivitáte gaudémus; ita piae devotiónis erudiámur<br />

afféctu.Hear us, O God our Saviour; that as we rejoice in the festivity of<br />

blessed Frideswide Thy virgin, so we may be instructed in the affection<br />

of pious devotion.<br />

(Collect)<br />

Wikipedia entry: http://en.wikipedia.<strong>org</strong>/wiki/Frideswide<br />


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