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Liturgia Latina Dei ejus in corde ipsius. * Noli aemulari in malignantibus: neque zelaveris facientes iniquitatem.The mouth of the just shall meditate wisdom, and his tongue shall speak judgement: the law of his God is in his heart. * Be not emulous of evildoers: nor envy them that work iniquity. (Psalm 36:30-31,1 from the Introit of Mass) Intercéssio nos, quaesumus, Dómine, beáti Hilarionis Abbátis comméndet: ut, quod nostris méritis non valémus, ejus patrocínio assequámur.May the intercession of the blessed abbot Hilarion, we beseech Thee, O Lord, commend us unto Thee, that what we cannot have through our own merits we may obtain through his patronage. (Collect). From the Catholic Encyclopaedia: POSTED BY DAVIDFORSTER AT 00:30 NO COMMENTS: Recommend this on Google SUNDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2013 20th October, St. John Cantius, Confessor St. John Cantius, Confessor Born at Kenty, a markettown in the diocese of Cracow, St. John was raised up by Providence to keep alight the torch of faith and the flame of Christian charity during the fifteenth century in Poland. He obtained all the academical degrees at the University of Cracow, where he taught for several years. Ordained priest, he every day offered the Holy Sacrifice to appease heavenly justice, for he was deeply afflicted by the offenses of men against God. He shone especially by his exquisite charity which is shown in the Introit, the Collects, the Epistle, the Gradual, the Offertory and the Communion of his Mass. He took from his own food to help those who[8/10/2013 4:32:35 PM]

Liturgia Latina were in need and even gave them his clothes and shoes (Epistle); and he would let his cloak fall to the ground so as not to be seen returning home barefoot. While on a pilgrimage to Rome, he was robbed by brigands, and when he declared that he had no other possession, they allowed him to pursue his journey. The saint, who had sewn some pieces of money in his cloak suddenly remembered this, and calling the thieves he offered them the sum. But they, touched by his goodness and candour, gave him back all that they had taken. St. John Cantius died on Christmas Eve, A.D. 1473. He is specially invoked in cases of consumption: "Owing to your prayers we see epidemics disappear, stubborn diseases averted and the blessing of health restored. Those whom consumption, fever and ulcers condemn to a painful end are by you delivered from the embrace of death." (Hymn of Second Vespers) Miserátio hóminis circa próximum: misericórdia autem Dei super omnem carnem. Qui misericórdiam habet, docet et érudit quasi pastor gregem suum. * Beátus vir, qui non ábiit in consílio impiórum, et in via peccatórum non stetit, et in cáthedra pestiléntiae non sedit.The compassion of man is towards his neighbour; but the mercy of God is upon all flesh. He hath mercy, and teacheth and correcteth, as a shepherd doth his flock. * Blessed is the man who hath not walked in the counsel of the ungodly nor stood in the way of sinners, nor sat in the chair of pestilence. (Ecclesiasticus 18:12-13 and Psalm 1:1 from the Introit of Mass). Da, quaesumus, omnípotens Deus: ut, sancti Joánnis Confessóris exémplo in scientia Sanctórum proficiéntes atque áliis misericórdiam exhibéntes; ejus méritis, indulgéntiam apud te consequámur. Grant, we beseech Thee, almightly God, that by the example of Thy holy confessor John, we may advance in the science of the saints, and show mercy to others, that through his merits we may obtain forgiveness from Thee. (Collect) The Roman Breviary has proper hymns for St John Cantius at Vespers, Matins and Lauds. This is a rare honour, and enjoyed by no other confessor who is not a Bishop. Great John! thou dost a beacon stand To Poland's folk, to learning's halls, Thou father of thy fatherland, Priest-guardian of her Church's walls. From the Catholic Encyclopaedia:[8/10/2013 4:32:35 PM]

Liturgia Latina<br />

Dei ejus in corde ipsius. * Noli aemulari in malignantibus: neque<br />

zelaveris facientes iniquitatem.The mouth of the just shall meditate<br />

wisdom, and his tongue shall speak judgement: the law of his God is in<br />

his heart. * Be not emulous of evildoers: nor envy them that work<br />

iniquity.<br />

(Psalm 36:30-31,1 from the Introit of Mass)<br />

Intercéssio nos, quaesumus, Dómine, beáti Hilarionis Abbátis<br />

comméndet: ut, quod nostris méritis non valémus, ejus patrocínio<br />

assequámur.May the intercession of the blessed abbot Hilarion, we<br />

beseech Thee, O Lord, commend us unto Thee, that what we cannot<br />

have through our own merits we may obtain through his patronage.<br />

(Collect).<br />

From the Catholic Encyclopaedia:<br />

http://www.newadvent.<strong>org</strong>/cathen/07347a.htm<br />


Recommend this on Google<br />

SUNDAY, 20 OCTOBER 2013<br />

20th October, St. John Cantius, Confessor<br />

St. John Cantius, Confessor<br />

Born at Kenty, a markettown<br />

in the diocese of<br />

Cracow, St. John was raised<br />

up by Providence to keep<br />

alight the torch of faith and<br />

the flame of Christian charity<br />

during the fifteenth century<br />

in Poland.<br />

He obtained all the<br />

academical degrees at the<br />

University of Cracow, where<br />

he taught for several years.<br />

Ordained priest, he every<br />

day offered the Holy<br />

Sacrifice to appease heavenly<br />

justice, for he was deeply<br />

afflicted by the offenses of men against God.<br />

He shone especially by his exquisite charity which is shown in the<br />

Introit, the Collects, the Epistle, the Gradual, the Offertory and the<br />

Communion of his Mass. He took from his own food to help those who<br />[8/10/2013 4:32:35 PM]

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