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Liturgia Latina Share 0 More Next Blog» Create Blog Sign In LITURGIA LATINA INTRODUCTION This blog contains regular postings relating to the Traditional Latin Liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church. It includes regular commentary on the saints days and the liturgical cycle, with brief background and extracts from the liturgy both in Latin and English. Much of the material has been extracted from the 'St Andrew's Daily Missal', Dom Gueranger's 'Liturgical Year', or similar sources. Related website: MONDAY, 28 OCTOBER 2013 28th October, SS. Simon and Jude, Apostles SS. Simon and Jude, Apostles Jude or Thaddeus had asked the Master at the Last Supper why He manifested Himself to the apostles and not to the world. Jesus answered that He only manifested Himself to souls who show Him their fidelity by observing His commandments. While Simon announced the Gospel to the peoples of the East, Jude wrote his catholic epistle which is still read in the West and "which", declares Origen, "contains strong doctrine in a few lines." In the first part he foretells the condemnation of heretics: he compares them to clouds without water, to autumn trees without fruit and to wandering BLOG ARCHIVE ▼ 2013(461) ▼ October(26) 28th October, SS. Simon and Jude, Apostles 23rd October, Feast of the Most Holy Redeemer 21st October, St Ursula and her 11,000 Companions,... 21st October, St Hilarion, Abbot 20th October, St. John Cantius, Confessor 19th October, St Frideswide, Virgin 19th October, St Peter of Alcantara, Confessor 18th October, St Luke, Evangelist 17th October, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin 16th October, Feast of the Purity of the Blessed ... 16th October, St Hedwig, Widow 15th October, St Teresa of Avila, Virgin and Docto... 14th October, St Callistus I, Pope and Martyr[8/10/2013 4:32:35 PM]

Liturgia Latina stars for whom profound darkness is apportioned for all eternity. Like the rebel angels, they shall burn for ever in avenging flames. In the second part he exhorts the faithful not to be deceived by the seducers but to remain firm in their faith in God and Christ. "My well-beloved, rising like an edifice on the foundation of your holy faith and praying by the Holy Ghost, keep yourselves in the love of God." The archangel St. Michael, St. Jude again declares, was established by the most High as guardian of the tomb of Moses. Having on this occasion to fight with Satan, probably to hinder him taking possession of the prophet's body, out of respect for his angelical dignity, he left to God, to condemn him Himself, saying: "May the Lord rebuke him." The Church puts these very words on the lips of the priests in the prayers of Leo XIII which are said after Low Mass at the foot of the altar. 13th October, St Edward, King of England 12th October, St Wilfrid of York, Bishop and Confe... 10th October, St Francis Borgia, Confessor 11th October, Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary... 9th October, St Dionysius, Bishop, and SS. Rusticu... 8th October, St Bridget, Widow 7th October, SS. Sergius, Bacchus, Marcellus and A... 7th October, The Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed V... 6th October, St Bruno, Confessor 5th October, St Placid and his companions, Martyrs... 3rd October, St Therese of Lisieux, Virgin and Doc... Mihi autem nimis honorati sunt amici tui, Deus: nimis confortatus est principatus eorum. * Domine probasti me et cognovisti me: tu cognovisti sessionem meam et resurrectionem meam. To me, Thy friends, O God, are made exceedingly honourable; their principality is exceedingly strengthened. * Lord, Thou hast proved me and known me: Thou hast known my sitting down and my rising up. (Psalm 138,17 and 1-2, from the Introit of Mass). Deus, qui nos per beatos Apostolos tuos Simonem et Judam, ad agnitionem tui nominis venire tribuisti: da nobis eorum gloriam sempiternam et proficiendo celebrare, et celebrando proficere.O God, who through Thy blessed apostles Simon and Jude, hast brought us unto the knowledge of Thy name; grant that by advancing in virtue we may celebrate their everlasting glory, and by celebrating their glory we may advance in virtue.(Collect) Catholic Encyclopaedia on 'The Brethren of the Lord': 2nd October, The Holy Guardian Angels 1st October, St Remigius, Bishop and Confessor ► September(19) ► August(48) ► July(43) ► June(49) ► May(79) ► April(31) ► March(65) ► February(46) ► January(55) ► 2012(125) ► 2011(31) ► 2010(15) POSTED BY DAVIDFORSTER AT 00:30 NO COMMENTS: Recommend this on Google PAGES Home[8/10/2013 4:32:35 PM]

Liturgia Latina<br />

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This blog contains regular postings relating to the Traditional Latin Liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church. It<br />

includes regular commentary on the saints days and the liturgical cycle, with brief background and extracts from<br />

the liturgy both in Latin and English. Much of the material has been extracted from the 'St Andrew's Daily Missal',<br />

Dom Gueranger's 'Liturgical Year', or similar sources.<br />

Related website: http://www.liturgialatina.<strong>org</strong>/<br />

MONDAY, 28 OCTOBER 2013<br />

28th October, SS. Simon and Jude, Apostles<br />

SS. Simon and Jude, Apostles<br />

Jude or<br />

Thaddeus had<br />

asked the<br />

Master at the<br />

Last Supper why<br />

He manifested<br />

Himself to the<br />

apostles and not<br />

to the world.<br />

Jesus answered<br />

that He only<br />

manifested<br />

Himself to souls<br />

who show Him<br />

their fidelity by<br />

observing His<br />

commandments.<br />

While Simon announced the Gospel to the peoples of the East, Jude<br />

wrote his catholic epistle which is still read in the West and "which",<br />

declares Origen, "contains strong doctrine in a few lines." In the first<br />

part he foretells the condemnation of heretics: he compares them to<br />

clouds without water, to autumn trees without fruit and to wandering<br />


▼ 2013(461)<br />

▼ October(26)<br />

28th October, SS. Simon and<br />

Jude, Apostles<br />

23rd October, Feast of the Most<br />

Holy Redeemer<br />

21st October, St Ursula and her<br />

11,000 Companions,...<br />

21st October, St Hilarion, Abbot<br />

20th October, St. John Cantius,<br />

Confessor<br />

19th October, St Frideswide,<br />

Virgin<br />

19th October, St Peter of<br />

Alcantara, Confessor<br />

18th October, St Luke,<br />

Evangelist<br />

17th October, St. Margaret Mary<br />

Alacoque, Virgin<br />

16th October, Feast of the Purity<br />

of the Blessed ...<br />

16th October, St Hedwig, Widow<br />

15th October, St Teresa of Avila,<br />

Virgin and Docto...<br />

14th October, St Callistus I, Pope<br />

and Martyr<br />[8/10/2013 4:32:35 PM]

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