Apollonii Pergaei quae graece exstant cum ... - Wilbourhall.org

Apollonii Pergaei quae graece exstant cum ... - Wilbourhall.org

Apollonii Pergaei quae graece exstant cum ... - Wilbourhall.org


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XXI<br />

Ss 24; p. 4, 13 6vv8lSo(isv] 24, 6vvSLSafisv 19, 20; p. 4, 16<br />

avsv] 24 et litteris s,v ligatis 20, ccva 19; p. 6, 7 od-sv'] 19, 20,<br />

orccv 24; p. 6, 26 S'''^'*'»] 19, om. in extremo uersu 20, sed<br />

addidit mg. m. 1, sv&sicc mg. 24.<br />

denique ex ipso V descriptus esse uidetur cod. Uindobon.<br />

suppl. gr. 36 (64 KoUar), chartac. saec. XV, qui priores tantum<br />

duos libros Conicorum continet (fuit comitis Hohendorf);<br />

neque enim in fig. II, 82 N litteram habet, et a V eum pendere<br />

ostendunt scripturae p. 2, 15 svtcXo}, p. 226, 6 rd] om.<br />

Uindob. et in extremo uersu V. lacunas p. 2 non habet, p. 2, 12<br />

ov ds pro ov. ceterum nihil de eo mihi innotuit.<br />

restant eiusdem classis codd. 8, 12, 21, 23, quos omnes e<br />

codice 2 originem ducere ostendit error communis kqvtctslv<br />

p. 4, 27; ita enim propter litteras in V, ut dixi, deformatas Mutin. ii<br />

*<br />

pro 'HQLvsLv cod. 2 (corr. m. rec). lacunas p. 2 non habent. .<br />

utrum omnes ex ipso cod. 2 descripti sint an alius ex alio, (jud. gr. 12<br />

pro certo adfirmare non possum; cfr. p. 2, 4 sxol'] 2, 8, 12, 23, Canon. 106<br />

sxsL 21; p. 2, 12 ov] ov Ss 2, 8, 12, 21, 23; s6x6Xk^s] 2, 8, 12,<br />

i^xoXcitsv 21, 23; p. 2, 19 ^vfifiSfjbLxoToov] 2, 8, 12, 21, 6VfifiSfiiloTcov<br />

23; p. 2, 20 xat rd] 2, 8, 12, 21, ytUL 23; p. 4, 1<br />

TtsTtrcoKsv] 8, 12, 23, nsTcrcav.s 2, 21; p. 4, 4 xat] 2, 12, om.<br />

8, 21, 23; slEt^yaffftgW] 2, 8, 12, 21, s^r}Qycc6fisva 23; p. 4, 9<br />

stdri6SLg] 2, 8, 12, 23, sldri6ig 21; p. 4, 17 6vv&S6lv] 2, 8, 12, 23,<br />

-a-sffiv 21; p. 4, 21 Kccrd] 2, 8, 12, om. 21, 23; p. 6, 14 rov]<br />

2, 8, 23, Tov nsvTQOv Tov 12; p. 8, 10 syid^Trjv] shcc^t^I in extremo<br />

uersu 2, sv,d6Tri 8, 12, 23; p. 8, 18 6v^vysLg] 2, 8, 23,<br />

6vlvysLg ^g 12; p. 8, 19 SidfiSTQOL] 2, 12, 23, SLdfiSTQL 8;<br />

p. 8, 21 cc'] om. 8, ccov 23, dscoQrifia «ov 12 ;<br />

p. 10, 9 s6tl]<br />

2, 8, 23, S6TIV 12. itaque codd. 8, 12, 23 apographa ipsius<br />

cod. 2 uideri possunt, cod. 2 1 autem fortasse ex cod. 23 pendet.<br />

cod. 21 quoDiam Matthaei Macigni fuit, sine dubio idem est,<br />

quem Tomasinus Bibliotheca Patauina manuscripta p. 115 inter<br />

codices Nicolai Triuisani enumerat, cui Macignus mathematicus<br />

Uenetus bibliothecam suam legauerat (u. Tomasinus p. 115^).<br />

codd. denique 7 et 25 e cod. 11 descriptos esse, uel Ambros. A<br />

inde adparet, quod hi soli libellum Sereni de sectione coni<br />

u^g^^j^j^^^Q<br />

ante alterum eius opus collocant. cfr. praeterea p. 2, 8<br />

svaQS6Tri6co(isv] 11 supra scripto svqcOj svQoa^rrj^cofisv 7,<br />

svaQS6Tri6a)(isv 25; p. 2, 12 naQaysvrjd^sig] naQaysvofisvog 7,<br />

11, 25; p. 2, 15 SKTcXoj] kHTcXovv 7, 11, 25.

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