Checklist of the mosses of sub-Saharan Africa

Checklist of the mosses of sub-Saharan Africa

Checklist of the mosses of sub-Saharan Africa


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MAD(40).<br />

Entodon geminidens (Besch.) Broth. CAM(47),<br />

REU(715), TAN(46), TRV(1531).<br />

Entodon lacunosus Broth. TAN(46).<br />

Entodon macropodus (Hedw.) C.Müll. BUR(65),<br />

CBS(1531), KEN(46), MAL(67,70), NAT(1531),<br />

NIG(334), OFS(1531), RWA(65), SWA(1531),<br />

TAN(46), TRV(1531), UGA(46), ZAI(65),<br />

ZAM(46), ZIM(46,70).<br />

Entodon madagassus Geh. MAD(40).<br />

Entodon motelayi (Besch.) Par. MAU(105,715).<br />

Entodon natalensis Rehm. ex C.Müll. LES(1531),<br />

NAT(1531), TRV(1531).<br />

Entodon piovanoi Biz. ETH(715), TAN(46).<br />

Entodon pseudo-seductrix C.Müll. CAP(1296).<br />

Entodon rutenbergii Geh. MAD(40).<br />

Entodon stereophylloides Broth. TAN(46),<br />

UGA(715).<br />

Entodon <strong>sub</strong>compressus (C.Müll.) Fleisch., nom.<br />

nud. ETH(50), TAN(46).<br />

Entodon <strong>sub</strong>geminidens P.Varde CAR(47),<br />

CON(715).<br />

Entodon usambaricus Broth. KEN(46), TAN(46).<br />

Entodon vulcanicus Demar. & Leroy KEN(46),<br />

RWA(65), TAN(46), ZAI(65).<br />

Entodontella cameruniae Broth. CAM(47),<br />

GUI(47).<br />

Entodontopsis leucostega (Brid.) Buck & Ireland<br />

ANG(46), TOG(1878).<br />

Entodontopsis nitens (Mitt.) Buck ANG(46),<br />

CAM(47), CAR(47), COM(40), FER(47),<br />

GAB(47), GHA(47), GUI(47,1458),<br />

IVO(1458,1880), KEN(411), LIB(47), MAD(40),<br />

MAL(67), NIG(47,334), RWA(65), TAN(46),<br />

TOG(1878), UGA(46), ZAI(65), ZAM(62).<br />

Entodontopsis rhynchostegioides (Broth. & Par.)<br />

Buck & Ireland GUI(47).<br />

Entodontopsis rufescens (Broth.) Buck & Ireland<br />

TAN(46).<br />

Entodontopsis tenuinervis (Broth.) Buck & Ireland<br />

CAR(47), GHA(47), GUI(1458,47),<br />

MAD(40), MAL(67), NIG(334), SIL(47),<br />

ZAI(65).<br />

Entosthodon amblyodon Schimp. in Jaeg.<br />

ETH(50).<br />

Entosthodon bergianus (Hornsch.) C.Müll.<br />

CBS(1531), LES(1531), NAM(1531),<br />

NAT(1531), OFS(1531), TRV(1531).<br />

Entosthodon borbonicus Besch. MAD(40),<br />

MAU(105), REU(105), RWA(65).<br />

Entosthodon clavatus Mitt. CBS(1531).<br />

Entosthodon curvipes (C.Müll.) C.Müll. CAM(47),<br />

ETH(50).<br />

Entosthodon curvipes var. robustior C.Müll.<br />

ETH(50).<br />

Entosthodon dixonii Sim TRV(1531), ZIM(46,61).<br />

Entosthodon hildebrandtii C.Müll. KEN(46),<br />

TAN(46).<br />

Entosthodon holstii (Broth.) Par. TAN(46).<br />

Entosthodon lepervanchei Besch. REU(105).<br />

Entosthodon limbatus C.Müll. CBS(1531),<br />

NAT(1531), TAN(1410), TRV(1531), ZIM(61).<br />

Entosthodon marginatulus C.Müll. ex Geh.<br />

MAD(40).<br />

Entosthodon marginatus C.Müll. TAN(46),<br />

ZAM(46), ZIM(46).<br />

Entosthodon mauritianus Schimp. ex Besch.<br />

MAU(105).<br />

Entosthodon pertenellus (Broth.) Kis TAN(46).<br />

Entosthodon rottleri (Schwaegr.) C.Müll.<br />

CBS(1531), LES(1531), NAT(1531), OFS(1531),<br />

TAN(46), TRV(1531).<br />

Entosthodon urceolatus Mitt. CBS(1531),<br />

NAT(1531), OFS(1531), ZIM(61).<br />

Entosthodon usambaricus (Broth.) Par. TAN(46).<br />

Entosthodon volkensii (Broth.) Par. KEN(46),<br />

TAN(46), UGA(46), ZAI(65).<br />

Entosthodon wichurae Fleisch. UGA(46).<br />

Ephemerum capense C.Müll. CBS(1531).<br />

Ephemerum diversifolium Mitt. in Harv.<br />

CBS(1531).<br />

Ephemerum namaquense Magill CBS(1531).<br />

Ephemerum pechuelii C.Müll. CAR(47), NIG(334),<br />

ZAI(65).<br />

Ephemerum perminutum C.C.Townsend<br />

TAN(46).<br />

Ephemerum rehmannii (C.Müll.) Broth.<br />

CBS(1531), NAT(1531), OFS(1531), ZIM(46).<br />

Epipterygium convalleum Dus. CAM(47).<br />

Epipterygium diversifolium Ren. & Card.<br />

MAD(40).<br />

Epipterygium tozeri (Grev.) Lindb. RWA(65).<br />

Eriopus cristatus (Hedw.) Brid. = Calyptrochaeta<br />

cristata (See “New Combinations”).<br />

Erpodium beccarii C.Müll. ex Vent. BOT(1531),<br />

ERI(50), KEN(46), MAD(40), NAM(1531),<br />

NAT(1531), OFS(1531), SOM(50), TAN(46),<br />

TRV(1531), ZAM(46), ZIM(46,61).<br />

Erpodium biseriatum (Aust.) Aust. TAN(46).<br />

Erpodium coronatum (Hook. & Wils.) Mitt.<br />


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