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Trendguide reports up close and authentic about the most exciting and beautiful destinations, as well as focus topics from money to health. Practical to take away or online at Immediately have a look and be inspired.

vor 5 Jahren

Trendguide Regensburg Vol. 5

  • Text
  • Regensburg
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  • Regensburger
  • Ostbayern
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  • Marc
  • Cain
  • Goliath
  • Schreiner
  • Genuss

1 Bischofshof am Dom 6

1 Bischofshof am Dom 6 Schuhbeck’s Gewürze 11 Il Mercato 16 Markthalle 2 Hotel Goliath am Dom 7 Storstad 12 Balboa 17 Hotel Dock1 3 Hist. Wurstkuchl 8 Turmtheater 13 Hotel Orphée 18 Weichmanns 4 Hotel David a. d. Donau 9 Sticky Fingers 14 Gatsby Club 5 Chin-Chin Bar 10 Georgetanne 15 Meyer Lansky Arnulfsplatz Bismarckplatz HOTELS SPEISEN & GENUSS Haidplatz 13 5 18 11 12

Steinerne Brücke 4 Goldene-Bären-Straße 3 Donau Thundorferstraße Goliathstraße 6 2 Goliathstraße 8 7 Am Watmarkt 1 17 Dom St. Peter 9 16 Neupfarrplatz 10 14 15 Schwarze-Bären-Straße


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