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vor 1 Jahr

Tegernseer Tal & Tölzer Land No. 11

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„Natur dient als

„Natur dient als unerlässliche Inspirationsquelle für meine Malerei, in der die Grenzen zwischen Abstraktion und Wirklichkeit fließend sind“, so Gabriele Lockstädt, die in München studierte und bereits 1991 mit dem Debütantenpreis des Freistaates Bayern ausgezeichnet wurde. Zahlreiche Ausstellungen im In- und Ausland sowie renommierte Kunstpreise würdigen das langjährige Schaffen dieser Ausnahmekünstlerin. 30 Blue Planet, 50 cm x 100 cm

Artist Portrait Gabriele Lockstädt Master of the power of colour and complexity The opulent, large-scale pictorial worlds of the wellknown German painter fascinate with their suggestive power of colour, but also with their tense ambivalence. With playful ease, Gabriele Lockstedt combines sculptural, representational subjects and Arcadian landscapes with abstract forms. Her worldwide unique, masterly technique of multi-layered overpainting, together with a skilful use of light, creates works that at first glance appear representational, transporting us to fairytale forests and enchanting natural spaces. A second and third look at the colourful pictorial landscapes reveals much broader impressions and associations that touch on the existential questions of our time. Nature serves as an indispensable source of inspiration for my painting, in which the boundaries between abstraction and reality are fluid,” says Gabriele Lockstädt, who studied in Munich and was already awarded the Debutant Prize of the Free State of Bavaria in 1991. Numerous exhibitions at home and abroad as well as renowned art prizes honour the long-standing work of this exceptional artist. 31 • Contact: Rottach-Egern, Seestraße 17 Tel. +49 (0)8022 / 5870


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