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Tegernseer Tal & Tölzer Land No. 10

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Raps vor Ostsee,

Raps vor Ostsee, Linolschnitt 1999, WV 447, Blattgröße 38,5 x 47,5cm 22 ‚‚ Im Linolschnitt entdeckte ich eine Möglichkeit mich auszudrücken. Was ich fand, war die große Faszination des nochmaligen Überdruckens, der Reiz des Haptischen, der erst mit dem Drucken von zwei Linoleumplatten gelingt. Das Anmischen der Farben bleibt schwierig: 30 bis 40 verschiedene Abmischungen sind für ein Blatt nötig. In the linocut I discovered a way to express myself. What I found was the great fascination of overprinting again, the charm of the haptic, which succeeds only with the printing of two linoleum plates. Mixing the colors remains difficult: 30 to 40 different mixes are needed for one sheet. Klaus Fußmann

Artist Portrait Klaus Fußmann Master of the new Representationalism Klaus Fußmann is considered one of the great contemporary painters and graphic artists, who has been honored for his work with countless exhibitions at home and abroad as well as prestigious art awards. He is often called the most important German landscape and flower painter of our time. In his works, this extraordinary artist, who has devoted himself to representational painting since the beginning of his artistic career, shows the richness of colors and forms of nature and creation. In an inimitable, timelessly powerful style and bright colors, Klaus Fußmann presents us his works, which make still life, landscapes and flowers almost a sensual experience. Currently, his admirers are impressed by the colorful linocuts of the artist, which are presented in the gallery Hyna. The versatile artist Fußmann has rediscovered this old technique for himself. In bold colors, he creates richly colored surfaces that immerse us in exciting landscapes and impressive worlds of flowers and plants. Fußmann’s linocuts are characterized by a special aesthetic, the step to abstraction is not far here. His flower motifs, for example, dissolve into color structures that nevertheless reflect the typical shape of the individual plants with all their elements such as stems or stamens. Klaus Fußmann’s works are represented in many of the world’s major collections and museums. His work has been honored in exhibitions at home and abroad, including: Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin, Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt, Kunsthalle Emden, Kunsthalle Bremen, Museum am Ostwall in Dortmund, Stiftung Schleswig- Holsteinische Landesmuseen Schloss Gottorf, Freie Akademie der Künste Hamburg, Museum Modern Art Frankfurt. Pinakothek of the Modern Art, Munich. Short biography • Born 1938 in Velber/Rhineland • 1957– 61 studies at the Folkwang School, Essen • 1962– 66 Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts, Berlin • 1974 Professor at the Academy of Arts, Berlin • 1989 Member of the Free Academy, Hamburg • Lives and works since 1972 in Gelting on the Baltic Sea and in Berlin 23 • Contact: Seestraße 7, Rottach-Egern Tel. +49 (0)8022 / 5870 +49 (0)171/ 3229194


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