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MAY 2022. Blues Vol 38 No. 5

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MAY 2022. Blues Vol 38 No. 5 FEATURES 38 TPCA Conference VENDOR RECAP 44 Vote Dora Out 46 Race for Harris County Judge - Forum Questions 56 Remembering Those We’ve Lost to LOD Deaths 58 COVER STORY - National Police Week DEPARTMENTS 8 Publisher’s Thoughts 10 Editor’s Thoughts 12 Guest Commentary 14 News Around the US 46 Technology - Tango, Tango 48 Shopping - C&G Wholesale 86 War Stories 88 Aftermath 90 Open Road 94 Healing Our Heroes 98 Daryl’s Deliberations 100 HPOU - From the President, Douglas Griffith 102 Light Bulb Award - UT Professor Barbara Laubenthal 104 Running 4 Heroes 106 Blue Mental Health with Dr. Tina Jaeckle 108 Off Duty - Fishing with Rusty Barron 110 Ads Back in the Day 114 Parting Shots 116 Now Hiring - L.E.O. Positions Open in Texas 146 Back Page


ALEXANDRA “ALEX” DEL MORAL MEALER VIDAL MARTINEZ Questions for Candidates in the Republican run-off race for Harris County Judge. Questions for Candidates in the Republican run-off race for Harris County Judge. 1. IF ELECTED TO THE OFFICE OF COUNTY JUDGE OF HARRIS COUNTY, WHAT WOULD BE YOUR HIGHEST PRIORITY? Fully funding and resourcing our law enforcement partners at both the Sheriff’s, Constable’s, and District Attorney’s Offices. Restoring funding that has been taken away and ensuring that the agencies have both the equipment and manpower they need to tackle rising crime in our County. Additionally, I will work with the District Attorney on prioritizing the most dangerous offenders for prosecution to being clearing both the backlog of cases and the offenders off our streets. 2. CRIME IN HARRIS COUNTY IS OUT OF CONTROL. IN 2021 HOUSTON REPORTED 469 DEATHS OVER A 12- MONTH PERIOD, ONE OF THE WORST RATES IN OVER THREE DECADES. AS COUNTY JUDGE, WHAT WOULD YOU DO TO LOWER CRIME IN HARRIS COUNTY? I would work with the Constable’s and Sheriff’s to implement a proven approach of law and order. That means increasing proactive patrols and ensuring that we have the manpower to answer calls for service as well as follow-up and actually investigate crimes that occur rather than just taking reports. Before 2019 we had a system that worked and we were one of the safest major counties in the country but since we decided to implement the ODonnell Consent Decree we have lost the ability to interrupt the crime cycle leading to our District Attorney’s Office being overwhelmed stopping their ability to prosecute the lower end crimes that give room to the feel of lawlessness in our County. 3. THE NATIONAL RATE OF SWORN OFFI- CERS PER 1000 INHABITANTS IS 2.4. IN HAR- RIS COUNTY THAT NUMBER IS MORE LIKE .4 PER 1000 IN UNINCORPORATED HARRIS COUNTY. IF ELECTED, WHAT WOULD YOU DO TO CORRECT THE SHORTAGE OF PATROL DEPUTIES ON HARRIS COUNTY STREETS? The first step we would have to take is a look at why we have lost so many officers. That primarily lies in the lower salaries at counties agencies compared to the Houston Police Department or DPS and high retirement rates of officers from those agencies combined with a social climate where many are choosing to work in safe careers. Since Lina Hidalgo came into office in 2019 we have had 14 Line of Duty Deaths in Harris County. In the previous decade there were only four. The increasing danger that comes from a lack of institutional support combined with the lack of social and media support for our Officers has severely harmed recruiting prospects with excellent candidates choosing more prestigious or higher paying departments. Increasing the number of boots on the ground in patrol, investigations, and corrections jailers and deputies will be a priority for the safety of the public and our Officers. 1. IF ELECTED TO THE OFFICE OF COUNTY JUDGE OF HARRIS COUNTY, WHAT WOULD BE YOUR HIGHEST PRIORITY? On day #1 as Harris County Judge, I will execute the following actions: 1. Fully Fund Law Enforcement 2. Give Raises to Our Officers to Make Pay Competitive & Attractive 3. Ask Law Enforcement to Provide an Innovative Plan to Attack Crime & Fund the Plan 4. Stop the Deadly Bail Bond Reform Scheme that Puts Killers on Our Streets 5. Hire More Criminal Prosecutors to Clear the 135-Thousand Case Backlog 6. Stop Harris County from Being a Sanctuary County 7. Launch a Recruitment Campaign to Hire the Best and Brightest Officers 8. Launch an Education Campaign to Improve Safety for Officers: The Truth about the Blue 9. Expedite All Designated Flood Control Projects. 10. Cancel Hidalgo’s Corrupt Lawsuit Against the I-45 Expansion 11. Fire the County Administrator Because That’s What the Judge Is Paid to Do 12. Fire the Incompetent Elections Administrators Hired by Liberals & Restore Election Integrity. 13. Announce Operation Freedom & My Official Policy Will Be Oppose Lock-downs, Mask Mandates and Vaccine Mandates 14. Announce My Plan to Lower the Outrageous Property Taxes Lastly, I will fire the expensive security firm hired by corrupt, Lock-down Lina and bring in our county’s finest to provide my security, if any, because there is no one else I would want with me than our county law enforcement. 2. CRIME IN HARRIS COUNTY IS OUT OF CONTROL. IN 2021 HOUSTON REPORTED 469 DEATHS OVER A 12- MONTH PERIOD, ONE OF THE WORST RATES IN OVER THREE DE- CADES. AS COUNTY JUDGE, WHAT WOULD YOU DO TO LOWER CRIME IN HARRIS COUN- TY? It is unacceptable that Houston has become the murder capital of the nation. It makes me sick. As discussed in question #1, I will immediately move to reverse Lina Hidalgo’s bail bond reform scheme and keep dangerous criminals off our streets. I will also immediately fully fund law enforcement. Currently, 82% of Harris County law enforcement budget requests have not been met. I will remedy this problem. I know the hands of law enforcement have been tied. You know what you need to tackle crime. I will ask for innovative solutions to tell me how we CONTINUED ON PAGE 52 CONTINUED ON PAGE 54 50 The BLUES POLICE MAGAZINE The BLUES POLICE MAGAZINE 51 50 The BLUES POLICE MAGAZINE The BLUES POLICE MAGAZINE 51

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