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JUNE 2022. Blues Vol 38 No. 6.1

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JUNE 2022. Blues Vol 38 No. 6.1 FEATURES 26 We Will Never Forget the 21 Lives Lost in Uvalde 30 INSERT: Texas School District Chief’s Conference 46 INSERT: Visit Galveston Island this Summer 52 COVER STORY Remembering Deputy Adam Howard 58 COVER STORY - 100 Club of Houston Awards Banquet DEPARTMENTS 6 Publisher’s Thoughts 8 Editor’s Thoughts 10 Guest Commentary 12 Letters 14 News Around the US 78 Remembering Our Fallen Heroes 82 War Stories 84 Aftermath 86 Open Road 90 Healing Our Heroes 92 Daryl’s Deliberations 94 HPOU - From the President, Douglas Griffith 96 Light Bulb Award - May Dora’s Wish Come True 98 Running 4 Heroes 100 Blue Mental Health with Dr. Tina Jaeckle 102 Ads Back in the Day 106 Parting Shots 108 Now Hiring - L.E.O. Positions Open in Texas 142 Back Page


FROM THE PUBLISHER’S DESK Two Covers for June Honor the Fallen & Celebrate the Heroes. This month, we chose to do something we rarely do. Have two different covers for our June 2022 issue. We had already elected to feature the 100 Club of Houston Award Recipients on the cover, when our brother in Blue, Harris County Deputy Howard was tragically killed in a traffic accident. Please join me in celebrating our 100 Club Heroes and our fallen brother Deputy Robert Adam Howard. HARRIS COUNTY SHER- IFF’S DEPUTY ROBERT ADAM HOWARD Our brothers and sisters in Blue are still in shock after the horrific accident that claimed the life of Harris County Deputy Robert Adam Howard on Wednesday, May 11th. Howard, a member of the SO’s gang unit, was reportedly transporting evidence when his marked vehicle slammed into the back of a tractor-trailer that was parked on the left shoulder of the Tomball parkway near Spring-Cypress Road. Images from the crash showed Howard’s patrol vehicle split in two, with the left half crumpled behind the 18-wheeler, and the other half on the outside lane of the freeway. The images were so horrific, it made us all stop and realize how fragile life really is. “We’re devastated that we’re losing such a great teammate described as a workhorse, having a great personality, funny, and just outgoing,” said Sheriff Ed Gonzalez, according to local TV station ABC 13. “We have a lot of heavy hearts here.” The 27-year-old was remembered by his peers as being a determined leader in his unit, with one co-worker describing his work ethic as being: “The first one in the door … and the last one to leave at the end of the night.” Howard’s partner, Deputy Raymond Garivey, told reporters how fortunate he felt to have had him not only as a partner, but a best friend. “Just a phenomenal person. You know when we prayed together with the crew, you know, we had to thank the Lord for allowing us into his life. He was just one of those type of people,” said Garivey, who worked alongside Howard for the past three years and had, by his own admission, only made it out of some tough situations because of his partner. “My little protector,” Garivey said of his 6ft 5in partner. MICHAEL BARRON “I’ve had some terrible scenes where if it wasn’t for Howard, I wouldn’t be home with my kids.” Beginning on Page 52 we honor Deputy Howard with images from his funeral and memorial service. Our hearts go out to his wife, his family and all his brothers and sisters in Blue. 68TH ANNUAL 100 CLUB AWARDS BANQUET – CELE- BRATING OUR HEROES For 68 years, not counting the two missed due to COVID, the 100 Club of Houston has held an annual awards banquet to honor heroes from Houston area law enforcement and fire departments. These fine men and women are the best of the best. They’ve gone beyond the call of duty and showed us all of what true heroes are made of. 100 Club Executive Director William Skeen has these remarks about the upcoming awards banquet: “As we proudly honor this year’s award recipients, I am once again humbled. Not only by the tremendous selflessness, commitment, and bravery of all our officers and firefighters, but also by the support of our exceptionally generous 100 Club members.” “I am humbled by the extraordinary responsibility of representing an organization that boasts almost 30,000 members. And I am energized daily by our mission to make a positive impact in the lives of dependents who have lost a loved one, provider, and family member. So let me be the first to congratulate our 35 Heroes Awards Recipients for 2022. It is truly well-earned recognition for a job well done.” “And since we were not able to have our annual in-person banquet the last two years because of the Covid pandemic, we invited the 2020 and 2021 Heroes Award Recipients from those two years, to be in attendance at this year’s banquet as well. I also wish to sincerely thank any and all who helped make these awards possible, as well as our members for your ongoing support. And as always, I thank you, our heroes, for all that you do every day.” Congratulations to all the Recipients. You can read more about their individual stories beginning on page 58 LAST MINUTE ADD: TWO LOSERS, ONE PRESIDENT As if loosing 19 children and 2 teachers isn’t bad enough, we have two lowlife, scum bag politicians that use this horrible shooting as a bully pulpit to further their anti-gun sentiment. One of which I’m sad to say is supposed to be our commander in chief. As President, Biden is supposed to lead us in times of trouble. When bad things happen to good, people he’s the guy who extends his arms and wraps us around the idea that if we stick together, we can fight evil and win. NOPE, not this piece of crap. He addresses the nation and for about 90 seconds, he acts like the fatherly figure, expressing how it feels to lose a child. He knows fist hand what that’s like. But rather than continue to be the loving father figure saying it will be OK, he’s gets angry and starts blaming, you guessed it, guns. And gun lobbyist. Trying to use every word his poor feeble mind can read off the teleprompter to blame someone for 21 people dying. He couldn’t even wait until they are buried. He had to seize the moment to further his party’s agenda to push gun control. That’s just disgusting even for Biden. And speak of disgusting, there’s another pig in the spotlight and many of you no doubt witnessed it live. Lowlife shit head Beto O’Rourke interrupts a press conference where the governor is trying his best to hold it together and starts yelling “those 19 deaths are on you governor.” Another left-wing nut job that wants to take ALL our guns away. The one positive thing to come out of that presser was Beto pretty much torpedoed his chances of getting elected in Texas. 6 The BLUES POLICE MAGAZINE The BLUES POLICE MAGAZINE 7

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