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JUNE 2022. Blues Vol 38 No. 6.1

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JUNE 2022. Blues Vol 38 No. 6.1 FEATURES 26 We Will Never Forget the 21 Lives Lost in Uvalde 30 INSERT: Texas School District Chief’s Conference 46 INSERT: Visit Galveston Island this Summer 52 COVER STORY Remembering Deputy Adam Howard 58 COVER STORY - 100 Club of Houston Awards Banquet DEPARTMENTS 6 Publisher’s Thoughts 8 Editor’s Thoughts 10 Guest Commentary 12 Letters 14 News Around the US 78 Remembering Our Fallen Heroes 82 War Stories 84 Aftermath 86 Open Road 90 Healing Our Heroes 92 Daryl’s Deliberations 94 HPOU - From the President, Douglas Griffith 96 Light Bulb Award - May Dora’s Wish Come True 98 Running 4 Heroes 100 Blue Mental Health with Dr. Tina Jaeckle 102 Ads Back in the Day 106 Parting Shots 108 Now Hiring - L.E.O. Positions Open in Texas 142 Back Page

By Michael Barron

By Michael Barron MASSACRE IN UVALDE – KIDS SLAUGHTERED IN UVALDE- All hyped up headlines by the main steam media. Truth is the media doesn’t care about the kids, they want the scoop, the ratings, the sound bites, some morsel their competitor doesn’t have. And get that live as quick as possible. Whether it’s factual isn’t even required. Just that someone on the scene said it is good enough to go with. Remember, the news media hates cops. They will look for every reason in the world to second guess you, judge you, question your every move, and then crucify you at every turn. The news media is not our friends. Remember that. I said all that to say this. The most important thing to know about this shooting in Uvalde is that 19 precious children lost their lives. Two caring, loving teachers also lost their lives protecting those children. That’s what really matters today. Hell, the crime scene hadn’t been cleared, nor had the ME even arrived to process the victims when EVERYONE started second guessing the responding officers and why they did what they did. For God sakes, let’s at least grieve before we cast judgment. As we go to press with this issue, it’s been a week since this tragedy took place. The timeline and narrative have changed multiple times. If in fact after all investigations are complete and it turns out the incident commander, who appeared to be ISD Police Chief Pete Arredonda, did in fact order everyone to stand down while they waited on backup, then he was wrong and he should be terminated. The rules since Columbine have changed and we all have been trained to charge the shooter even if its just you by yourself. That’s the deal. I can understand the general public criticizing the actions of the officers on scene that day, because they have no idea what it’s like to have bullets flying past your head. It’s easy to Monday morning quarterback when you’ve never been in combat. But what I can’t fathom is all the cops, both active and retired, lashing out on social media. “Why didn’t they do charge the guy? Why didn’t the breakout the windows, create a diversion and have someone take him out? Why did it take so long to get a key? Who the fuck needs a key? We kick doors all the time, you mean you guys couldn’t kick this door. Why did you even let him get inside the school?” Blah, Blah Blah. Not saying these aren’t valid questions, but the truth is, we weren’t there. Bullets aren’t flying as you read this now. In the heat of battle, you instantly do what you’ve been trained to do. You act. You don’t sit and plan, you implement what you been trained to do with an active shooter. If you haven’t been to a ALERRT class, then you need to take it this summer. You need to know what to do, how to do it and when. It may only be YOU that arrives first. It may just be you that has to take the guy out. You need to have a plan in your head and be prepared to execute it. Period. If have any second thoughts about being ‘that’ officer that has to face death head on and save innocent lives, you need to reevaluate your career as a cop and find another line of work. Because in today’s world, that’s the job. You run towards danger, while getting everyone else out of harm’s way. In the days, weeks and months to come. We will learn what really happened on May 24th, at Robb Elementary School, in Uvalde Texas. We will know what actions responding officers took, and what could have been done to save those 21 lives. Changes will be made. Some officers may be fired. Others, hopefully everyone involved, will be retrained to better handle active shooter’s and save more lives in the future. In the meantime, we need to rally around the entire town of Uvalde. Wrap our arms around the families who lost their baby girls and precious little boys. Pray for the officers that had to make split second decisions and live with the outcome for the rest of their lives. Pray for the person that left a door unlocked that will forever blame themselves for this horrible event. Pray for the officers that had to process the scene and carry those lifeless little bodies out of the building. Pray for all the first responders, medical staff, doctors and nurses, that tried their best to save as many lives as possible. And finally pray for those hospitalized fighting for their lives and God forbid they don’t join the other 21 in heaven. 28 The BLUES POLICE MAGAZINE The BLUES POLICE MAGAZINE 29

The BLUES - Digital Issues 2020-2023

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