3 years ago

JULY 2021 Blues Vol 37 No. 7

  • Text
  • Provaznik
  • Applicant
  • Applicants
  • Academy
  • Retirement
  • Langley
  • Salary
  • Wardens
  • Enforcement
  • Blues
• Lone Star Law's - Game Warden Jennifer Provaznik • The History of Game Wardens in Texas • July 4th Warstories • Outdoors with Rusty Barron • Healing our Heroes with Retired NYPD Detective John Salerno • Daryl Lott talks about Janus of Rome • Dr. Tina Jaeckle talks with One Tribe Foundation CEO Jacob Schick • HPOU President Douglas Griffith talks about public's attitude toward officers

NBC’s Lester Holt

NBC’s Lester Holt Fails to tell the entire truth, so help him God! With regards to this months “Lightbulb Award” Mr. Lester Holt wins! If you’re not familiar with NBC’s Nightly News, Mr. Holt is the host, or anchor, of the nearly half a century old show. There’s a section of the show entitled “Truth Be Told” in which, I will certainly concede, Mr. Holt and the Nightly News staff, do in fact present the truth. However, the problem is they do not include the whole truth! You can tell a part of a story and well, leave it at that, right? But then, at the end of the story, you’re wondering, where’s the whole story? Where are the key, critical, fair, and impartial facts which are pertinent to telling the whole truth? ESPE- CIALLY when it comes to speaking with regards to America’s men and women in law enforcement. In recent years, men and women in law enforcement have come under intense scrutiny for the media and the public. And I’ll certainly concede rightfully so. However, NOT SO FAST, Mr. Holt and Co. You’re only speaking to specific incidents and circumstances which DO NOT, and I mean ABSOLUTELY DO NOT fairly or accurately represent the entire profession of law enforcement. Yes, there have been some officers who have crossed the line and done wrong. That has been clearly seen, brought to light and dealt with. And yet, for some unknown reason, the many law enforcement officers who every single day, go out and give everything they’ve got, some even losing their lives, rarely if ever, are mentioned on NBC’s Nightly News or referenced by Mr. Holt and his staff. “Why?” some would ask. Like I said, Mr. Holt hasn’t lied to the American people. He has in fact, told the truth in his Truth Be Told section. Unfortunately, he has NOT told the WHOLE TRUTH. For you see, in the same time frame of the critical series of stories with regards to America’s law enforcement officers, Mr. Holt has declined to tell the WHOLE STORY. In that same time frame, hundreds of law enforcement officers have lost their lives, in the line of duty. HUNDREDS. Many more, have been grievously assaulted, injured and maimed. Many a widow, mother, father, daughter, son, brother, and sister have grieved and endured the loss of a loved one who, proudly, honorably and with distinguished service, lost their lives, in the service of the communities where they so gallantly served. I understand, the WHOLE TRUTH doesn’t always “sell.” At the same time, I would imagine from all I have studied of men such as the late, Mr. Walter Cronkite, they would tremble and shake with furious anger where the WHOLE TRUTH had NOT been told. Such men arguably were not always liked for their reporting. However, one thing they did have going for them was this, no one doubted their word because, they knew no matter what, they were going to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help them by God!! Today’s newscasters and producers…NOT SO MUCH. Oh, they’ll tell a part of or a portion of the truth. The segment they want you to know about and then, they’ll sacrifice the remaining facts of the story. No matter who it hurts or how misinformed viewers will be, at the end of their presentation. In closing, I would challenge Mr. Holt to a bit of the Telling of the Truth. Tell the WHOLE story!! Not just whatever happens to fit anyone’s narrative. The truth demands to be told. To restrain the truth is to deny justice to all those who seek and deserve to know the truth. 84 The BLUES POLICE MAGAZINE The BLUES POLICE MAGAZINE 85

The BLUES - Digital Issues 2020-2023

Provaznik Applicant Applicants Academy Retirement Langley Salary Wardens Enforcement Blues


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