3 years ago

JULY 2021 Blues Vol 37 No. 7

  • Text
  • Provaznik
  • Applicant
  • Applicants
  • Academy
  • Retirement
  • Langley
  • Salary
  • Wardens
  • Enforcement
  • Blues
• Lone Star Law's - Game Warden Jennifer Provaznik • The History of Game Wardens in Texas • July 4th Warstories • Outdoors with Rusty Barron • Healing our Heroes with Retired NYPD Detective John Salerno • Daryl Lott talks about Janus of Rome • Dr. Tina Jaeckle talks with One Tribe Foundation CEO Jacob Schick • HPOU President Douglas Griffith talks about public's attitude toward officers


JULY 2021 FEATURES 46 JENNIFER PROVAZNIK, GAME WARDEN & TV STAR 52 TEXAS GAME WARDENS - OFF THE PAVEMENT. FROM THE FRONTIER TO THE FRONT LINE 68 50TH ANNIVERSARY VIDEO 70 HOW TO BECOME A GAME WARDEN OUR TEAM OUR CONTRIBUTORS On the Cover Jennifer Provaznik is a Texas Game Warden, one of the stars of ‘Lone Star Law” and one tough cop. The BLUES rides along with Provaznik as she recounts how she got here and why she loves being a Game Warden. 42 44 DEPARTMENTS 4 Publisher’s Thoughts 6 Editor’s Thoughts 10 Guest Editorial - Line of Duty Injuries 12 Your Thoughts 14 News Around the State 24 News Around the Country 74 Island Time - Galveston 80 Healing our Heroes - John Salerno, Sam Horwitz 84 Light Bulb Award 86 Blue Mental Health with Dr. Tina Jaeckle 88 HPOU - A Message from Douglas Griffith 90 Running 4 Heroes 92 Remembering My Hero 96 Honoring our Fallen Heroes 102 Outdoors with Rusty Barron 104 Marketplace - Discounts for LEOs 110 Parting Shots 112 Now Hiring - L.E.O. Positions Open in Texas 82 86 MICHAEL BARRON founder & publisher MICHAEL BARRON editor-n-chief REX EVANS contributing editor DIANE TRYKOWSKI creative editor RUSTY BARRON outdoor editor TINA JAECKLE contributing editor DARYL LOTT contributing editor SAM HORWITZ & JOHN SALERNO contributing editors DOUGLAS GRIFFITH HPOU contributing editor JANICE VANZURA sales mgr / austin CHRISTINA FRASER sales mgr / national contributing writer / light bulb T. EDISON contributing writer RICHARD SANDOMIR contributing writer AMY FORLITI contributing writer SUZIE ZIEGLER contributing writer TERRY SPENCER contributing writer ROSS BYNUM contributing writer KARI HOLLOWAY contributing writer STEVE KARNOWSKI contributing writer / COPS DON EGDORF PHOTOGRAPHY MICHAEL BARRON cover 78 DARYL’S DELIBERATIONS by DARYL LOTT BLUE MENTAL HEALTH by TINA JAECKLE The BLUES Police Magazine is published monthly by Kress-Barr, LLC, P.O. Box 2733, League City Texas 77574. The opinions expressed in articles, op-eds and editorials are those of each individual author and do not reflect the opinion of The BLUES or its parent company. Rebuttals or submission of news articles and editorials may be submitted to: The BLUES Police Magazine - The entire contents of The BLUES is copyrighted© and may not be reproduced or reprinted without the express permission of the publisher. The BLUES logo is a Trademark of Kress-Barr, LLC. 2 The BLUES POLICE MAGAZINE The BLUES POLICE MAGAZINE 3

The BLUES - Digital Issues 2020-2023

Provaznik Applicant Applicants Academy Retirement Langley Salary Wardens Enforcement Blues


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