4 years ago

January 2020 Blues Vol 36 No 1

The BLUES Police Newspaper celebrates 35yrs. of service to Law Enforcement

0,000 ..what it

0,000 ..what it won’t get you. There’s some things, you cannot comprehend or even appreciate. put a price on. For example, My message to every Peace Offi- 0,000 won’t buy my integrity. cer out there who reads this post, 0,000 won’t buy my honor. do not let the indignant, repugnant, 0,000 won’t buy my dedication cruel, and ruthless lack of support to Duty. 0,000 won’t buy commitment from someone wearing a robe, sit- to the Oath I raised my ting in a courtroom playing “Judge”, right hand and swore to all those dissuade you from doing your job years ago. and doing it well. Do not let such Last Week, a Judge in Harris atrocities preclude you from going me apart. Who am I to survive and County set the indignant bond out and doing what we always do. they did not? amount of 0,000 for a multitime Stand in the darkness and bring the So with that pain, I decide I will offender (who’s name I will light. That’s what we do. We always go out on my next shift and do the not repeat), who was currently have and, I’ve no doubt, we always absolute best I can do. I will help all out on multiple bonds for criminal will. those I can help, save all those I can offenses AND had a current warrant My message to the family, friends, save, and I will do whatever else I out for his arrest. loved ones of Sgt. Kaila Sullivan, have to do, not for me but, for them, Sgt. Kaila Sullivan attempted to first and foremost, I am sorry. I am for those who we’ve lost and their bring this offender into custody, sorry for the terrible and tragic loss loved ones. If they can give their life but he chose otherwise. Instead of of such a bright, beautiful soul. for the same thing you and I (we) complying, instead of stepping up Secondly, I am so sorry our Judicial stand for, then who am I not to continue and being a man and answering System (or lack thereof) has failed taking that same stand until I for the crimes he’s committed, he you. Not only has it failed you, not fall or cannot do this job anymore. fought with Sgt. Sullivan and then only has the Judge and District Attorney While my mind and my heart are ran over her, and left her laid upon failed you, but they’ve placed fueled with much disappointment, the ground, killing her. an undue, unfair, and cruel form of grief, sorrow, and anger...I temper My message to the Judge, the torture upon you all without cause. those emotions with respect, Harris County District Attorney, and For all of these things, I am eternally humility, grace, love and admiration anyone else who had a part in this heartbroken. for men like Sgt. Brewster with the indignant abomination of Justice, If that’s not enough for you, Houston Police Department, and for you should be absolutely ashamed please understand this; women like Sgt. Kaila Sullivan of of yourselves. Though, I know you I can’t even remember every the Nassau Bay Police Department. are not. My years in this profession single Law Enforcement Officer’s Thus, what choice are you and I left have enlightened me to many a cruel Funeral I have attended over the with? truth. You care not about those of last nearly 30 years. I can’t. There None. We lace up our boots, put us out here who stand between you have been too many. That being on our gear, and we go right back and the wolves, who wish nothing said, I do remember and know this out there where we continue to more than to tear apart what few fact...Every single one of them was perform with stellar tenacity for decent parts of society remain. a better cop, better husband, wife, those whom we serve. Yet, when the wolves reach your mother, father, son, daughter, relative, I for one, cannot think of, and courtroom, I and those like me shall friend, and human being than know of no better way to show step between you and the wolves, I have ever been in my entire life. and pay my respect to those whom even if it costs us our lives. Something, Now they are gone and for whatever we’ve lost... which I am quite sure this the reason, even after being shot And that my friends, no 0,000 Judge and those responsible for this in the line of duty myself, I am still bond can ever take away from me... indignant travesty, could never truly here. Some nights, the guilt tears It’s called Integrity. 8 The BLUES POLICE MAGAZINE The BLUES POLICE MAGAZINE 9

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