4 years ago

January 2020 Blues Vol 36 No 1

The BLUES Police Newspaper celebrates 35yrs. of service to Law Enforcement


FREEPORT OFFICER #758 ABIGAIL ARIAS As I sit here alone, in the quiet night, the gentle breeze from the spinning ceiling fan flows around me. The small fire in the fireplace quietly dwindling down for the night. My mind races at the speed of light and any semblance of peace, escapes me. For so many of us, we prayed for her, pulled for her, and we all collectively hoped she’d won her tumultuous fight with the bad guys. Her sharp looking uniform, pretty pink boots, and shiny Freeport Police Chief’s badge were ever present, giving her a sense of pride, honor, and dedication to continue her life, to continue her fight. How amazing, how profound is it, that one very special little girl could touch the lives and the hearts of hundreds of thousands of people from all walks of life? From all across this country, this continent, and the world, she reminded us all that life may be fragile, fractured, and tempered. Yet, she clearly demonstrated for us that life is beautiful, captivating, and rich with laughter and love. I honestly, can still hear her tiny boots clip clopping across the floor, and her simple, captivating, giggling, and beautiful bright smile. She brought life and light into every room she ever entered. Equally, I recall the last day, very recently, I was able to see and spend time with her. Very little laughter. No running about. And yet, through her tired eyes, while gently holding her hand, we spoke of silly things like cookies and the Cookie Monster. She was truly the absolute bravest, most honest, and sincere human being I have ever met. She was, in my belief, an Angel who graced us all with a fleeting moment in time. Much like a shooting star across the night sky, she filled our eyes and our hearts with bewilderment at her light. Though she may not be physically right here now, I have no doubt that forevermore her light shall remain here among us all. A testament to a life lived with absolute meaning. Though I’m grieving, I am grateful. I’m grateful for my time with Abigail, her family and friends. I am grateful, no more pain, shall she ever feel. And, I am grateful the bad guys she so valiantly fought against, have finally lost. For their fight was never one for them to win. How could they have ever won, really? Nothing so vile and evil as cancer can ever truly win a fight against someone so special, so graceful, and so amazing as Abigail. She’s free from the fight now. Having won, she’s right back where she came to us from, in Heaven above with our Father and Son. I can only pray that one day I too can be there with her, and one more time hear her boots running across the floor, her silly little giggle, and of course, continue our great debate over our favorite cookie and just how many cookies can the Cookie Monster really eat at one time, anyways?! THOUGHTS BY REX EVANS EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, BLUES 40 The BLUES POLICE MAGAZINE The BLUES POLICE MAGAZINE 41

The BLUES - Digital Issues 2020-2023

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