4 years ago

January 2020 Blues Vol 36 No 1

The BLUES Police Newspaper celebrates 35yrs. of service to Law Enforcement


HARRIS COUNTY DEPUTY SANDEEP DHALIWAL By now, I am sure most of you have seen the many images, watched all the videos and listened to all the words, spoken yesterday. By now, I am sure most of you have watched the Missing Man formation, with the loud roar of the helicopter rotors. Or, maybe it was the thunderous sound of the 21 Gun Salute which still echoes in your ears. By now, I am sure most of you heard Amazing Grace on the bagpipes or the lonesome sound of TAPS being echoed by the Buglers. Maybe the last call over the radio of “45A14” which touched your heart. So much noise can be heard at stoic and somber events, such as yesterday’s Memorial Service for HCSO Deputy Sheriff, Sandeep Dhaliwal. Rightfully so, for there were thousands of people in attendance to show their respects to this amazing man. From as far away as Scotland Yard, over to Canada and, every state or every major city in the United States, Chicago, L.A., NYPD, and Miami-Metro. You name the major city, they were in attendance, paying their respects and honoring a man who was to most of us, an absolute hero. A man of integrity and certainly the kind of human being we should all aspire to be. And yet for me, I wish to con- vey to you all, in one final post, none of those things were or are ever what really finds its way to my broken heart... For me, it is the quietest of moments which grip me. Those moments where one can actually hear the warm breeze that softly touches your face. You can actually hear the flags moving about as that same breeze gently moves them from side to side. While inside the service itself, when everyone is seated and the room is completely silent, I could hear each and every step of the Honor Guard as they marched down the aisle. Like always, the HCSO Honor Guard performed flawlessly. Sharp. Squared away. Respectful...and above all, demonstrating that their Honor Guard is known as one of the finest in the nation for a reason. Every turn of every page by Chaplain Shannon W. Bowdoin, I could clearly hear his words resonating throughout the room. Yet, I will tell you all, what most could not hear, was how much his heart was breaking too. I was close enough, I certainly could. I could hear the tears streaming down the faces of the HCSO Chaplaincy and Community Outreach units in what few moments of stillness they had, as they embraced each other for comfort during such a difficult time. Self evident proof, such profound loss deeply affects so many. Many of us in uniform at times never even spoke. We simply looked at one another, and without a word being spoken, we spoke volumes to one another. We comforted and supported each other. As I watched each group of these amazing men and women close ranks through the stillness and quiet of the moment, I hoped and I prayed, Sandi was somehow watching. For he would have been immensely humbled by yesterday’s Memorial Service, no doubt. Finally, speaking from the personal experience of performing such a Duty several times, the moment Sheriff Ed Gonzalez stood up, immediately following his delivery of the American Flag to Deputy Dhaliwal’s Widow, his final salute to her, to the family... that moment of silence, for me....still hurts my heart. As I am sure it does his and every other Commanding Officer who has had to do the same. You see, all the loudest of moments, they can be powerful. This is true enough. However, if you’re listening, the quietest, the stillest, the most unassuming, yet humbling of moments, remind me of the heart of the man himself. For Sandi was truly a man whose heart beat with a calm stillness and with an abundance of respect, love, and peace for all those whom he met... THOUGHTS BY REX EVANS EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, BLUES 38 The BLUES POLICE MAGAZINE The BLUES POLICE MAGAZINE 39

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