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TrendYourBrand by mbw (EN)

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About Us: MBW and TrendYourBrand Industry Focus: Promotional gifts for various target audiences Support: Dedicated consultation for hotels, insurance, banks, and more Our Products: Plush Toys: High-quality, affectionate gifts Diverse selection for different target groups Personalization options for maximum impact Toys: Creative, safe toys for various age groups Innovative design and high quality Branding options for sustainable brand presence More Than Just Toys: Comprehensive range for hotels, insurance, banks, and more Wide range of promotional products for various needs Flexibility in adapting to individual customer requirements Our Strengths: Quality Control: Strict adherence to safety guidelines and laws Regular quality checks by renowned institutes Ensuring the highest standards from production to shipping Versatile Customization: Personalization of products for maximum impact Consideration of individual customer preferences Creative solutions for different industries and target audiences Dedicated Support: Customized consultation for optimal product selection Assistance in developing tailored solutions Reliable partner for long-term business relationships References: Our satisfied customers in hotels, insurance, banks, and other industries. Success stories and positive feedback. Trusted partner for high-quality promotional gifts. Contact: Contact person for dealers and business partners. Contact information for inquiries and orders. We look forward to assisting you! Conclusion: Thank you for your interest in MBW and TrendYourBrand. We are your reliable partner for high-quality promotional gifts that perfectly fit various target audiences. Contact us for more information and personalized consultation. We look forward to collaborating with you!


CREATING EMOTION, BOOSTING BRANDS. THE POWER OF OUR SYMPATHETIC PRODUCTS. Warum sollten Sie in Zeiten knapper Budgets und der stetig wachsenden Digitalisierung noch auf haptische Werbe- und Geschenkartikel setzen? Weil sie wirken! In times of limited budgets and constantly growing digitalization, why should you still rely on haptic promotional gifts? Because they work! 4

Werbeartikel bleiben oft über mehrere Jahre im Besitz und tragen so dazu bei, die Werbebotschaft kontinuierlich über einen langen Zeitraum zu transportieren. Die bemerkenswert hohe Kontaktchance von Werbeartikeln führt zu den besten Erinnerungswerten unter allen Werbeformen. Promotional products often remain in people’s possession for years and thus contribute towards the advertising message being conveyed continually over a long period of time. The remarkably high contact chances that promotional products offer allows them to achieve the best recall rates among all forms of advertising. 76 % 93 % der Empfänger freuen sich immer über Werbeartikel. of the recipients are always happy to receive promotional items. der Empfänger nutzen die Werbeartikel. of the recipients use the promotional items. 98 % 70 % der Befragten besitzen Werbeartikel of respondents own promotional products. der Beschenkten erinnern sich an das schenkende Unternehmen! of the recipients remember the gift-giving company! 62 % der Werbeartikel bleiben länger als ein Jahr im Besitz des Empfängers. Bei unseren Produkten dürfte dieser Wert noch deutlich höher liegen. of promotional gifts remain in the recipient‘s possession for longer than a year. For our products, this value is probably even significantly higher. 5

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