1 year ago

TrendYourBrand by mbw (EN)

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About Us: MBW and TrendYourBrand Industry Focus: Promotional gifts for various target audiences Support: Dedicated consultation for hotels, insurance, banks, and more Our Products: Plush Toys: High-quality, affectionate gifts Diverse selection for different target groups Personalization options for maximum impact Toys: Creative, safe toys for various age groups Innovative design and high quality Branding options for sustainable brand presence More Than Just Toys: Comprehensive range for hotels, insurance, banks, and more Wide range of promotional products for various needs Flexibility in adapting to individual customer requirements Our Strengths: Quality Control: Strict adherence to safety guidelines and laws Regular quality checks by renowned institutes Ensuring the highest standards from production to shipping Versatile Customization: Personalization of products for maximum impact Consideration of individual customer preferences Creative solutions for different industries and target audiences Dedicated Support: Customized consultation for optimal product selection Assistance in developing tailored solutions Reliable partner for long-term business relationships References: Our satisfied customers in hotels, insurance, banks, and other industries. Success stories and positive feedback. Trusted partner for high-quality promotional gifts. Contact: Contact person for dealers and business partners. Contact information for inquiries and orders. We look forward to assisting you! Conclusion: Thank you for your interest in MBW and TrendYourBrand. We are your reliable partner for high-quality promotional gifts that perfectly fit various target audiences. Contact us for more information and personalized consultation. We look forward to collaborating with you!


POINT OF SALE CREATING OPPORTUNITIES POINT OF SALE Souvenirladen, Kiosk, Supermarkt oder anderweitiges Ladengeschäft? Unsere Produkte sind weit mehr als nur ein Werbeoder Geschenkartikel! Unsere Displays oder Tresenaufsteller aus weißem Karton bieten den richtigen Rahmen, um die Kundschaft für sich zu gewinnen. Sprechen Sie uns gerne an, wir machen Ihnen ein passendes Angebot für Ihre Bedürfnisse. POINT OF SALE Souvenir shop, kiosk, supermarket or other retail outlet? Our products are more than just a promotional or gift item! Our displays or counter displays made of white cardboard provide the right setting to win over customers. Feel free to contact us, we will make you a matching offer for your needs. 146

M110083 TRESENAUFSTELLER COUNTER DISPLAY Unsere Schnabels ® , Herr Bert ® und Schmoozies ® kommen im kleinen Tresenaufsteller bestens zur Geltung. Dieser lässt sich ideal in jeden Kassenbereich integrieren und individuell mit Ihrem Topschild-Design bekleben. Our Schnabels ® , Herr Bert ® and Schmoozies ® are shown off to their best advantage in the small counter display. This can be ideally integrated into any checkout area and can be customised with your top sign design. 39 cm 14 cm 34,5 cm 20 cm 39,5 cm 147

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