Box 1 - Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Box 1 - Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Box 1 - Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies


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Robert S. Lopez Collection p. 99<br />

Kralovanszky, A. 1 pamphlet F-10<br />

<br />

n.d. The Mediaeval Royal Basilica of Székesfehérvár. Székesfehérvár, n.d., 4 pp.<br />

Krekić, Bariša 20 items (in 2 folders) F-11 to 12<br />

Folder 1 of 2 (7 articles, 1 book review, 1959-66) F-11<br />

1959. ―Trgovačka Društva u srednjevekovnom Dubrovačko-Levantinskom saobraćaju,‖<br />

[―Commercial Companies in the Mediaeval Trade between Dubrovnik <strong>and</strong> the<br />

Levant‖] [in Serbo-Croatian with English summary], Godišnjak Filozofskog<br />

fakulteta u Novom Sadu [Annual Review of the Faculty of Arts <strong>and</strong> Natural<br />

Science, Novi Sad], 4 (1959), pp. 11-28 [autographed]<br />

1964. ―Contribution à l‘étude de la pronoïa dans la Serbie médiévale,‖ [in<br />

Russian with French summary] Recueil des travaux de l‘Institut d‘Études<br />

byzantines, 8:2 (1964), pp. 227-234<br />

1964. ―Un aspect de la condition des équipages sur les navires ragusains au<br />

XIV e siècle,‖ [in Russian with French summary] Recueil de travaux de la<br />

Faculté de philosophie, 8 (1964), pp. 371-374<br />

1964. ―O nazivu ‗skiti‘ za Balkanske slovene kod Ane Komnine,‖ [―Sur la<br />

denomination ‗Scythes‘ pour les Slaves balcaniques chez Anne Comnene‖] [in<br />

Serbo-Croatian with French summary], Godišnjak Filozofskog fakulteta u Novom<br />

Sadu, [Annuaire de la Faculté des lettres et sciences à Novi Sad], 8 (1964-<br />

65), 3 pp.<br />

1965. Review of Hélène Antoniadis-Bibicou, Recherches sur les Douanes à Byzance<br />

(Paris, 1963), Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte,<br />

52:1 (1965), pp. 91-93<br />

1966. ―La bizantinologia iugoslava dal 1945 al 1965,‖ Nuova Rivista Storica,<br />

50:5-6 (1966), pp. 744-753 [autographed]<br />

<br />

1966. ―Ragusa e gli Aragonesi verso la metà del XV secolo,‖ Rivista Storica del<br />

Mezzogiorno, 1:1-2 (mar-giu 1966), pp. 205-219 [autographed]<br />

1966. ―Trois fragments concernant les relations entre Dubrovnik (Raguse) et<br />

l‘Italie au XIV e siècle,‖ [in French with Russian summary] Annuaire de la<br />

Faculté des lettres et sciences à Novi Sad, 9 (1966), pp. 19-37<br />

[autographed]<br />

Folder 2 of 2 (11 articles, 1 book review, 1967-78) F-12<br />

1967. ―A Note on the Economic Activities of Some Greeks in the Latin Levant<br />

towards the End of the XIVth Century,‖ Studi veneziani, 9 (1967), pp. 187-<br />

191 [autographed]<br />

1967. ―Un mercante e diplomatico da Dubrovnik (Ragusa) a Venezia nel Trecento,‖<br />

Studi veneziani, 9 (1967), pp. 71-101 [autographed]<br />

1968. ―La guerre entre Dubrovnik et la Serbie en 1327-1328,‖ [in Russian with<br />

French summary] Recueil des travaux de l‘Institut d‘Études byzantines, 9<br />

(1968), pp. 193-204 [autographed, also contains a half-page h<strong>and</strong>written<br />

note dated April 10, 1969 addressed ―Caro Lopez‖]<br />

1972. ―Y eut-il des relations directes entre Dubrovnik (Raguse) et l‘Empire de<br />

Nicee?‖, Byzantinische Forschungen, Internationale Zeitschrift für<br />

Byzantinistik, 4 (1972), pp. 151-156 [autographed]

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