Box 1 - Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Box 1 - Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Box 1 - Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies


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Robert S. Lopez Collection p. 98<br />

Klapisch-Zuber, Christiane 1 article F-3<br />

1979. ―Zacharie, ou le père évincé. Les rites nuptiaux toscans entre Giotto et<br />

le concile de Trente,‖ Annales: économies, sociétés, civilisations, 34:6<br />

(nov-dec 1979), pp. 1216-1243 [autographed]<br />

Kłoczowski, Jerzy 1 article F-4<br />

1975. ―Structures sociales, politiques et culturelles de l‘Europe du XIII e<br />

siècle: pour une histoire comparée,‖ XIV International Congress of<br />

Historical Sciences, San Francisco, August 22-29, 1975. Typescript<br />

(mimeograph), 17 pp. [autographed]<br />

Koenig, Duane 1 article F-5<br />

1966. ―Francesco Modon: Colporteur <strong>and</strong> Evangelist at Rome, 1870,‖ Church<br />

History, 35:4 (Dec 1966), 8 pp.<br />

Korek, Valérie 1 article F-6<br />

1968. ―The Hungarian Novel in the Last Fifty Years,‖ in Henri Peyre (ed.),<br />

Fiction in Several Languages. New York: Houghton Mifflin Co. <strong>for</strong> The<br />

American Academy of Arts <strong>and</strong> Sciences, 1968, pp. 122-140 [autographed]<br />

Kovačević, Desanka 1 article F-7<br />

1960. ―Dans la Serbie et la Bosnie médiévales: les mines d‘or et d‘argent,‖<br />

Annales: économies, sociétés, civilisations, 15:2 (mar-avr 1960), pp. 248-<br />

258 [autographed]<br />

Kovačević, Jovan 4 articles F-8<br />

<br />

1963. ―Marginales aux problèmes de l‘archéologie et de l‘art du haut moyen<br />

âge,‖ [in Russian with French summary] Recueil de travaux de la Faculté de<br />

philosophie, 7:1 (1963), pp. 143-151<br />

1964. ―Mercenaires germains a Ulpiana c. 550,‖ in Actes du XII e Congrès<br />

international des Études Byzantines, Vol. III. Beograd, 1964, pp. 187-192 +<br />

2 plates<br />

1965. ―Aperçu historique et archéologique sur le róle des villes de la Dalmatie<br />

méridionale dans l‘expansion du Christianisme parmi les Serbes,‖ Acta<br />

archaeologica Hungaricae, 17 (1965), pp. 65-71<br />

1966. ―Avari na jadranu,‖ [―Les Avares aux bords de l‘Adriatique‖] [in Serbo-<br />

Croatian with French summary] in Materijali III, Simpozijum praistorijske i<br />

srednjevekovne sekcije arheološkog društva Jugoslavije, Novi Sad 1965.<br />

Beograd: Arheološko društvo jugoslavije društvo muzejskih radnika vojvodine,<br />

1966, pp. 53-81<br />

Kracke, Edward A., Jr. 3 articles F-9<br />

1947. ―Family vs. Merit in Chinese Civil Service Examinations under the<br />

Empire,‖ Harvard Journal of Asiatic <strong>Studies</strong>, 10:2 (Sep 1947), pp. 103-123<br />

[autographed]<br />

1954. ―Sung Society: Change within Tradition,‖ Far Eastern Quarterly, 14:4<br />

(1954-55), pp. 479-488<br />

1967. ―Region, Family, <strong>and</strong> Individual in the Chinese Examination System,‖ in<br />

John K. Fairbank (ed.), Chinese Thought <strong>and</strong> Institutions. Chicago:<br />

University of Chicago Press, 1967, pp. 251-268, 388-393

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