Box 1 - Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Box 1 - Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Box 1 - Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies


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Robert S. Lopez Collection p. 68<br />

Geremek, Bronisław 5 art, 1 typescript F-2<br />

1962. ―Św. Antonin z Florencji o żebrakach i jałmużnie‖ [―S. Antonin de<br />

Florence sur la mendacité et l‘aumóne‖], [in Polish] in Alsks<strong>and</strong>er<br />

Gieysztor, Marian Serejski, <strong>and</strong> Stanisław Trawkowski (eds.), Wieki średnie.<br />

Prace ofiarowane Tadeuszowi Manteufflowi w 60 rocznice urodzin. Warszawa:<br />

Panstwowe Wydawn Naukowe, 1962, pp. 239-247 [autographed, with autographed<br />

calling card of author]<br />

1964. ―Le commerce de Novgorod avec l‘occident au moyen age,‖ Annales:<br />

économies, sociétés, civilisations, 19:6 (nov-dec 1964), pp. 1157-1170<br />

1968. ―Paris la plus gr<strong>and</strong>e ville de l‘occident médiévale?‖ Acta Poloniae<br />

Historica, 18 (1968), pp. 18-37 [autograhed]<br />

1970. ―La lutte contre le vagabondage à Paris aux XIV e et XV e siècles,‖ in<br />

Ricerche storiche ed economiche in memoria di Corrado Barbagallo, Vol. II.<br />

Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 1970, pp. 213-236 [autographed]<br />

n.d. ―Activité économique et exclusion sociale: les métiers maudits.‖<br />

Typescript, undated, 27 pp. [in photocopy]<br />

Gerevich, L. 1 article F-3<br />

1958. ―Mitteleuropäische Bauhütten und die Spätgotik,‖ Acta Historiae Artium<br />

Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 5:3-4 (1958), pp. 241-282<br />

Gerhard, Dietrich 1 article F-4<br />

1961. with Sylvia L. Thrupp, ―Comparative Study at Stockholm,‖ Comparative<br />

<strong>Studies</strong> in Society <strong>and</strong> History, 3:4 (Jul 1961), pp. 481-483<br />

Gerola, Giuseppe 5 articles F-5<br />

1916. ―Documenti rodiesi del secolo XV nell‘archivio S<strong>for</strong>zesco,‖ Atti del Reale<br />

Istituto Veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti, 76 (1916-17), pp. 889-904<br />

1922. ―Lo stemma di cipro,‖ Atti del Reale Istituto Veneto di scienze, lettere<br />

ed arti, 82 (1922-23), pp. 743-754<br />

1929. ―Porta Aurea – Porta Aureola,‖ Atti del Reale Istituto Veneto di scienze,<br />

lettere ed arti, 89 (1929-30), pp. 391-419<br />

1931. ―Le vedute di Costantinopoli di Cristo<strong>for</strong>o Buondelmonti,‖ Studi bizantini<br />

e neoellenici, 3 (1931), pp. 249-279<br />

u.d., ―Numismatica serbo-veneta,‖ Rassegna Numismatica, 27:5 (19--), 8 pp.<br />

Gerschenkron, Alex<strong>and</strong>er 2 articles F-6<br />

1960. ―Aspetti dell‘industrializzazione della Bulgaria dal 1878 al 1939,‖<br />

Moneta e credito, 11 (Sep 1960), 28 pp. [autographed]<br />

1961. ―Notes on Doctor Zhivago,‖ Modern Philology, 58:3 (Feb 1961), pp. 194-200<br />

[autographed]<br />

Giacchero, Marta 1 article F-7<br />

1969. ―L‘intuizione dei fenomeni e dei comportamenti economici nelle storie di<br />

Erodoto,‖ in Studi di storia antica in memoria di Luca de Regibus. Genova:<br />

Istituto di storia antica e scienze ausiliarie, 1969, pp. 91-134<br />

Giamatti, A. Bartlett 2 articles F-8<br />

1968. ―Proteus Unbound: Some Versions of the Sea God in the <strong>Renaissance</strong>,‖ in<br />

Peter Demetz, Thomas Greene, <strong>and</strong> Lowry Nelson, Jr. (eds.), The Disciplines<br />

of Criticism: Essays in Literary Theory, Interpretation, <strong>and</strong> History<br />

Honoring René Wellek on the Occasion of his Sixty-fifth Birthday. New Haven:<br />

Yale University press, 1968, pp. 437-475 [autographed]<br />

1984. ―A Prince <strong>and</strong> Her Poet,‖ The Yale Review, 73:3 (Spr 1984), pp. 321-337

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