Box 1 - Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Box 1 - Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Box 1 - Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies


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Robert S. Lopez Collection p. 120<br />

Marrero, Manuela 1 article F-14<br />

1950. ―Los genoveses in la colonización de Tenerife 1406-1509,‖ Revista de<br />

historia, 89 (en-mar 1950), 14 pp.<br />

Martin, Colin 1 article F-15<br />

1967. ―De theriaca,‖ in Jean-François Paudret (ed.), Nouvelles pages<br />

d‘histoire vaudoise. [Bibliothèque historique vaudoise, 40] Lausanne:<br />

[Société académique vaudoise], 1967, pp. 117-129 + 1 plate<br />

Martin, G. H. 2 articles F-16<br />

1968. ―The Town as Palimpsest,‖ in H. J. Dyos (ed.), The Study of Urban<br />

History. The Proceedings of an international round-table conference of the<br />

Urban History Group at Gilbert Murray Hall, University of Leicester on 23-26<br />

September 1966. London: Edward Arnold, 1968, pp. 155-169 + 8 plates<br />

[autographed]<br />

1971. ―The Registration of Deeds of Title in the <strong>Medieval</strong> Borough,‖ in D. A.<br />

Bullough <strong>and</strong> R. L. Storey (eds.), The Study of <strong>Medieval</strong> Records: Essays in<br />

honour of Kathleen Major. Ox<strong>for</strong>d: Clarendon Press, 1971, pp. 151-173<br />

[autographed]<br />

Martín, José Luis 1 article F-17<br />

1964. ―Fern<strong>and</strong>o II de León y la Orden de Santiago (1170-1181),‖ Anuario de<br />

estudios medievales, 1 (1964), pp. 167-195 + 1 fold-out map<br />

Martines, Lauro 2 articles F-18<br />

1957. ―Addenda to the Life of Antonio Corbinelli,‖ Rinascimento, 8:1 (1957),<br />

19 pp. [autographed]<br />

1968. ―Political Conflict in the Italian City States,‖ Government <strong>and</strong><br />

Opposition, A Quarterly of Comparative Politics, 3:1 (Win 1968), pp. 69-91<br />

Martinez Ferr<strong>and</strong>o, Jesus-Ernesto 1 article F-19<br />

1947. ―Un contrato excepcional en la Barcelona del siglo XI,‖ in Barcelona<br />

divulgación histórica. Textos radiados desde la emisora de ‗Radio Barcelona‘<br />

por el Insituto Municipal de Historia de la Ciudad, Tomo III. Barcelona:<br />

Aymá, Editor, 1947, pp. 134-138 [in photocopy]<br />

Martini, Giuseppe 2 articles F-20<br />

1970. ―Lo spirito cittadino e le origini della storiografia comunale lombarda,‖<br />

Nuova Rivista Storica, 44:1-2 (1970), 22 pp. [autographed]<br />

1976. ―La Battaglia di Legnano: La realtà e il mito,‖ Nuova antologia, no. 2111<br />

(Nov 1976), pp. 357-371<br />

Martorell, Federico U. 2 articles F-21<br />

1960. ―La Barcelona condal (siglos VIII al XII),‖ Cuadernos de arqueologia e<br />

historia de la ciudad, 3 (1962), pp. 93-113 [autographed] [2 copies]<br />

1964. ―Evolución del poder del soberano hasta la unión,‖ in VII Congreso de<br />

Historia de la Corona de Aragón, Barcelona, 1-6 octubre 1962, Crónica,<br />

Ponencias y Comunicaciones. Vol III: Comunicaciones. Barcelona: F. Rodríguez<br />

Ferrán, 1964, pp. 261-275 [autographed]<br />

Maschke, Erich 1 article F-22<br />

1964. ―La Mentalité des march<strong>and</strong>s européens au Moyen Age,‖ Revue d‘histoire<br />

économique et sociale, 42:4 (1964), pp. 457-484

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