Box 1 - Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Box 1 - Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Box 1 - Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies


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Robert S. Lopez Collection p. 112<br />

1972. ―Reply to Georg Iggers,‖ Eighteenth-Century <strong>Studies</strong>, An Interdisciplinary<br />

Journal, 5:4 (Sum 1972), pp. 594-603 [autographed]<br />

1973. ―Der aufgeklärte Absolutismus und die Gesellschaftskrise in Deutschl<strong>and</strong><br />

im 18. Jahrhundert,‖ in Walther Hubatsch (ed.), Absolutismus. Darmstadt:<br />

Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1973, pp. 488-544 [German translation<br />

of Helen Liebel, Joachim Czypionka, <strong>and</strong> Anna Liebel, ―Englightened Despotism<br />

<strong>and</strong> the Crisis of Society in Germany,‖ Enlightenment Essays, 1 (1970),<br />

pp. 151-168] [autographed] [includes address label from Wissenschaftliche<br />

Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, addressed to Helen Liebel, University of<br />

Alberta, Edmonton 7, Canada]<br />

Lieber, Alfred E. 1 article F-14<br />

1968. ―Eastern Business Practices <strong>and</strong> <strong>Medieval</strong> European Commerce,‖ The Economic<br />

History Review, (2) 21:2 (1968), pp. 230-243 [autographed]<br />

Lievers, Lorenzo Strik 1 article F-15<br />

1973. ―Turati, la politica delle alleanze e una celebre lettera di Engels,‖<br />

Nuova Rivista Storica, 57:1-2 (1973), pp. 129-160<br />

Limet, Henri 1 book reviewed F-16<br />

1960. Le travail du métal au pays de Sumer au temps de la III e dynastie d‘Ur.<br />

Paris: Société d‘Éditions ―Les Belles Lettres,‖ 1960. Reviewed by<br />

William W. Hallo, ―Lexical Notes on the neo-Sumerian Metal Industry,‖<br />

Bibliotheca Orientalis, 20:3-4 (Mei-Jul 1963), pp. 136-142<br />

Lindberg, Folke 1 article F-17<br />

1961. ―La Baltique dans l‘historiographie sc<strong>and</strong>inave, Problèmes et<br />

perspectives,‖ Annales: économies, sociétés, civilisations, 16:3<br />

(mai-juin 1961), pp. 425-440 [autographed]<br />

Linder, Amnon 1 article F-18<br />

1975. ―The Myth of Constantine the Great in the West: Sources <strong>and</strong> Hagiographic<br />

Commemoration,‖ Studi <strong>Medieval</strong>i, (3) 16:1 (1975), pp. 43-95 [autographed]<br />

<br />

<br />

Lisini, Alless<strong>and</strong>ro 1 article F-19<br />

1935. ―Notizie delle miniere della Maremma toscana e leggi per l‘estrazione dei<br />

metalli nel medioevo,‖ Bullettino Senese di Storia Patria, (N.S.) 6:3<br />

(1935), 72 pp. [autographed]<br />

Lo, Jung-Pau 1 typescript F-20<br />

n.d. ―Chinese Shipping <strong>and</strong> East-West Trade from the Tenth to the Fourteenth<br />

Century.‖ Typescript (mimeograph), n.d., 2 pp.<br />

Lombard, Maurice 2 articles F-21<br />

1953. ―La route de la Meuse et les relations lointaines des pays mosans entre le<br />

VIII e et le XI e siecle,‖ in Pierre Francastel (ed.), L‘Art mosan: journées<br />

d‘études, Paris février 1952. Paris: A. Colin, 1953, pp. 9-28 + 1 foldout map<br />

1960. ―Arsenaux et bois de marine dans la Méditerranée musulmane (VII e -XI e<br />

siècles),‖ in Le Navire et l'économie maritime du Nord de l'Europe du Moyen

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