Box 1 - Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Box 1 - Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Box 1 - Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies


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Robert S. Lopez Collection p. 11<br />

1957. ―L‘attività consulente dei giureconsulti in un‘opinione di Andrea<br />

Alciato,‖ in Studi in onore di Mons. Carlo Castiglioni (Milano: A. Giuffrè,<br />

1957), pp. 33-45<br />

1957. ―La vita culturale a Milano dal 1500 alla scomparsa dell‘ultimo Duca<br />

S<strong>for</strong>za,‖ in Storia di Milano, Vol. VIII: Tra Francia e Spagna (1500-1535)<br />

(Milano: Fondazione Treccani degli Alfieri per la storia di Milano, 1957),<br />

pp. 422-453 [autographed]<br />

1960. ―Il ‗vexillum‘ della nave in alcuni pareri del Casaregi,‖<br />

La marina mercantile, 13 (Maggio 1960), 13 pp.<br />

1961. ―La storia,‖ in Comitato Regionale Lombardo per la Mostra delle Regioni,<br />

La Lombardia come tipo di civiltà (Milano: A. Pizzi, ), 13 pp.<br />

1963. ―Milano e le prime crociate,‖ in Atti del Convegno di studi su la<br />

Lombardia e l‘oriente: Milano, 11-15 giugno 1962 (Milano: Istituto lombardo-<br />

Accademia di scienze e lettere, 1963), pp. 31-35<br />

1964. ―Navi e flotte nella Guerra gotica,‖ in Studi in onore di Biondo Biondi,<br />

Vol. III (Milano: A. Giuffrè, 1964), pp. 171-180<br />

Baron, Hans 15 items (in 2 folders) F-11 & 12<br />

Folder 1 of 2 (4 articles, 4 book reviews, 1 grant report, 1944-59) F-11<br />

1946. ―<strong>Studies</strong> on Humanism <strong>and</strong> the Florentine Commonwealth in the <strong>Renaissance</strong>,‖<br />

Grants No. 697 (1943) <strong>and</strong> No. 764 (1944), Year Book of the American<br />

Philosophical Society (1946), pp. 183-186 [autographed]<br />

1950. ―The First History of the Historical Concept of the <strong>Renaissance</strong>,‖<br />

[review of Wallace K. Ferguson, The <strong>Renaissance</strong> in Historical Thought<br />

(Boston, 1948)] Journal of the History of Ideas, 11:4 (Oct 1950),<br />

pp. 493-510 [autographed]<br />

1951. ―Aulius Gellius in the <strong>Renaissance</strong> <strong>and</strong> a Manuscript from the School of<br />

Guarino,‖ <strong>Studies</strong> in Philology, 48:2 (Apr 1951), pp. 107-125 [autographed]<br />

1952. ―Die politische Entwicklung der italienischen <strong>Renaissance</strong>,‖ [reviews of<br />

Luigi Simeoni, Le Signorie (1313-1559) (Milano, 1950); <strong>and</strong> Nino Valeri,<br />

L‘Italia nell‘Età dei Principati dal 1343 al 1516 (Verona, 1950)]<br />

Historische Zeitschrift, 174:1 (Aug 1952), pp. 31-56 [autographed]<br />

1952. ―Erasmus-Probleme im Spiegel des Colloquium ‗Inquisitio de fide,‘‖<br />

[review of Craig R. Thompson (ed.), Inquisitio de Fide, A Colloquy by<br />

Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus, 1524 (New Haven, 1950)] Archiv für<br />

Re<strong>for</strong>mationsgeschichte, 43:2 (1952), pp. 254-263<br />

1955. ―Dekadenz im Italien des Quattrocento?,‖ Bibliothèque d‘humanisme et<br />

<strong>Renaissance</strong>, Travaux et documents, 17 (1955), pp. 421-437 [autographed]<br />

1956. ―The Principe <strong>and</strong> the Puzzle of the Date of the Discoursi,‖<br />

Bibliothèque d‘humanisme et <strong>Renaissance</strong>, Travaux et documents, 18 (1956),<br />

pp. 405-428 [autographed]<br />

1956. Review of Herman Baeyens, Begrip en Probleem van de <strong>Renaissance</strong>.<br />

Bijdrage tot de Geschiedenis van hun Onststaan en tot hun Kunsthistorische<br />

Omschrijving (Louvain, 1952), Historische Zeitschrift, 182:1 (Aug 1956), pp.<br />

115-120<br />

<br />

1959. ―The Querelle of the Ancients <strong>and</strong> the Moderns as a Problem <strong>for</strong><br />

<strong>Renaissance</strong> Scholarship,‖ Journal of the History of Ideas, 20:1 (Jan 1959),<br />

pp. 3-22

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