Box 1 - Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Box 1 - Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Box 1 - Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies


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Robert S. Lopez Collection p. 104<br />

1975. ―Justinian‘s Theory of Law <strong>and</strong> the Renewal Ideology of the Leges<br />

Barbarorum,‖ Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 119:3<br />

(Jun 1975), pp. 191-200 [autographed]<br />

Lafaurie, Jean 6 articles, 1 typescript F-7<br />

1958. ―Trésor d‘un navire romain trouvé en Méditerranée,‖ Revue Numismatique<br />

(1958), pp. 79-104 + 3 plates [autographed]<br />

<br />

1959. ―Trésor de monnaies de cuivre trouvé a Sidi Aïch (Tunisie),‖ Revue<br />

Numismatique (1959-60), pp. 113-130 + 1 plate [autographed]<br />

1959. ―Le Trésor d‘Escharen (Pays-Bas),‖ Revue Numismatique (1959-60), pp. 153-<br />

210 + 2 plates [autographed]<br />

1961. with B. Jansen <strong>and</strong> A. N. Zadoks-Josephus Jitta, ―Le Trésor de Wieuwerd,‖<br />

Oudheidkundige Mededelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden, 42<br />

(1961), pp. 78-107 + 16 plates<br />

1965. ―Deux trésors monétaires carolingiens: Saumeray (Eure-et-Loir) Rennes<br />

(Ille-et-Vilaine),‖ Revue Numismatique, (6) 7 (1965), pp. 262-305 + 8 plates<br />

[autographed]<br />

1967. ―Migrations des peuples et haut moyen âge en Occident,‖ in Kolbjørn<br />

Skarre <strong>and</strong> George C. Miles (eds.), A Survey of Numismatic Research 1960-<br />

1965. II. <strong>Medieval</strong> <strong>and</strong> Oriental Numismatics. Copenhagen: International<br />

Numismatic Commission, 1967, pp. 13-51 [autographed]<br />

n.d. ―Le Gros Tournois en France.‖ Typescript (mimeograph), n.d., 22 pp.<br />

Laïou-Thomadakis, Angeliki E. 3 articles F-8<br />

1982. ―The Greek merchant of the Palaeologan period: A collective portrait‖ [in<br />

English with Greek summary], Praktika tes Akademias Athenon, 57 (1982), pp.<br />

96-132<br />

1982. ―The Byzantine Economy in the Mediterranean Trade System; Thirteenth-<br />

Fifteenth Centuries,‖ Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Nos. 34-35. Cambridge, Mass.:<br />

The Dumbarton Oaks <strong>Center</strong> <strong>for</strong> Byzantine <strong>Studies</strong>, 1982, pp. 177-222<br />

[autographed]<br />

1982. ―Venice as a centre of trade <strong>and</strong> of artistic production in the thirteenth<br />

century,‖ in Hans Belting (ed.), Il medio oriente e l‘occidente nell‘arte<br />

del XIII secolo. Bologna: Editrice CLUEB, 1982, pp. 11-26 + 4 plates<br />

Lambarde, William 1 book reviewed F-9<br />

1957. Archeion or, A Discourse upon the High Courts of Justice in Engl<strong>and</strong>.<br />

Edited by Charles H. McIlwain <strong>and</strong> Paul L. Ward. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard<br />

University Press, 1957. Reviewed by William Huse Dunham, Jr., Manuscripta,<br />

2:2 (Jul 1958), pp. 110-112<br />

Lamma, Paolo 1 article F-10<br />

1952. ―Un prostagma inedito attribuito a Isacco II˚ l‘Angelo,‖ Atti e Memorie<br />

della Accademia de Scienze, Lettere e Arti di Modena, (5) 10 (1952), 22 pp.<br />

[autographed]<br />

LaMonte, John L. 3 articles F-11<br />

1944. ―The Lords of Sidon in the Twelfth <strong>and</strong> Thirteenth Centuries,‖ Byzantion,<br />

17 (1944-45), pp. 183-211<br />

1945. ―From Crusader Kingdom to Commercial Colony,‖ Quarterly Bulletin of the<br />

Polish Institute of Arts <strong>and</strong> Sciences in America (Jan 1945), pp. 288-299

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