ICMVZ - SP3 Tic ... II HOSTS Pt3 Q-Z_PDFA - Repository

ICMVZ - SP3 Tic ... II HOSTS Pt3 Q-Z_PDFA - Repository

ICMVZ - SP3 Tic ... II HOSTS Pt3 Q-Z_PDFA - Repository


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Reithrodontomys megalotis. - -Continued<br />

Ixodes kingi (Johnson, D. Ε. , (1966A), 49-66)<br />

(Dugway Proving Ground, Utah)<br />

Ixodes расificus (Arthur, D. R. & Snow, Κ. , (I968A),<br />

893-906) (California)<br />

Ixodes spinipalpis (Allred, D. Μ. , Beck, D.E., к<br />

White, L. D., (1960A), 1-42) (Utah)<br />

Reithrodontomys megalotis dychei<br />

Dermacentor variabilis (Eddy, G. W., к Joyce,<br />

C. R., (1944A), 313-324) (Tama Indian Reservation,<br />

Tama, Iowa)<br />

Reithrodontomys megalotis nigrescens<br />

Ixodes spinipalpis (Gregson, J. D. , (1956A), 1-92)<br />

(British Columbia)<br />


Reitrodontomys species<br />

Ixodes tancitarius (Cooley, R. A. , к Kohls, G. Μ. ,<br />

( 1942C), 149-154) (Cerro Tancïtaro, Michoacán,<br />

Mexico)<br />

"RENARD" see "FOX"<br />

RENARD<br />

?Mamm. Carnivora<br />

Renard species<br />

Hyalomma aegyptium (Galli-Valerio, Β. , (1909B),<br />

538-545) (Mazagan, Maroc)<br />


"REPTILES"<br />

Alectorobius tartakovskyi (Kuzybaeva, Kh. , (1961A),<br />

78-82) (burrow; Golodnaia steppe)<br />

Amblyomma sp. (nymphs, probably testudinarum)<br />

(Warburton, C., (I926B), 280) (Buo, west coast<br />

of Sumatra)<br />

Amblyomma albopictum (Clifford, C. M. (jr.) &<br />

Kohls, G. Μ. , (1962A), 486-489) (Swan Island, N.<br />

E. of Honduras)<br />

Amblyomma dissimile (Becklund, W. W. , (1968A),<br />

622-628) (zoos [United States] from ?)<br />

"REPTILES". --Continued<br />

Amblyomma geoemydae (Kohls, G. Μ. , (1957C), 65-<br />

94) (Sarawak, Selangor, Malaya)<br />

Amblyomma marmoreum (Lewis, Ε. Α., (1932A),<br />

175-182) (Kenya)<br />

Amblyomma nuttalli (Clifford, C. Μ., & Anastos, G.,<br />

(I964A), 3-40) (National Park of Garamba, Congo)<br />

Amblyomma nuttalli (Eibl, A. & Anastos, G., (1966A),<br />

1-275; (I966D), 1-412) (Orientale Province, Congo)<br />

Amblyomma rotundatum (Becklund, W. W. , (1968A),<br />

622-628) (zoos [in United States] from ?)<br />

Amblyomma testudinis (Becklund, W. W. , (I968A),<br />

622-628) (zoos [in United States] from ?)<br />

Amblyomma variegatum (Clifford, C. M. & Anastos,<br />

G., (1964A), 3-40) (National Park of Garamba,<br />

Congo)<br />

Aponomma exornatum (Bück, G., (1948D), 1-2)<br />

(Madagascar)<br />

Aponomma exornatum (Clifford, C. Μ. , & Anastos, G.<br />

(1962A), 1-45) (Mabwe, Parc National de l'Upemba,<br />

Congo)<br />

Aponomma exornatum (Clifford, C. Μ., & Anastos,<br />

G., (1964A), 3-40) (National Park of Garamba,<br />

Congo)<br />

Aponoma exornatum (Seydel, C. , (1925A), 161-164)<br />

(Congo)<br />

Aponomma exornatum (Zumpt, F. , (1950B), 165-173)<br />

(Madagascar)<br />

Aponomma gervaisi var. lucasi (Warburton, С. ,<br />

( 19ÎOA), 395-407) (Zoological Gardens, Calcutta)<br />

Aponomma gervaisii toreuma (Schulze, P. , (1941G),<br />

179-187) (Beludschistan)<br />

Aponomma laeve (King, Η. Η. , (19Û8A), 201-248)<br />

(Sudan)<br />

Aponoma laeve (Seydel, C. , (1925A), 161-164)<br />

(Congo)<br />

Aponomma lucasi (Kohls, G. Μ. , (1957C), 65-94)<br />

(Malaya)<br />

Ixodes ricinus (Aeschlimann, Α., Büttiker, W. , Eibl,<br />

Α., & Hoogstraal, Η., (1965Α), 577-583) (Switzerland)<br />

Ornithodoros tartakovskyi (Muratbekov Ya M<br />

Ки1Г кШШ ' T ' E " (1954A) ' 3 " 6) (southe Kzyl-<br />

Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Hooker, W. A. , Bishopp,<br />

F. C., & Wood, H. P., (1912A), 1-239)<br />


Mamm. Rodentia<br />

Rhabdom^. species<br />

haemaphysalis leachi<br />

e m a p h y s a l i s lead<br />

(Roberts, J.I.,<br />

1-22) (Kilimani area, Kenya)<br />

(1935A),<br />

Ixodes bedfordi (Arthur, D. R. . (1959В), 137-157)<br />

(Basutoland)<br />

Rhipicephalus s. simus (Hoogstraal, Η. , (1956B), 1-<br />

1101)<br />

Rhabdomys pumilio<br />

H a e m a p h y s a l i s leachi (Bedford, G. Α. Η. , (1926A),<br />

705-817) (South Africa)<br />

Haemaphysalis leachii muhsami (Eibl, A. & Anastos,<br />

G., (I966D), 1-412) (Africa)<br />

Hyalomma rufipes (Eibl, A. & Anastos, G., (I966D),<br />

1-412) (Africa)<br />

Ixodes alluaudi (Theiler, G. , (1941A), 51-60) (Howiesons<br />

Poort, near Grahamstown)<br />

Ixodes rhabdomysae (Arthur, D. R. , (1959B), 137-<br />

157) (Howieson's Poort, Eastern Province, South<br />

Africa)<br />

Ornithodoros zumpti (Heisch, R. В., & Guggisberg,<br />

C. Α., (1953B), 136-138) (burrow; Cathcart, Cape<br />

Province, South Africa)<br />

Rhipicephalus appendiculatus (Hoogstraal, Η. , (1956B),<br />

1-1101) (South Africa)<br />

Rhipicephalus simus (Eibl, А. к Anastos, G. ,<br />

(1966C), 1 -555; (1966D), 1-412) (Africa)<br />

Rhipicephalus tricuspis (Eibl, А. к Anastos, G.,<br />

(I966C), 1-555; (I966D), 1-412) (Africa)<br />


Rept. Serpentes<br />

Rhadinaea species<br />

Amblyomma agamum (Cassamagnaghi, A. , and<br />

Bianchi Bazerque, A. , (1951a), 90-99) (zoo,<br />

Montevideo, Salto, Uruguay)<br />


Rept. Serpentes<br />

Rhamnophis aethioplssa<br />

Aponomma latum (Morel, P. C., (1959E), 1-63)<br />

(Adiopodoumé, Ivory Coast)<br />

SPECIAL PUBLICATION NO. 3 1 <strong>HOSTS</strong><br />


Rept. Serpentes<br />

Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus<br />

1015<br />

Aponomma laeve (Bequaert, J. C. , (1930A), 797-1001)<br />

(Kilosa, Tanyanyika Territory)<br />

Aponomma laeve (Loveridge, Α., (1923a), 871-897)<br />

(East Africa)<br />

Aponomma latum (Lamontellerie, Μ. , (I96OB),<br />

751-757) (Cercle de Sikasso, République soudanaise)<br />

Aponomma latum (Tendeiro, J., (1951B), 681-690)<br />

(Tanganyika к Quenia)<br />

Aponomma latum (Theiler, G. , (1945B), 179-190)<br />

(East Africa)<br />

Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus rostratus<br />

Aponomma latum (Hoogstraal, Η. , (1956B), 1-1101)<br />

(Tanganyika)<br />

Aponomma latum (Yeoman, G. H. к Walker, J. В.,<br />

(1967A), 1-215) (Tanzania)<br />


Rhamphocelus coccineus see Ramphocelus coccineus<br />


Rhapicerus campestris see Raphicerus campestris<br />

RHEA<br />

Aves Amblyomma Rheiformes parvitarsum (Boero, J. J., (1957A), 1-<br />

113) (Argentina)<br />

Rhea<br />

Ixodes<br />

americana<br />

brunneus (Pavlov, P., (1947A), 95-98)<br />

(Bulgaria)<br />

"RHEBOK, VAAL" [Pelea capreolus]<br />

Mamm. Artiodactyla<br />

Ixodes rubicundus (Bedford, G. Α. Η. , к Graf, Η.,<br />

(1934A), 431-434) (Eastern Cape Province к<br />

near Johannesburg к Northern Rhodesia)<br />

"RHEBUCK"<br />

Mamm. Artiodactyla<br />

Ixodes pilosus (Henning, M. W. , (1932b), 409-878)

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