enaTmecnierebis sakiTxebi ISSUES OF LINGUISTICS - Tbilisi State ...

enaTmecnierebis sakiTxebi ISSUES OF LINGUISTICS - Tbilisi State ... enaTmecnierebis sakiTxebi ISSUES OF LINGUISTICS - Tbilisi State ...


zurab sarjvelaZe _70 Sinaarsi damana meliqiSvili _ zurab sarjvelaZe _ mecnieri da pirovneba .... 5 guram kartozia _ zurab (zura) sarjvelaZe .................................................. 8 marina qacarava _ qarTuli saliteraturo enis istoriis ubadlo mkvlevari .................................................................................. 9 iza CantlaZe _ zurab sarjvelaZis etimologiaTa mniSvneloba qarTvelologiaSi ............................................................................... 11 Iza Chantladze - The Significance of Zurab Sarjveladze’s Etymologies for Kartvelology ........................................................................................ 18 zurab sarjvelaZis samecniero Sromebis bibliografia ............................ 19 qarTveluri enebi rusudan gersamia _ iotizaciis sakiTxisaTvis megrulSi ....................... 32 Rusudan Gersamia - About Iotization in Megrelian .................................................. 41 marine ivaniSvili _ mcenareTa saxelebi qarTvelurSi: `kowaxuri~ ......................................................................................................................... 43 Marine Ivanishvili - Proto-Kartvelian Plant Names: "koc’axuri" (barberry) ....................................................................................................... 45 vaxtang imnaiSvili _ mrCobli xmovnebis marTlwerasTan dakavSirebuli zogierTi sakiTxi ......................................................................... 46 Vakhtang Imnaishvili - Some Questions Linked with the Spelling of Double Vowels ............................................................................ 60 guram kartozia _ natvriTis warmoeba megrulSi .............................................. 61 Guram Kartozia - The Formation of Optative Mood in Megrelian ..................... 64 maia lomia _ saxelTa brunebis paradigmaSi i xmovnis gaCenis sakiTxisaTvis megrulSi ........................................................................... 65 Maia Lomia - About the Emergence of i Vowel in the Paradigm of Noun Declension ........................................................................... 71 qeTevan margiani-subari _ rezultatiuroba-pirobiTobis gamoxatvisaTvis svanur gardamaval zmnebSi .................................................. 72 Ketevan Margiani-Subari - On the Expression of Resultativeness-Conventionality in Svan Transitive Verbs ........................... 76 damana meliqiSvili _ qarTuli zmnis uRlebadi formebis gramatikuli klasifikaciisa da kvalifikaciis principebi ................. 78 332

Damana Melikishvili - On the Grammatical Principle of Classification of Inflective Forms of the Georgian Verb ..................................... 96 irine meliqiSvili _ /J/ fonemis rekonstruqcia da saerTo-qarTveluri sibilanturi Sesatyvisobebi ...................................... 97 Irine Melikishvili - The Reconstruction of the Phoneme /J / and Common-Kartvelian Sibilant Correspondences ............................................. 105 hainc fenrixi _ zogierTi qarTveluri leqsikuri erTeulisaTvis ................................................................................................................. 107 Heinz Fähnrich - About some Kartvelian Lexical Units ......................................... 110 tariel futkaraZe _ -isa, -iSa; -iSe, -iSen; -isad, isda, -iza, -izan, -ize... formamawarmoebeli formantebis istoriuli mimarTebisaTvis ....................................................... 111 Tariel Putkaradze - On the Historical Relation of Form-Building Formants -isa, -iSa; -iSe, -iSen; -isad, isda, -iza, -izan, -ize ............. 128 Taia cxadaia _ III piris nacvalsaxelebi megrulSi ................................... 129 Taia Tskhadaia - Third Person Pronouns in Megrelian ................................... 139 Zveli qarTuli ena da teqstologia Winfried Boeder - Klassizistische Sprachkompetenz: Der altgeorgische Artikel bei Sulchan-Saba Orbeliani ......................................... 140 vinfrid boederi _ klasicisturi enobrivi kompetenturoba: Zveli qarTuli nawevari sulxan-saba orbelianis `sibrZne sicruisaSi~ .. 162 iost giperti _ siaxleni xanmetobidan .............................................................. 164 Jost Gippert - News from the Khanmetoba ................................................................... 184 nino doborjginiZe _ Zveli qarTuli filologiis istoriidan ......................................................................................................................... 185 Nino Doborjginidze - From the History of Old Georgian Philology (The Role of the Kingdom of Antioch in the Political and Cultural- Educational Processes of XI-XII cc.) ....................................................... 194 valerian kvantriSvili _ sinonimuri paralelizmi qarTuli oTxTavis or Zvel da or bolo redaqciebSi ........................ 195 Valerian Kvantrishvili - Synonymic Parallelism in the Two Old and Two Final Editions of the Georgian Four Gospels ........................................ 204 naTia mirotaZe _ kata, windebulis ekvivalentebi fsalmunTa wignis Zvel qarTul recenziebSi .............................................. 205 Natia Mirotadze - The Equivalents of the Preposition kata, in the Old Georgian Recensions of the Psalms ........................................................ 214 333

Damana Melikishvili - On the Grammatical Principle of<br />

Classification of Inflective Forms of the Georgian Verb ..................................... 96<br />

irine meliqiSvili _ /J/ fonemis rekonstruqcia da<br />

saerTo-qarTveluri sibilanturi Sesatyvisobebi ...................................... 97<br />

Irine Melikishvili - The Reconstruction of the Phoneme /J /<br />

and Common-Kartvelian Sibilant Correspondences ............................................. 105<br />

hainc fenrixi _ zogierTi qarTveluri leqsikuri<br />

erTeulisaTvis ................................................................................................................. 107<br />

Heinz Fähnrich - About some Kartvelian Lexical Units ......................................... 110<br />

tariel futkaraZe _ -isa, -iSa; -iSe, -iSen; -isad,<br />

isda, -iza, -izan, -ize... formamawarmoebeli<br />

formantebis istoriuli mimarTebisaTvis ....................................................... 111<br />

Tariel Putkaradze - On the Historical Relation of Form-Building<br />

Formants -isa, -iSa; -iSe, -iSen; -isad, isda, -iza, -izan, -ize ............. 128<br />

Taia cxadaia _ III piris nacvalsaxelebi megrulSi ................................... 129<br />

Taia Tskhadaia - Third Person Pronouns in Megrelian ................................... 139<br />

Zveli qarTuli ena da teqstologia<br />

Winfried Boeder - Klassizistische Sprachkompetenz:<br />

Der altgeorgische Artikel bei Sulchan-Saba Orbeliani ......................................... 140<br />

vinfrid boederi _ klasicisturi enobrivi kompetenturoba: Zveli<br />

qarTuli nawevari sulxan-saba orbelianis `sibrZne sicruisaSi~ .. 162<br />

iost giperti _ siaxleni xanmetobidan .............................................................. 164<br />

Jost Gippert - News from the Khanmetoba ................................................................... 184<br />

nino doborjginiZe _ Zveli qarTuli filologiis<br />

istoriidan ......................................................................................................................... 185<br />

Nino Doborjginidze - From the History of Old Georgian Philology<br />

(The Role of the Kingdom of Antioch in the Political and<br />

Cultural- Educational Processes of XI-XII cc.) ....................................................... 194<br />

valerian kvantriSvili _ sinonimuri paralelizmi<br />

qarTuli oTxTavis or Zvel da or bolo redaqciebSi ........................ 195<br />

Valerian Kvantrishvili - Synonymic Parallelism in the Two Old<br />

and Two Final Editions of the Georgian Four Gospels ........................................ 204<br />

naTia mirotaZe _ kata, windebulis ekvivalentebi<br />

fsalmunTa wignis Zvel qarTul recenziebSi .............................................. 205<br />

Natia Mirotadze - The Equivalents of the Preposition kata,<br />

in the Old Georgian Recensions of the Psalms ........................................................ 214<br />


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