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enaTmecnierebis sakiTxebi ISSUES OF LINGUISTICS - Tbilisi State ... enaTmecnierebis sakiTxebi ISSUES OF LINGUISTICS - Tbilisi State ...


Mzekala Shanidze The Homily "On Jealousy" in the Khanmeti Homiliary Summary Uncial underwriting on palimphsest parchment folios of Ms.S-3902 (National Centre of Manuscripts, Tbilisi) was deciphered in 1927 by A. Shanidze. Large folios of the original manuscript - which had been cut and reshaped to fit the size of the new manuscript - were found to contain fragments of several homiletical works, copied, as indicated by the palaeographical and linguistic features of the text, in the first half of the eighth century. Less than half of the homily "On Jealousy", ascribed in the manuscript to John Chrysostom, has survived on the mutilated folios, the rest is lost. The remaining text of the underwriting was well-nigh illegible; no other manuscript containing the complete text of the homily was accessible at that time, only in the Udabno Homiliary there was an acephalous fragment identical with the ending. Neither were there, eighty years ago, technical devices to help the reader’s naked eye when trying to read the washed-out text. Because of this, the published text has several large gaps, and some sections are nearly blank, except for some words or letters here and there on the page. In the present article the text of the Pseudo-Chrisostomian homily "On Jealousy" is complemented and reconstructed on the basis of the same text in a manuscript unavailable at the time of the first publication (Ms. No. 4 in the collectiom of the Georgian Mss. in the Library of the Greek Patriarchate in Jerusalem). In this manuscript, dated to the fourteenth century, the text of the homily is complete and follows the surviving Khanmeti fragments literally.The text in the Jerusalem manuscript fits neatly into the gaps of the palimphsest, supplying the correct reading for missing letters, words or even whole lines. This leads us to assume that the text of the homily in the Jerusalem manuscript is a faithful copy from an older manuscript. Therefore, it is possible to suggest, with considerable certainty, that the homily "On Jealousy" in the Jerusalem ms. has as its source a translation made very early, but the text itself, in all probability, was copied from a ms. of the type of the Sinai or any other Homiliary (Mravaltavi).The absence of khanmeti forms in Jer. 4, as a feature characteristic for the Homiliaries, could be an indication of this fact. The complete text of the homily "On Jealousy" is published here with a brief Introduction.The text of the palimphsest is presented in two columns (as in the manuscript). The text reconstructed by A. Shanidze is in parenthesis, (as in the edition of 1927), the readings following Jer.4 the present writer has put in square brackets. Sigla: A - Publication by A. Shanidze; J - Ms. Jerusalem 4; U - Udabno Homiliary. 248

nino cixiSvili enaTmecnierebis sakiTxebi _ I-II, 2009 -a da -e sufiqsiani II kavSirebiTi saSual qarTulSi II kavSirebiTi II seriis erT-erTi ZiriTadi mwkrivia rogorc Zvel, ise axal qarTulSi. aRniSnuli mwkrivis mawarmoeblebia -a, -e, -o sufiqsebi (SaniZe 1976:98-99). Zvel qarTulSi am funqciiT gamoiyeneboda kidev -i afiqsi. igi `oriode zmnaSi Tu ixmareboda, isic ara yovelTvis da ara yovelgan (imnaiSvili, imnaiSvili 1996:188). axal qarTulSi II kavSirebiTis mawarmoeblad mxolod -a, -e, -o sufiqsebi gvxvdeba (SaniZe 1980). winamdebare naSromSi saubari gveqneba -a da -e sufiqsiani II kavSirebiTis warmoebis Sesaxeb saSual qarTulSi. Zvel qarTulSi sayrdeni morfemis struqtura ganapirobebs -a da -e sufiqsTa ganawilebas I da II yalibis (uniSno da -i elementiani wyvetilis mqone) zmnebTan. `II kavSirebiTSi -e sufiqsi gamovlindeba im zmnebSi, romelTa sayrdeni morfemiseuli e xmovania gauCinarebuli; yvela sxva SemTxvevaSi uniSno da -i elementiani namyo ZiriTadis mqone zmnebSi am nakvTis mawarmoeblad -a sufiqsi gveqneba~ (gogolaSvili 1984: 88). axal saliteraturo qarTulSi Zveli viTareba mxolod uniSno da -d sufiqsian vnebiTebSi SenarCunda. moqmedebiTi gvaris zmnebTan Tanamedrove qarTulSi, sayrdeni morfemis struqturis miuxedavad, yvelgan -a bolosarTi gabatonda (garda misca zmnisa). aRniSnuli sufiqsis unifikacia aq ukve damTavrebulia. prefiqsian vnebiTebSi paralelizmis SemTxvevebma iCina Tavi. -e sufiqsian formaTa gverdiT -a bolosarTiani zmnebic gamovlindeba da, piriqiT, -a sufiqsian zmnebs zogjer -e bolosarTiani formebic axlavs. prefiqsiani vnebiTebisa da moqmedebiTi gvaris zmnaTa SemTxvevaSi `axali sistemis Camoyalibebis procesTan da zogjer ukve Camoyalibebul viTarebasTan gvaqvs saqme~ (gogolaSvili 1983:85). saSual qarTulSi xsenebuli mwkrivis kvlevisas mniSvnelovania gansxvaveba, rac am niSniT Zvelsa da axal saliteraturo enebs Soris gamoikveTa. saSuali qarTulis ZeglebSi II kavSirebiTis -a da -e sufiqsTa ganawileba axali qarTulis msgavsad xdeba, Zveli warmoebis kvali ki mxolod aqa-iq Tu SeiniSneba. es gansakuTrebiT moqmedebiTi gvaris zmnebTanaa sacnauri. moqmedebi- Ti gvaris zmnebi TiTqmis mTlianad axal warmoebazea gadasuli. Tu Zvel qarTulSi maTTan -a da -e mawarmoebelTa gamovlenas sayrdeni morfemis xmovani ganapirobebda, saSuali qarTulis TiTqmis yvela ZeglSi II kavSi- 249

Mzekala Shanidze<br />

The Homily "On Jealousy" in the Khanmeti Homiliary<br />

Summary<br />

Uncial underwriting on palimphsest parchment folios of Ms.S-3902 (National<br />

Centre of Manuscripts, <strong>Tbilisi</strong>) was deciphered in 1927 by A. Shanidze. Large<br />

folios of the original manuscript - which had been cut and reshaped to fit the size of<br />

the new manuscript - were found to contain fragments of several homiletical<br />

works, copied, as indicated by the palaeographical and linguistic features of the<br />

text, in the first half of the eighth century.<br />

Less than half of the homily "On Jealousy", ascribed in the manuscript to John<br />

Chrysostom, has survived on the mutilated folios, the rest is lost. The remaining<br />

text of the underwriting was well-nigh illegible; no other manuscript containing the<br />

complete text of the homily was accessible at that time, only in the Udabno<br />

Homiliary there was an acephalous fragment identical with the ending. Neither<br />

were there, eighty years ago, technical devices to help the reader’s naked eye when<br />

trying to read the washed-out text. Because of this, the published text has several<br />

large gaps, and some sections are nearly blank, except for some words or letters<br />

here and there on the page.<br />

In the present article the text of the Pseudo-Chrisostomian homily "On Jealousy"<br />

is complemented and reconstructed on the basis of the same text in a manuscript<br />

unavailable at the time of the first publication (Ms. No. 4 in the collectiom of the<br />

Georgian Mss. in the Library of the Greek Patriarchate in Jerusalem). In this<br />

manuscript, dated to the fourteenth century, the text of the homily is complete and<br />

follows the surviving Khanmeti fragments literally.The text in the Jerusalem<br />

manuscript fits neatly into the gaps of the palimphsest, supplying the correct<br />

reading for missing letters, words or even whole lines. This leads us to assume that<br />

the text of the homily in the Jerusalem manuscript is a faithful copy from an older<br />

manuscript. Therefore, it is possible to suggest, with considerable certainty, that the<br />

homily "On Jealousy" in the Jerusalem ms. has as its source a translation made<br />

very early, but the text itself, in all probability, was copied from a ms. of the type<br />

of the Sinai or any other Homiliary (Mravaltavi).The absence of khanmeti forms in<br />

Jer. 4, as a feature characteristic for the Homiliaries, could be an indication of this<br />

fact. The complete text of the homily "On Jealousy" is published here with a brief<br />

Introduction.The text of the palimphsest is presented in two columns (as in the<br />

manuscript). The text reconstructed by A. Shanidze is in parenthesis, (as in the<br />

edition of 1927), the readings following Jer.4 the present writer has put in square<br />

brackets.<br />

Sigla: A - Publication by A. Shanidze; J - Ms. Jerusalem 4; U - Udabno Homiliary.<br />


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