GAVARO - Cindy

GAVARO - Cindy

GAVARO - Cindy


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“I don’t think you’d try to kid us, Lennie,” Meyer said gently, “and we won’t<br />

try to kid you, either. I can’t tell you very much about this, but it can be<br />

very serious, take my word for it !”<br />

“How do you mean, serious ?”<br />

“Well, let’s say there could be a lot more involved here than just a Sullivan<br />

Act violation. Let’s put it that way.”<br />

“You mean, because I was banging Martha when you come in ? Is that what<br />

you mean ?”<br />

“No, not that either. Let’s say there is a very big juicy crime involved here,<br />

maybe. And let’s say you could find yourself right in the middle of it. Okay ?<br />

So level with us from the start, and things may go easier for you.”<br />

“I don’t know what big juicy crime you’re talking about,” Cronin said.<br />

“Well, you think about it a little,” Carella said.<br />

“You mean the gat ? Okay, I ain’t got a permit. Is that what you mean ?”<br />

“Well, that’s not too serious, Lennie,” Meyer said. “No, we’re not thinking<br />

about the pistol.”<br />

“Then what ? You mean like because Martha’s husband ain’t really croaked ?<br />

You mean like because you got us on adultery ?”<br />

“Well, even that isn’t too serious, Lennie, “ Carella said. “That, we can talk<br />

about.”<br />

“Then what ? The junk ?”<br />

“The junk, Lennie ?”<br />

“Yeah, in the room.”<br />

“Heroin, Lennie ?”<br />

“No, no, hey no, nothing big like that ! The mootah, just a few sticks, though.<br />

Just for kicks. That ain’t too serious, now is it ?”<br />

“No, that could be very minor, Lennie. Depending on how much marijuana you<br />

had there in the room.”<br />

“Oh, just a few sticks.”<br />

“Well, then, you’ve got only a possession rap to worry about. You weren’t<br />

planning on selling any of that stuff, were you, Lennie ?”<br />


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