GAVARO - Cindy

GAVARO - Cindy

GAVARO - Cindy


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What I said was: “Good morning, how’s tricks ?” meaning a sort of code word.<br />

Nowadays salesmen and theatrical people use slang that only thieves used to<br />

use, but this phrase was a sure feeler then. So this guy he could tell we were<br />

no chumps, and greeted us as such. Sitting in the lobby we sized up the<br />

tenants of the joint, and decided that we were in a fair spot to live. That<br />

means they weren’t too particular what you done so long as you paid your<br />

rent.<br />

The first place we went to was Hein Cadoodle’ s saloon. If a man or a woman<br />

made a flash of any kind there, they was either torpedoed or robbed, but<br />

they never got away with their money unless they were one of the boys. So<br />

the boys looked us over trying to figure us out, whether we were mugs or<br />

grifters. But we passed a few remarks, felt our way through, and they found<br />

out that we were OK.<br />

We began to think of making some money, so we dropped into a pool room. It’<br />

s on State Street — I can’ t just remember where — which at that time was<br />

a notorious hang-out; all the boys from brass peddlers to stick-up men used<br />

to go there.<br />

A brass peddler is a fellow that buys fake jewelry, and stamps it 14 carat.<br />

For instance he will buy a little ring with a glass diamond in it, then he makes<br />

up for his part by wearing horn rimmed glasses and things of that sort. Then<br />

he picks on people like tourists, workmen, and especially taxi-drivers, young<br />

fellows who think they are wise guys, know all the questions and answers, but<br />

don’ t even know the time of day.<br />

He goes up to a mark, or likely looking guy, and through his line of talk, gets<br />

the mark to buy the ring under the pretence that he just found it. Or<br />

another way, that is worked by the old-timers and the more élite and<br />

experienced workers, is that they take a woman with them, she has a baby in<br />

her arms, they approach a kindly old gentleman, who is generally a farmer in<br />

town for a few days’ holiday. Then they pull a sob-stuff story on him, and<br />

say: “That’s my wife and baby over there, but I wouldn’ t want her to know<br />

that I’ve got to sell her ring for food.”<br />

These stones are what are known as “Pittsburgh settings” and you can buy<br />

them for three dollars a dozen, already stamped. They are gold shell, 14<br />

carat. They also sell watches, raise 7 carat jewels to 17 carat, and such<br />

rackets.<br />

Well, we proceeded to play some pool, and got acquainted with the boys. It<br />

didn’t take a man with much intelligence to see that we were in a notorious<br />


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