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It seems impossible to divide these forms (generally distributed to two<br />

different roots) from one another. The root has three well­marked stages of<br />

development: ṛj or ṛñj in RV., arj in Brāh., and arjaya in the later language.<br />

Compare also √rāj, probably a derivative from it. With it is related, further,<br />

the anomalously formed stem irajya (irajyáti ­te etc. RV., and irajyú RV.),<br />

'direct, rule'.<br />

√ 2 ṛj, 'shine'.<br />

Inferable from the derivatives:<br />

árjuna v.+ ­ṛjīká v. ṛ́jīti RV. ṛjrá RV.<br />

√ ṛt, art, 'pursue'.<br />

Aor. 5. artiḍhvam PB 1<br />

.<br />

Fut. artiṣye Av 1<br />

.<br />

Deriv.: artaná vs 1<br />

. ­artitṛ v 1<br />

. ártuka ŚB 1<br />

.<br />

A very doubtful root ; ánvartiṣye and anvartitṛ́ apparent contractions<br />

for anu­vart­; and Bö. amends artiḍhvam to arthi­(but ??). But artana<br />

and artuka seem to show that the thing had assumed the value of a root.<br />

√ ṛd, ard, ‘stir, dissolve'.<br />

Pres. [6.] ṛdantu ā́rdan RV. — [1.] árdati etc. AV.+ [— 7. ṛṇattI.]<br />

[Perf. etc. ānarda; ārdidat, ārdīt; ardiṣyati, arditā.]<br />

Verb, arṇṇa? ŚB.<br />

Sec. Conj.: [Desid. ardidiṣa­.—] Caus. ardáyati etc. ([ārdayīt] ardyate<br />

ardita) v.+<br />

Deriv.: ­ardaka c. ­ardin c. ardanaE,+<br />

Of perplexing variety of meanings. s<br />

√ ṛdh, 'thrive'.<br />

Pres. [5.] ṛdhnóti etc. v.+ — [7.] ṛṇádhat ṛndhyām ṛndhánt v. — [4.]<br />

ṛdhyate ­ti v. + (Pass. ?).<br />

Perf. ānṛdhús AV., ānṛdhe RV.ŚB.<br />

Aor. 1. ā́rdhma B.S., ṛdhā́the RV., ṛdhyā́m etc. V.B.S., ṛdhyā́sam etc.<br />

AV.B.S. , ṛdhīmáhi RV. , ṛdhánt RV. ; ā́rdhi B. — 2. ṛdhet ṛdhema<br />

AV.ŚB. — [3. ārdidhat. —] 5. [ārdhīt] ārdhiṣṭa MS.<br />

Fut. I. ardhiṣyate ŚB. — 2. ardhitā JB.<br />

Verb, ṛddha Av,+ [ṛddhvā, ardhitvā.]<br />

Sec. Conj.: Pass, ṛdhyate etc. v. +, ṛdhyant M. — Desid. ī́rtsati etc. (aírtsīt<br />

etc.) AV.ŚB. [ardidhiṣa­.] — Caus. ardháyati etc. AV. +<br />

Deriv. :<br />

árdha ? v. +<br />

ardhá? v.+<br />

árdhya RV.<br />

­ardhi RV.<br />

árdhuka B.S.<br />

­ṛdh v.s.<br />

Compare roots vṛdh and rādh.<br />

­ṛ́dha RV.<br />

ṛ́dhat, ṛ́dhak? V.B.<br />

ṛ́ddhi AV. +<br />

ṛdhnuka AGS.<br />

­īrtsā AV.<br />

­ardhayitṛ u.s.

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