Untitled - Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation

Untitled - Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation Untitled - Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation

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Socialistic, Socialistieskoe, Socialistische — Socialist. Sociedad(e) — Soc. Sociedad Dasonomica de la America Tropical — S. D. A. T. Societa(s), Societá, Società, Societat(um), Societät, Societa`†ii, Societatis, Société(s), Society — Soc. Sociologica — Sociol. Socnice — Socnice Soderzhanie — Soderzh. Sodo — Sodo Soedenenii — Soedin. Sofijskija — Sofijsk Software — Softw. Soil(s) — Soil(s) Soilless — Soilless Sojuza — Sojuza Sojuznyh — Sojuzn. Sol(s) — Sol(s) Solenne(lle) — Solenne(lle) Solenni — Solenni Solid — Solid Solo(s) — Solo(s) Solutions — Solut. Solving — Solv. Sommaire — Sommaire Sonderausschusses — Sonderaussch. Sonderband(e) — Sonderb. Sonderbeiheft — Sonderbeih. Sonderheft(e) — Sonderh. Songaricus — Song. Sonnblick-Vereins — Sonnblick- Vereins Soob£enija — Soob£. Soobshcheniya, Soobshchestva — Soobshch. Sopronhorpacs — Soproni Sorghum — Sorg. Sornjakami — Sornjak. Sornyakami — Sornyak. Sorozat — Soroz. Sörter — Sörter Sostanze — Sostanze Sostojanii, Sostoyanii — Sost. Sotrudnikov — Sotrudn. Sotsialisticheskoe, Sotsialsticheskogo — Sotsialist. Sound — Sound Source(s) — Source(s) Souterrai — Souterr. South — S. South East — S. E. South West — S. W. Southeast(ern), South-East(ern) — S. E. Southern — S. Southwest(ern) — SouthW. South-West(ern) — S. W. Sove£anij, Sove£anija — Sove£. Soveshchanii [etc.]. — Soveshch. Sov´ta — Sov´ta Sovete — Sovete Appendix Sovetskaja, Sovetskaya, Sovetskie — Sovetsk. Soviet — Soviet Sovietice — Soviet. Soviétique — Soviét. Sovremennoi, Sovremennoj — Sovrem. Soyabean — Soyabean Soybean — Soybean Soyuza — Soyuza Soyuznykh — Soyuzn. Sozialistische — Sozialist. Soziologischen — Soziol. Space — Space Spade — Spade Spasmodic — Spasmodic Specchio — Specchio Special — Special Spéciale — Spéciale Specialist(s,s’) — Specialist(s,s’) Specialized — Special. Spéciaux — Spec. Specierum, Species — Spéc., Spec. Spectantia — Spectantia Spectroscopy — Spectrosc. Speculation — Specul. Spektrum — Spektrum Spekulativen — Spekulativen Speleological, Spéléologie, Speleology — Spéléol., Speleol. Sperimentale, Sperimentazione — Sperim. Spezialkarte — Spezialkarte Spezielle — Spez. Spezifischen — Spezif. Spices — Spices Spiel — Spiel Spinal — Spinal Spine(s) — Spine Spiny — Spiny Spisanie — Spis. Spisok — Spisok Spisy — Spisy Spolenost(i) — Spolen. Spolken, Spolkov¥ — Spolk. Spolku — Spolku Spomenika — Spomen. Spontanée — Spontan. Spore(s) — Spore(s) Sporovye, Sporovyh, Sporovykh — Sporov. Sports — Sports Sportsman — Sportsman Sportstättenbau — Sportstättenbau Spotlight — Spotlight Sprachen — Sprachen Sprave — Sprave Spravi — Spravi Spravonyj — Sprav. Spravy — Spravy Sprawozdania, Sprawozdanie — Spraw. Spring(s) — Spring(s) Sred — Sred 1461 Sredne- — Sredne- Sredneaziatskoi, Sredneaziatskoj, Sredne-Aziatskogo, Sredne- Aziatskom — Sredneaziatsk., Sredne-Aziatsk. Sredne-Sibirskogo — Sredne- Sibirsk. Srodowiska — Srodow. ‹romebi — ‹romebi Srpska — Srpska Srpske — Srpske St. — Filed under “Saint” Staat(en,s) — Staat(en,s) Staatenkunde — Staatenk. Staatlich(en) — Staatl. Staatsanstalt — Staatsanst. Staats-Anzeigen — Staats-Anzeigen Staatsarzneikunde — Staatsarzneik. Staatsarzneykunde, Staatsarzneykunde — Staatsarzneyk. Staatsbürgerliches — Stattsbürgerl. Staatsforstverwaltung — Staatsforstverw. Staatsinstitute(n,s) — Staatsinst. Staatskunde — Staatsk. Staatssammlung — Staatssamml. Staatsuniversität, Staats-Universitat — Staatsuniv., Staats-Univ. Staatswissenchaft — Staatswiss. Stacija, Stacji — Sta. Stad(t) — Stad(t) Stadtischen — Stadt. Staff — Staff Stain — Stain Stancii — Stancii Stancij(a,i) — Stancij(a,i) Stancyi — Stancyi Standard — Stand. Standardization — Standardiz. Standorskunde — Standortsk. Standort — Standort Standortserkundung — Standortserkund. Standortskartierung — Standortrskart. Stanice — Stanice Stantsii — Stantsii Stantsiya — Stantsiya Stantsiyi — Stantsiyi Stantsyi — Stantsyi Starea — Starea State(s) — State(s) Statej — Statej Statement — Statem. Statens — Statens Station(en) [non-English] — Stat. Station(s) [English] — Sta. Statistical, Statistics, Statistik(e), Statistiques, Statistische — Statist. Sta†iunea — Stat. Statniho — Statn. Stato — Stato Status — Status

Stauden — Stauden Staudenkunde — Staudenk. Stavropol’skago — Stavropol’sk. Stawów — Stawów Stazione, Stazioni — Staz. Stedeschoon — Stedesch. Steierischen — Steier. Steiermärkische — Steiermärk. Steinreiches — Steinreiches Steirischer — Steir. Stekelige — Stekel. Stelle — Stelle Stellen-Anzeiger — Stellen-Anz. Stem — Stem Stencil — Stencil Step’ — Step’ ‹t´pa§ského — ‹t´p. Steroids — Steroids Steyermärkische — Steyermärk. Stichting — Stichting Stiftung — Stiftung Stiftungstag(es) — Stiftungstag(es) „tiin†e(lor), „tiin†ific(a,e), „tiin†ifica` — „ti. Stock — Stock Stockfarming — Stockfarming Stockholmisches — Stockholm. Stomatologia — Stomatol. Storage — Storage Store(d) — Store(d) Storia — Storia Storici — Storici Stories — Stories Stosowanej — Stosow. Strahlen — Strahlen Straipsniuˆ — Straipsniuˆ Stralsundisches — Stralsund. Straniera, Straniero — Straniera, Straniero Strasbourgeoise — Strasbourg Strategic — Strategic Strategy — Strategy Stratigrafia, Stratigraphic — Stratigr. Strawberry — Strawberry Stream — Stream Stress — Stress Strigonienses — Strigon. Stroitel’stva — Stroit. Strokovna — Strokovna Strune — Strune Structural, Structure — Struct. Struktura — Strukt. Studejniho, Studeneskih, Studencheskikh, Student(s), Studen†ilor, Studi(i), Studia — Stud. Student — Student Studiekring — Studiekring Studien — Stud. Studiensammlung — Studiensamml. Studier, Studies, Studimeve, Studio — Stud. Study — Study Stuttgarter — Stuttgarter BPH-2 Suara — Suara Subalpino — Subalpino Subarctic — Subarctic Subcellular, Sub-cellular — Subcell., Sub-cell. Subdivision — Subdiv. Subjects — Subj. Submicroscopic — Submicrosc. Substance(s) — Subst. Sub-Station — Sub-Sta. Subtropen, Subtropica, Sub-Tropical, Subtropieskih [etc.], Subtropicheskie [etc.], Subtropického, Subtropiki — Subtrop., Sub-Trop. Suburban — Suburban Succulent(arum,en,s) — Succ. Succulentologica — Succulentol. Succulentosophy — Succulentosophy Sucrerie, Sucriène, Sucrière — Sucr. Suculentas, Suculentos — Suc. Sud-America, Sudamericana — Sud- Amer., Sudamer. Süddeutscher — Süddeutsch. Süddeutschland — Süddeutschl. Sud-Ouest — Sud-Ouest Südwestdeutschland — Südwestdeutschl. Suecana — Suec. Sueciae — Sueciae Suecica— Suecica Suelos — Suelos Sueltas — Sueltas Sugar — Sugar Sugarbeet — Sugarbeet Sugarcane — Sugarcane Suggestions — Suggest. Sughero — Sughero Suhumskogo — Suhumsk. Suid-Afrikaanse — Suid-Afrikaanse Suidelike — Suidel. Suikerindustrie — Suikerindustr. Suikerriet — Suikerriet Suisse — Suisse Sukhumskoi [etc.] — Sukhumsk. Sukkulent(en,i,y) — Sukk. Sukkulentenkunde — Sukkulentenk. Sukkulentenpflege — Sukkulentenpflege Sul — Sul ‹umar — ‹umar Sumarski — Sumarski ‹umarskog — ‹umarsk. ‹umarstva — ‹umarstva ‹umarstvo — ‹umarstvo Summa — Summa Summaries — Summ. Summarized — Summarized Summary — Summ. Sumske — ‹umske Sun — Sun Sundhed — Sundhed 1462 Sundhed-Tidende — Sundhed- Tidende Sundheds-journal — Sundheds-J. Sundries — Sundr. Sunflower — Sunflower Sungariiskaya [etc.] — Sungar. Sunshine — Sunshine Sunyatseni — Sunyatseni Suolo — Suolo Suomalainen, Suomalaisen, Suomen — Suom. Supérieur(e) — Supér. Superintendencia — Superintend. Superintendent — Superintendent Superior(i,um) — Super. Suplemento — Supl. Supplement, Supplementa(ry), Supplementum — Suppl. Supplementband — SupplBand Supply — Supply Support — Support Supramolecular — Supramolec. Surgeon — Surgeon Surgery, Surgical — Surg. Surowcow — Surow. Surveillance — Surveill. Survey(s) — Surv. Survival — Survival Sus — Sus Süsswasser — Süsswasser Sustainable, Sustainability — Sustain. Svampekundskabens — Svampekundsk. Svampnytt — Svampnytt Svaty — Svaty Sveciae — Sveciae Svecicorum — Svecicorum Sv´d´nii, Sv´denij — Sv´d. Sveedsche — Sveedsche Svekla — Svekla Sveklovichnaya — Sveklov. Svensk(a,e) — Svensk(a) Sverdlovskogo — Sverdlovsk. Sveriges — Sveriges Svet — Svet Sveuili£ta — Sveuili£ta Svitu — Svitu Svyatago, Svyatogo — Svyat. Swedish — Swed. Sweedsche — Sweedsche Swenska — Swenska Swiat — Swiat Swiss — Swiss Sygdomme — Sygd. Sylloge — Syll. Sylva — Sylva Sylvestris — Sylvest. Sylvicole(s) — Sylvicole(s) Sylvicultur(al,e) — Sylvic. Symbolae — Symb. Symposia, Symposium — Symp. Syndicale, Syndicate — Syndic. Synergy — Synergy

Stauden — Stauden<br />

Staudenkunde — Staudenk.<br />

Stavropol’skago — Stavropol’sk.<br />

Stawów — Stawów<br />

Stazione, Stazioni — Staz.<br />

Stedeschoon — Stedesch.<br />

Steierischen — Steier.<br />

Steiermärkische — Steiermärk.<br />

Steinreiches — Steinreiches<br />

Steirischer — Steir.<br />

Stekelige — Stekel.<br />

Stelle — Stelle<br />

Stellen-Anzeiger — Stellen-Anz.<br />

Stem — Stem<br />

Stencil — Stencil<br />

Step’ — Step’<br />

‹t´pa§ského — ‹t´p.<br />

Steroids — Steroids<br />

Steyermärkische — Steyermärk.<br />

Stichting — Stichting<br />

Stiftung — Stiftung<br />

Stiftungstag(es) — Stiftungstag(es)<br />

„tiin†e(lor), „tiin†ific(a,e), „tiin†ifica`<br />

— „ti.<br />

Stock — Stock<br />

Stockfarming — Stockfarming<br />

Stockholmisches — Stockholm.<br />

Stomatologia — Stomatol.<br />

Storage — Storage<br />

Store(d) — Store(d)<br />

Storia — Storia<br />

Storici — Storici<br />

Stories — Stories<br />

Stosowanej — Stosow.<br />

Strahlen — Strahlen<br />

Straipsniuˆ — Straipsniuˆ<br />

Stralsundisches — Stralsund.<br />

Straniera, Straniero — Straniera,<br />

Straniero<br />

Strasbourgeoise — Strasbourg<br />

Strategic — Strategic<br />

Strategy — Strategy<br />

Stratigrafia, Stratigraphic — Stratigr.<br />

Strawberry — Strawberry<br />

Stream — Stream<br />

Stress — Stress<br />

Strigonienses — Strigon.<br />

Stroitel’stva — Stroit.<br />

Strokovna — Strokovna<br />

Strune — Strune<br />

Structural, Structure — Struct.<br />

Struktura — Strukt.<br />

Studejniho, Studeneskih,<br />

Studencheskikh, Student(s),<br />

Studen†ilor, Studi(i), Studia —<br />

Stud.<br />

Student — Student<br />

Studiekring — Studiekring<br />

Studien — Stud.<br />

Studiensammlung — Studiensamml.<br />

Studier, Studies, Studimeve, Studio<br />

— Stud.<br />

Study — Study<br />

Stuttgarter — Stuttgarter<br />

BPH-2<br />

Suara — Suara<br />

Subalpino — Subalpino<br />

Subarctic — Subarctic<br />

Subcellular, Sub-cellular — Subcell.,<br />

Sub-cell.<br />

Subdivision — Subdiv.<br />

Subjects — Subj.<br />

Submicroscopic — Submicrosc.<br />

Substance(s) — Subst.<br />

Sub-Station — Sub-Sta.<br />

Subtropen, Subtropica, Sub-Tropical,<br />

Subtropieskih [etc.],<br />

Subtropicheskie [etc.],<br />

Subtropického, Subtropiki —<br />

Subtrop., Sub-Trop.<br />

Suburban — Suburban<br />

Succulent(arum,en,s) — Succ.<br />

Succulentologica — Succulentol.<br />

Succulentosophy —<br />

Succulentosophy<br />

Sucrerie, Sucriène, Sucrière — Sucr.<br />

Suculentas, Suculentos — Suc.<br />

Sud-America, Sudamericana — Sud-<br />

Amer., Sudamer.<br />

Süddeutscher — Süddeutsch.<br />

Süddeutschland — Süddeutschl.<br />

Sud-Ouest — Sud-Ouest<br />

Südwestdeutschland —<br />

Südwestdeutschl.<br />

Suecana — Suec.<br />

Sueciae — Sueciae<br />

Suecica— Suecica<br />

Suelos — Suelos<br />

Sueltas — Sueltas<br />

Sugar — Sugar<br />

Sugarbeet — Sugarbeet<br />

Sugarcane — Sugarcane<br />

Suggestions — Suggest.<br />

Sughero — Sughero<br />

Suhumskogo — Suhumsk.<br />

Suid-Afrikaanse — Suid-Afrikaanse<br />

Suidelike — Suidel.<br />

Suikerindustrie — Suikerindustr.<br />

Suikerriet — Suikerriet<br />

Suisse — Suisse<br />

Sukhumskoi [etc.] — Sukhumsk.<br />

Sukkulent(en,i,y) — Sukk.<br />

Sukkulentenkunde — Sukkulentenk.<br />

Sukkulentenpflege —<br />

Sukkulentenpflege<br />

Sul — Sul<br />

‹umar — ‹umar<br />

Sumarski — Sumarski<br />

‹umarskog — ‹umarsk.<br />

‹umarstva — ‹umarstva<br />

‹umarstvo — ‹umarstvo<br />

Summa — Summa<br />

Summaries — Summ.<br />

Summarized — Summarized<br />

Summary — Summ.<br />

Sumske — ‹umske<br />

Sun — Sun<br />

Sundhed — Sundhed<br />

1462<br />

Sundhed-Tidende — Sundhed-<br />

Tidende<br />

Sundheds-journal — Sundheds-J.<br />

Sundries — Sundr.<br />

Sunflower — Sunflower<br />

Sungariiskaya [etc.] — Sungar.<br />

Sunshine — Sunshine<br />

Sunyatseni — Sunyatseni<br />

Suolo — Suolo<br />

Suomalainen, Suomalaisen, Suomen<br />

— Suom.<br />

Supérieur(e) — Supér.<br />

Superintendencia — Superintend.<br />

Superintendent — Superintendent<br />

Superior(i,um) — Super.<br />

Suplemento — Supl.<br />

Supplement, Supplementa(ry),<br />

Supplementum — Suppl.<br />

Supplementband — SupplBand<br />

Supply — Supply<br />

Support — Support<br />

Supramolecular — Supramolec.<br />

Surgeon — Surgeon<br />

Surgery, Surgical — Surg.<br />

Surowcow — Surow.<br />

Surveillance — Surveill.<br />

Survey(s) — Surv.<br />

Survival — Survival<br />

Sus — Sus<br />

Süsswasser — Süsswasser<br />

Sustainable, Sustainability —<br />

Sustain.<br />

Svampekundskabens —<br />

Svampekundsk.<br />

Svampnytt — Svampnytt<br />

Svaty — Svaty<br />

Sveciae — Sveciae<br />

Svecicorum — Svecicorum<br />

Sv´d´nii, Sv´denij — Sv´d.<br />

Sveedsche — Sveedsche<br />

Svekla — Svekla<br />

Sveklovichnaya — Sveklov.<br />

Svensk(a,e) — Svensk(a)<br />

Sverdlovskogo — Sverdlovsk.<br />

Sveriges — Sveriges<br />

Svet — Svet<br />

Sveuili£ta — Sveuili£ta<br />

Svitu — Svitu<br />

Svyatago, Svyatogo — Svyat.<br />

Swedish — Swed.<br />

Sweedsche — Sweedsche<br />

Swenska — Swenska<br />

Swiat — Swiat<br />

Swiss — Swiss<br />

Sygdomme — Sygd.<br />

Sylloge — Syll.<br />

Sylva — Sylva<br />

Sylvestris — Sylvest.<br />

Sylvicole(s) — Sylvicole(s)<br />

Sylvicultur(al,e) — Sylvic.<br />

Symbolae — Symb.<br />

Symposia, Symposium — Symp.<br />

Syndicale, Syndicate — Syndic.<br />

Synergy — Synergy

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