Ricordare il futuro - Universita' degli Studi "Magna Graecia"

Ricordare il futuro - Universita' degli Studi "Magna Graecia" Ricordare il futuro - Universita' degli Studi "Magna Graecia"


304. Lewis, JD; Destito, G; Zijlstra, A; Gonzalez, MJ; Quigley, JP; Manchester, M; Stuhlmann, H. Viral nanoparticles as tools for intravital vascular imaging. NATURE MEDICINE, 12 (3): 354-360 MAR 2006 305. Liberale, C; Minzioni, P; Bragheri, F; De Angelis, F; Di Fabrizio, E; Cristiani, I. Miniaturized all- fibre probe for three-dimensional optical trapping and manipulation. NATURE PHOTONICS, 1 (12): 723-727 DEC 2007 306. Liberto, MC; Matera, G; Puccio, R; Barbieri, V; Quirino, A; Capicotto, R; Guadagnino, V; Pardatscher, K; Foca, A. An unusual case of brain abscess by Gemella morbillorum. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 59 (2): 126-128 APR 2006 307. Liguori, M; Fera, F; Gioia, MC; Valentino, P; Manna, I; Condino, F; Cerasa, A; La Russa, A; Clodomiro, A; Paolillo, A; Nistico, R; Vercillo, L; Cittadella, R; Quattrone, A. Investigating the role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. GENES BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR, 6 (2): 177-183 MAR 2007 308. Lo Presti, M; Crupi, ML; Zellner, BD; Dugo, G; Mondello, L; Dugo, P; Ragusa, S . Characterization of Artemisia arborescens L. (Asteraceae) leaf-derived essential oil from Southern Italy. JOURNAL OF ESSENTIAL OIL RESEARCH, 19 (3): 218-224 MAY-JUN 2007 309. Lo Presti, M; Ragusa, S; Trozzi, A; Dugo, P; Visinoni, F; Fazio, A; Dugo, G; Mondello, L. A comparison between different techniques for the isolation of rosemary essential oil. JOURNAL OF SEPARATION SCIENCE, 28 (3): 273-280 FEB 2005 310. Ludovico, O; Pellegrini, F; Di Paola, R; Minenna, A; Mastroianno, S; Cardellini, M; Marini, MA; Andreozzi, F; Vaccaro, O; Sesti, G; Trischitta, V. Heterogeneous effect of peroxisome proliferator- activated receptor gamma 2 Ala12 variant on type 2 diabetes risk. OBESITY, 15 (5): 1076-1081 MAY 2007 311. Magariello, A; Muglia, M; Patitucci, A; Mazzei, R; Conforti, FL; Gabriele, AL; Sprovieri, T; Ungaro, C; Gambardella, A; Mancuso, M; Siciliano, G; Branca, D; Aguglia, U; de Angelis, MV; Longo, K; Quattrone, A. Novel spastin (SPG4) mutations in Italian patients with hereditary spastic paraplegia. NEUROMUSCULAR DISORDERS, 16 (6): 387-390 JUN 2006

312. Magnani, M; Ortuso, F; Soro, S; Alcaro, S; Tramontano, A; Botta, M. The beta I/beta III-tubulin isoforms and their complexes with antimitotic agents. FEBS JOURNAL, 273 (14): 3301-3310 JUL 2006 313. Malandrini, A; Gambelli, S; Muglia, M; Berti, G; Patitucci, A; Sugie, K; Umehara, F; Quattrone, A; Dotti, MT; Federico, A. Motor-sensory neuropathy with minifascicle formation in a woman with normal karyotype. NEUROLOGY, 65 (5): 776-776 SEP 13 2005 314. Malchiodi-Albedi, F; Matteucci, A; Formisano, G; Paradisi, S; Carnovale-Scalzo, G; Scorcia, G; Hoerauf, H. Induction of apoptosis in rat retinal cell cultures by partially fluorinated alkanes. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY, 139 (4): 737-739 APR 2005 315. Mangia, A; Ricci, GL; Persico, M; Minerva, N; Carretta, V; Bacca, D; Cela, M; Piattelli, M; Annese, M; Maio, G; Conte, D; Guadagnino, V; Pazienza, V; Festi, D; Spirito, F; Andriulli, A. A randomized controlled trial of pegylated interferon alpha-2a (40 KD) or interferon alpha-2a plus ribavirin and amantadine vs interferon alpha-2a and ribavirin in treatment-naive patients with chronic hepatitis C. JOURNAL OF VIRAL HEPATITIS, 12 (3): 292-299 MAY 2005 316. Maniscalco, M (Maniscalco, M.); Sofia, M (Sofia, M.); Pelaia, G (Pelaia, G.). Nitric oxide in upper airways inflammatory diseases. INFLAMMATION RESEARCH, 56 (2): 58-69 FEB 2007 317. Manna, I; Labate, A; Gambardella, A; Forabosco, P; La Russa, A; Le Piane, E; Aguglia, U; Quattrone, A. Serotonin transporter gene (5-Htt): Association analysis with temporal lobe epilepsy. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 421 (1): 52-56 JUN 21 2007 318. Manni, L; Antonelli, A; Costa, N; Aloe, L. Stress alters vascular-endothelial growth factor expression in rat arteries: Role of nerve growth factor. BASIC RESEARCH IN CARDIOLOGY, 100 (2): 121-130 MAR 2005 319. Mannucci, L; Guardamagna, O; Bertucci, P; Pisciotta, L; Liberatoscioli, L; Bertolini, S; Irace, C; Gnasso, A; Federici, G; Cortese, C . Beta-sitosterolaemia: a new nonsense mutation in the ABCG5 gene. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION, 37 (12): 997-1000 DEC 2007

304. Lewis, JD; Destito, G; Zijlstra, A; Gonzalez, MJ; Quigley, JP; Manchester, M; Stuhlmann, H.<br />

Viral nanoparticles as tools for intravital vascular imaging. NATURE MEDICINE, 12 (3): 354-360 MAR<br />

2006<br />

305. Liberale, C; Minzioni, P; Bragheri, F; De Angelis, F; Di Fabrizio, E; Cristiani, I. Miniaturized all-<br />

fibre probe for three-dimensional optical trapping and manipulation. NATURE PHOTONICS, 1 (12):<br />

723-727 DEC 2007<br />

306. Liberto, MC; Matera, G; Puccio, R; Barbieri, V; Quirino, A; Capicotto, R; Guadagnino, V;<br />

Pardatscher, K; Foca, A. An unusual case of brain abscess by Gemella morb<strong>il</strong>lorum. JAPANESE<br />

JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 59 (2): 126-128 APR 2006<br />

307. Liguori, M; Fera, F; Gioia, MC; Valentino, P; Manna, I; Condino, F; Cerasa, A; La Russa, A;<br />

Clodomiro, A; Paol<strong>il</strong>lo, A; Nistico, R; Verc<strong>il</strong>lo, L; Cittadella, R; Quattrone, A. Investigating the role of<br />

brain-derived neurotrophic factor in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. GENES BRAIN AND<br />

BEHAVIOR, 6 (2): 177-183 MAR 2007<br />

308. Lo Presti, M; Crupi, ML; Zellner, BD; Dugo, G; Mondello, L; Dugo, P; Ragusa, S .<br />

Characterization of Artemisia arborescens L. (Asteraceae) leaf-derived essential o<strong>il</strong> from Southern Italy.<br />


309. Lo Presti, M; Ragusa, S; Trozzi, A; Dugo, P; Visinoni, F; Fazio, A; Dugo, G; Mondello, L. A<br />

comparison between different techniques for the isolation of rosemary essential o<strong>il</strong>. JOURNAL OF<br />

SEPARATION SCIENCE, 28 (3): 273-280 FEB 2005<br />

310. Ludovico, O; Pellegrini, F; Di Paola, R; Minenna, A; Mastroianno, S; Cardellini, M; Marini, MA;<br />

Andreozzi, F; Vaccaro, O; Sesti, G; Trischitta, V. Heterogeneous effect of peroxisome proliferator-<br />

activated receptor gamma 2 Ala12 variant on type 2 diabetes risk. OBESITY, 15 (5): 1076-1081 MAY<br />

2007<br />

311. Magariello, A; Muglia, M; Patitucci, A; Mazzei, R; Conforti, FL; Gabriele, AL; Sprovieri, T;<br />

Ungaro, C; Gambardella, A; Mancuso, M; Sic<strong>il</strong>iano, G; Branca, D; Aguglia, U; de Angelis, MV; Longo,<br />

K; Quattrone, A. Novel spastin (SPG4) mutations in Italian patients with hereditary spastic paraplegia.<br />


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