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psychobiological effects. INTERNATIONAL CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, 22 (4): 197-204 JUL 2007 71. Brambillasca, S; Yabal, M; Makarow, M; Borgese, N. Unassisted translocation of large polypeptide domains across phospholipid bilayers. JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY, 175 (5): 767-777 DEC 4 2006 72. Brambillasca, S; Yabal, M; Soffientini, P; Stefanovic, S; Makarow, M; Hegde, RS; Borgese, N. Transmembrane topogenesis of a tail-anchored protein is modulated by membrane lipid composition. EMBO JOURNAL, 24 (14): 2533-2542 JUL 20 2005 73. Bruno, R; Ferretti, E; Tosi, E; Arturi, F; Giannasio, P; Mattei, T; Scipioni, A; Presta, I; Morisi, R; Gulino, A; Filetti, S; Russo, D. Modulation of thyroid-specific gene expression in normal and nodular human thyroid tissues from adults: An in vivo effect of thyrotropin. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM, 90 (10): 5692-5697 OCT 2005 74. Bruno, R; Giannasio, P; Bellitti, P; Sinisi, R; Arturi, F; Russo, D; Costante, G. Lack of TSH inhibition by exogenous L-T-4 in a patient with follicular thyroid carcinoma. JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION, 28 (7): 663-666 JUL-AUG 2005 75. Bruschi, L; Fois, G; Mistura, G; Tormen, M; Garbin, V; di Fabrizio, E; Gerardino, A; Natali, M. Complete wetting of curved microscopic channels. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 125 (14): Art. No. 144709 OCT 14 2006 76. Bruzzese, F; Di Gennaro, E; Avallone, A; Pepe, S; Arra, C; Caraglia, M; Tagliaferri, P; Budillon, A. Synergistic antitumor activity of epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor gefitinib and IFN-alpha in head and neck cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH, 12 (2): 617-625 JAN 15 2006 77. Bulotta, S; Cerullo, A; Barsacchi, R; De Palma, C; Rotiroti, D; Clementi, E; Borgese, N. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase is segregated from caveolin-1 and localizes to the leading edge of migrating cells. EXPERIMENTAL CELL RESEARCH, 312 (6): 877-889 APR 1 2006

78. Bulotta, S; Perrotta, C; Cerullo, A; De Palma, C; Clementi, E; Borgese, N. A cellular system to study the role of nitric oxide in cell death, survival, and migration. NEUROTOXICOLOGY, 26 (5): 841- 845 Sp. Iss. SI OCT 2005 79. Burwick, RM; Ramsay, PP; Haines, JL; Hauser, SL; Oksenberg, JR; Pericak-Vance, MA; Schmidt, S; Compston, A; Sawcer, S; Cittadella, R; Savettieri, G; Quattrone, A; Polman, CH; Uitdehaag, BMJ; Zwemmer, JNP; Hawkins, P; Ollier, WER; Weatherby, S; Enzinger, C; Fazekas, F; Schmidt, H; Schmidt, R; Hillert, J; Masterman, T; Hogh, P; Niino, M; Kikuchi, S; Maciel, P; Santos, M; Rio, ME; Kwiecinski, H; Zakrzewska-Pniewska, B; Evangelou, N; Palace, J; Barcellos, LF. APOE epsilon variation in multiple sclerosis susceptibility and disease severity - Some answers. NEUROLOGY, 66 (9): 1373- 1383 MAY 9 2006 80. Cabrini, S; Businaro, L; Prasciolu, M; Carpentiro, A; Gerace, D; Galli, M; Andreani, C; Riboli, F; Pavesi, L; Di Fabrizio, E. Focused ion beam fabrication of one-dimensional photonic crystals on Si3N4/SiO2 channel waveguides. JOURNAL OF OPTICS A-PURE AND APPLIED OPTICS, 8 (7): S550-S553 Sp. Iss. SI JUL 2006 81. Cabrini, S; Liberale, C; Cojoc, D; Carpentiero, A; Prasciolu, M; Mora, S; Degiorgio, V; De Angelis, F; Di Fabrizio, E. Axicon lens on optical fiber forming optical tweezers, made by focused ion beam milling. MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, 83 (4-9): 804-807 APR-SEP 2006 82. Cabrini, S; Barsotti, RJ; Carpentiero, A; Businaro, L; Zaccaria, RP; Stellacci, F; Di Fabrizio, E. Cross beam lithography (FIB plus EBL) and dip pen nanolithography for nanoparticle conductivity measurements. JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B, 23 (6): 2806-2810 NOV- DEC 2005 83. Calabro, ML; Raneri, D; Ficarra, P; Ferreri, G; De Sarro, G; Bruno, G; Zappala, M; Micale, N; Grasso, S. Enantioseparation, absolute configuration determination, and anticonvulsant activity of (+/-)-1- (4-aminophenyl)-7,8-methylenedioxy-1,2,3,5-tetrahydro)-4H-2,3-benzodiazepin-4-one. CHIRALITY, 19 (1): 16-21 JAN 2007 84. Calabro, ML; Raneri, D; Tommasini, S; Ficarra, R; Alcaro, S; Gallelli, A; Micale, N; Zappala, M; Ficarra, P. Enantio selective recognition of 2,3-benzodiazepin-4-one derivatives with anticonvulsant activity on several polysaccharide chiral stationary phases. JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY B-

78. Bulotta, S; Perrotta, C; Cerullo, A; De Palma, C; Clementi, E; Borgese, N. A cellular system to<br />

study the role of nitric oxide in cell death, survival, and migration. NEUROTOXICOLOGY, 26 (5): 841-<br />

845 Sp. Iss. SI OCT 2005<br />

79. Burwick, RM; Ramsay, PP; Haines, JL; Hauser, SL; Oksenberg, JR; Pericak-Vance, MA;<br />

Schmidt, S; Compston, A; Sawcer, S; Cittadella, R; Savettieri, G; Quattrone, A; Polman, CH; Uitdehaag,<br />

BMJ; Zwemmer, JNP; Hawkins, P; Ollier, WER; Weatherby, S; Enzinger, C; Fazekas, F; Schmidt, H;<br />

Schmidt, R; H<strong>il</strong>lert, J; Masterman, T; Hogh, P; Niino, M; Kikuchi, S; Maciel, P; Santos, M; Rio, ME;<br />

Kwiecinski, H; Zakrzewska-Pniewska, B; Evangelou, N; Palace, J; Barcellos, LF. APOE eps<strong>il</strong>on variation<br />

in multiple sclerosis susceptib<strong>il</strong>ity and disease severity - Some answers. NEUROLOGY, 66 (9): 1373-<br />

1383 MAY 9 2006<br />

80. Cabrini, S; Businaro, L; Prasciolu, M; Carpentiro, A; Gerace, D; Galli, M; Andreani, C; Riboli, F;<br />

Pavesi, L; Di Fabrizio, E. Focused ion beam fabrication of one-dimensional photonic crystals on<br />

Si3N4/SiO2 channel waveguides. JOURNAL OF OPTICS A-PURE AND APPLIED OPTICS, 8 (7):<br />

S550-S553 Sp. Iss. SI JUL 2006<br />

81. Cabrini, S; Liberale, C; Cojoc, D; Carpentiero, A; Prasciolu, M; Mora, S; Degiorgio, V; De<br />

Angelis, F; Di Fabrizio, E. Axicon lens on optical fiber forming optical tweezers, made by focused ion<br />

beam m<strong>il</strong>ling. MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, 83 (4-9): 804-807 APR-SEP 2006<br />

82. Cabrini, S; Barsotti, RJ; Carpentiero, A; Businaro, L; Zaccaria, RP; Stellacci, F; Di Fabrizio, E.<br />

Cross beam lithography (FIB plus EBL) and dip pen nanolithography for nanoparticle conductivity<br />

measurements. JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B, 23 (6): 2806-2810 NOV-<br />

DEC 2005<br />

83. Calabro, ML; Raneri, D; Ficarra, P; Ferreri, G; De Sarro, G; Bruno, G; Zappala, M; Micale, N;<br />

Grasso, S. Enantioseparation, absolute configuration determination, and anticonvulsant activity of (+/-)-1-<br />

(4-aminophenyl)-7,8-methylenedioxy-1,2,3,5-tetrahydro)-4H-2,3-benzodiazepin-4-one. CHIRALITY, 19<br />

(1): 16-21 JAN 2007<br />

84. Calabro, ML; Raneri, D; Tommasini, S; Ficarra, R; Alcaro, S; Gallelli, A; Micale, N; Zappala, M;<br />

Ficarra, P. Enantio selective recognition of 2,3-benzodiazepin-4-one derivatives with anticonvulsant<br />

activity on several polysaccharide chiral stationary phases. JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY B-

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