HOWARD MAYER BROWN MICROFILM COLLECTION GUIDE Page individual reels from general collections using the call number: Howard Mayer Brown microfilm # ___ Scope and Content Howard Mayer Brown (1930 1993), leading medieval and renaissance musicologist, most recently ofthe University ofChicago, directed considerable resources to the microfilming ofearly music sources. This collection ofmanuscripts and printed works in 1700 microfilms covers the thirteenth through nineteenth centuries, with the bulk treating the Medieval, Renaissance, and early Baroque period (before 1700). It includes medieval chants, renaissance lute tablature, Venetian madrigals, medieval French chansons, French Renaissance songs, sixteenth to seventeenth century Italian madrigals, eighteenth century opera libretti, copies ofopera manuscripts, fifteenth century missals, books ofhours, graduals, and selected theatrical works. I Organization The collection is organized according to the microfilm listing Brown compiled, and is not formally cataloged. Entries vary in detail; some include RISM numbers which can be used to find a complete description ofthe work, other works are identified only by the library and shelf mark, and still others will require going to the microfilm reel for proper identification. There are a few microfilm reel numbers which are not included in this listing. Brown's microfilm collection guide can be divided roughly into the following categories CONTENT Works by RISM number MICROFILM # GUIDE Reels 1- 281 pp. 1 - 38 Copies ofmanuscripts arranged alphabetically by institution Reels 282-455 pp. 39 - 49 I Copies of manuscript collections and Reels 456 - 1103 pp. 49 - 84 . miscellaneous compositions I Operas alphabetical by composer Reels 11 03 - 1126 pp. 85 - 154 I IAnonymous Operas i Reels 1126a - 1126b I pp.155-158 I

<strong>HOWARD</strong> <strong>MAYER</strong> <strong>BROWN</strong> <strong>MICROFILM</strong> COLLECTION GUIDE<br />

Page individual reels from general collections using the call number:<br />

Howard Mayer Brown microfilm # ___<br />

Scope and Content<br />

Howard Mayer Brown (1930 1993), leading medieval and renaissance musicologist,<br />

most recently ofthe University ofChicago, directed considerable resources to the<br />

microfilming ofearly music sources. This collection ofmanuscripts and printed works in<br />

1700 microfilms covers the thirteenth through nineteenth centuries, with the bulk treating<br />

the Medieval, Renaissance, and early Baroque period (before 1700). It includes medieval<br />

chants, renaissance lute tablature, Venetian madrigals, medieval French chansons, French<br />

Renaissance songs, sixteenth to seventeenth century Italian madrigals, eighteenth century<br />

opera libretti, copies ofopera manuscripts, fifteenth century missals, books ofhours,<br />

graduals, and selected theatrical works.<br />

I<br />

Organization<br />

The collection is organized according to the microfilm listing Brown compiled, and is not<br />

formally cataloged. Entries vary in detail; some include RISM numbers which can be<br />

used to find a complete description ofthe work, other works are identified only by the<br />

library and shelf mark, and still others will require going to the microfilm reel for proper<br />

identification. There are a few microfilm reel numbers which are not included in this<br />

listing.<br />

Brown's microfilm collection guide can be divided roughly into the following categories<br />


Works by RISM number<br />

<strong>MICROFILM</strong> # GUIDE<br />

Reels 1- 281 pp. 1 - 38<br />

Copies ofmanuscripts arranged<br />

alphabetically by institution<br />

Reels 282-455<br />

pp. 39 - 49<br />

I Copies of manuscript collections and Reels 456 - 1103 pp. 49 - 84<br />

. miscellaneous compositions<br />

I Operas alphabetical by composer Reels 11 03 - 1126 pp. 85 - 154<br />

I<br />

IAnonymous Operas i Reels 1126a - 1126b<br />

I<br />

pp.155-158<br />


I Libretti by institution<br />

I<br />

More Italian libretti and masses, copies<br />

of 15 th C. missals, chant manuscripts,<br />

books of hours, graduals, and misc.<br />

works<br />

Reels 1127 - 1259 pp. 159 -168<br />

Reels 1260 - 1700 pp. 168 - 201<br />

This is the extensive checklist which Howard Mayer Brown kept for his extensive<br />

collection ofmicrofilm. The <strong>Newberry</strong> <strong>Library</strong> has kept his numbering system and<br />

maintains the collection iunong its other microfiJms. Although at first somewhat<br />

daunting, we think that specialists will find this list use and we put it among our<br />

reference works here so that there can be access to the films themselves until some future<br />

time when they may be otherwise cataloged.<br />

,<br />

Mary Wyly . ,<br />

Associate Librarian<br />

June 1995

•<br />

• 72.<br />

•<br />

70.<br />

71.<br />

73.<br />

74.<br />

75.<br />

76.<br />

77.<br />

RISH 1543-19:<br />

RISM 1544-19.<br />

RISM 1546-3,<br />

RISl'1 1546-4,<br />

RISH 1547-221<br />

RISM 1546-9.<br />

RISH 1,546-8:<br />

RISH 1539-7,<br />

II primo libro a due voci de diversi autori<br />

novamente et con agni diligentia<br />

corretto. Venezia, A Gardane<br />

Guter, se1tzamer, und kunstreicher teutscher<br />

Gesang, sonderlich ettliche lcunstliche Quodlibet,<br />

SchlacJlt, und der gleichen mit vier<br />

oder funff Stimmen, biss her im Truck nicht<br />

. gesehen... Nurnberg: J. Pe-treius<br />

Liber primus missarum quinque vOCUnt, a<br />

diversis mllsicis compositarum••••<br />

Antwerpena T. Susato<br />

Liber tertius missarum quatour vocUnt, a<br />

diverBis'musicis compositarum••••.<br />

Antwerpen: T. Susato<br />

Intabolatura de lauto di Simon Gintz1e:r muBico<br />

del reverendissimo cardinale di Trento, de<br />

recercari motetti madrigali et eanzon franeese<br />

novamente posta in 1uee. Libro primo.<br />

Venezia 1 A. Gardane<br />

.Horalis hispani et multorum eximiae artis<br />

virorum musica eum vocibus quatour vulgo<br />

moteeta eognominata. - Venezial A. Gardane<br />

Se1eetissimae symphoniae eompositae ab<br />

excellentibus musicis, antehae non aeditae.<br />

Nurnberg: J. von Berg & U. Neuber<br />

Moteti de 1a simia (Liber primus voeum<br />

quinque). Ferrara, J. de Buglhat, H. de<br />

Campis, A. Hueher

• 78.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

RISM 1.547-3:<br />

81.<br />

RISM 1.547-4.<br />

10 ..<br />

Sex msse dulcissime moduJ.a.tionis auras omnium<br />

mulcentes vocibus quinque. Quarum prima :t-1antue<br />

capelle magistri Jacheti est, tres sequentes<br />

Gomberti aunt, due taman Jaeheti' Berehem, suis<br />

cum nominibus tit in indica continetur, expurgate<br />

plurimis erroribus denuo prodeunt in 1ucem.<br />

Venezia, A. Gardane<br />

Quinque missarum harmonia diapente id est<br />

quinque voces ref'erens••• Venezia. A. ,Gardane<br />

Ca.," ,,;. a .

• 88.<br />

• RISM<br />

•<br />

RISM 1.549-11<br />

89•. RI5M 1.543-51<br />

90. RISM 1.548-21<br />

1.549-11:<br />

91. RISH 1.542-171<br />

92. RISM 1.540-8:<br />

12.<br />

Laments.tiones Hieremiae Prophets.e, ma:x:ime<br />

1ugubribus et querulis concentibus musicis,<br />

. decoro undiquaque eruditissime observatol<br />

composits..e a clarissimis nostri seculi musicis:<br />

Thoma Crequi10ne Caesarei chori magistro.<br />

J ohanne Gardano. Petro de. la fu,e, fiandro·.<br />

Antonio Fevino. Claudio de Sermisy, •••<br />

at alio quodam incerto authore.<br />

Nurnberg, J. "von Berg & U. Neuber<br />

Moralis bispani, et linlltorum e:x:imiae artis'<br />

v.irorUm "musica cum vocibus quatuor, wlgo<br />

.ll1Otecta.. cognomina ts. i cuius magna .pars· paribus<br />

vocibus cants.nda est: reliqua vera plena voce<br />

apta est decants.ri, hadtenus non typijs<br />

excussa, nunc autem in 1ucem prodit.<br />

Veneziac G. Scotto<br />

Cantiones as1ectissinae. Quatuor vocum.<br />

Ab .eximii.s et praests.ntibus caesareae<br />

Mliests.tis Cappellae musicis. M. Cornelio<br />

Cane. Thoma Crequi1one. Nicolae .Payen<br />

& J ohanne Lests.innier organists., composits.e et<br />

in comtiis augusts.nis· studio et impensis'<br />

Sigismundi Salmingeri in J..ucem aedits.e.<br />

Liber primus.... Augsberg: P•.<br />

Cantionesse1ectissimae. Quatuor vocum •<br />

•••••••(above) •••••Liber sacundus ••••••••<br />

Augsbergl P. t.n.hard<br />

I1 primo libro d'i madrigali de diversi<br />

acce11entissimi autori a misura. di breve<br />

novamente con grande artifficio composti et<br />

con ogni diligentio sts.mpati et posti in 1uce<br />

quatuor Yocum. Venezia, A. Gardane<br />

Concentus novi, trium VOCUM, . cee1esiarum<br />

usui in Prussia praecipue accomodati.<br />

Joanne Kugel.manno, tubicinae symphonisarum<br />

authore. News Gesanng, mit dreyen Stimmen,<br />

den Kirchen und Schulen zu nutz,.newlich in<br />

Preussen durch Joannem Kugelman gesetzt. Item<br />

etliche stuck, mit acht, sechs, funf und<br />

vier Stymmen binzu gethan.<br />

Augsbarga 11. Kraisstein

• RISM<br />

• llB.<br />

•<br />

ll6.<br />

ll7. RISM 1539-211<br />

RISM 1539-251<br />

ll9.<br />

120. RISM 1569-7:<br />

16•<br />

1.548-10: Husica eli Cipriano Rore sopra 1e stanze<br />

del Petrarcha in laude della I'1adonna, e<br />

cinque madrigali di due parte l'mio non<br />

piu veduti, ne stampati, con a1cuni madrigali<br />

di M. Adriano. Libroterzo. Venezia:<br />

A. G.H.rdane<br />

,It cu.. c .

•<br />

...<br />

•<br />

•<br />

180.<br />

181.<br />

182.<br />

183.<br />

184 •.<br />

185.<br />

186.<br />

187.<br />

188.<br />

RISM 1574-13,<br />

------1552<br />

RISt1 1554-26,<br />

RrSM 1554-27'<br />

RISM 15.53-23:<br />

RIS14 15.56-14.<br />

RISl1 1.573-7:<br />

RISM 1.567-6:<br />

RISN 1572-2:<br />

RISM 15.54-25:<br />

RISH 1572-2:<br />

27 •<br />

Teutsche Lautenbuch, ••••same as # 178.<br />

Certon.M.P • Premier livre de chansons,.<br />

a.' 4. In 4 vols. Paris, 1552<br />

Second livre de chansons, nouvellement mises<br />

en IlIUsique aquatre parties par bons et scavans<br />

musiciens, -imprimees en qt/tre volumes.<br />

Paris: A. le Roy et R. Ballard<br />

(Superius, Tenor, Bassus)<br />

Tiers livre de chansons....... see above<br />

(Superius• Tenor, Bassus)<br />

Quart livre de chansons, composees a quatre .<br />

parties par bons et excellens musiciens.<br />

imprimees en quatre volumes.<br />

PariSI A. le Roy et R. Ballard<br />

(Superius, Tenor and Bassus)<br />

Cinquiesme livre de chansons,.... see above<br />

(;'Superius, Tenor and Bassus)<br />

Cinquieme (: ) livre de chansons a quatre<br />

parties, de Ia. Arcadet & autres.<br />

ParissA. le Roy et R. Ballard<br />

(Contratenor only)<br />

Cinqueme livre de chansons nouvellement<br />

composees a quatre parties, par 1'!. Arcadelt &<br />

autres autheurs. Imprime en quatre volumes•<br />

.Paris: A. le Roy et R. Ballard<br />

( Tenor only)<br />

11ellange de chansons tant des vieuX autheurs .<br />

que des modernes, a cinq, sfx, sept, et huit<br />

parties. PariSI A. le Roy et R. Ballard<br />

SEE KCL 188 for SUperius only<br />

Premier recueil de chansons, composees a<br />

quatre parties par bons et excellens musiciens<br />

imprimees en quatre volumes •<br />

Paris: A. le Roy et R. Eallard<br />

SEE KCL 186 for entry<br />

(This film, Superius only)<br />

i<br />


• 295.<br />

,. 298.<br />

.'•<br />

296. BERLIN: staatsbibliothek, ms. 40028<br />

1599 ff. A. Gumpelzhaimer. 130 works, mostly motets;<br />

all but 14 and 1 fragment listed alphabetically at<br />

beginning of ms.<br />

297. BERLIN: Staatsbibliothek, ms. mUSt 40021 (olim muse ma. Z21)<br />

Mostl.y' sacred music by Netherlands and<br />

composers; 1420-1520.<br />

299. BERLIN: Staatsbibliothek, ms. 40098<br />

Glogauer Liederbuch<br />

300 •<br />


•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

425. Tournai. Ms. (1)<br />

426. Turin. Ris. mus. I. 27<br />

427. Ulm. Band III (1695) Superius<br />

428. Ulm. Band III (1595) Altus<br />

429. Ulm. (1655) Tenor<br />

430. Ulm. Band IV (1675) Bassus<br />

431. Vatican. Ms. 35<br />

432. Uppsa1a. Ms. 87<br />

433. Vatican• Ms. 51<br />

434. Vatican. Ms. 63<br />

;Ve1 If..;; CI'IVI7tJ .dr<br />

435. Vatican Mss. Pal. Lat. 1976-82<br />

436. Vatican. Ms. 11953<br />

437. Vatican. Haberl Catalogue<br />

438. Verona. Cod. DCCLV<br />

439. Verona. Cod. DCCLVI<br />

tl 440. V£trm()w. eotJ. DtCI-Vll {151}<br />

441. Verona. Cod. DCCLVII Bib1. Cap. 438<br />

442. Verona. Cod. DCCLVIII<br />

443. Verona. Cod. DCCLX<br />

444. Vienna. ONB Ms. 18810<br />

445 • Warsaw. Ms. 2016 - Feldmann dissertation, 2 vo1s.<br />

446. Vienna. ONB Mss. 19.832<br />

447. Warsaw. Ms. 2016<br />

( .i..

• 739.<br />

• 749<br />

•<br />

736. Romano, Francesco V. II Leuto Antonizatto<br />

740.<br />

741. Rosetto u/151. musica nova a 5 (1566)<br />

742. Rossi, Salomone. 4th Book of varii sonate, incl. dances<br />

2 vlns. and b.c. (1642)<br />

743. Rotta. Book I (1546).<br />

744. Rotta. (1546) Book I<br />

745. Rotta (1546) Intabolatura... Book I (Gardane)<br />

746. RUhling (1583)<br />

747. Sabbatini. Intermedii (1628)<br />

748. Salbinger (Kriesstein 1540) Selectissimae<br />

. Sancta Maria (1565); Scaletta (1590); Severi (1615)<br />

750. Scandello. Bettliche Deudsche Liedlein (1570)<br />

751. Scandello. Neue teutsche Liedlein (1568)<br />

752. Scandello. Neue sch8ne ausserlesene geistliche<br />

deutsche Lieder (1575)<br />

753. Scarlatti. Cantatas<br />

754. Scarlatti. L'Odoacre<br />

755. Schlick. Tabulaturen (1512)<br />

756. Schlick. Tabulaturen<br />

757. Schmidt. Zwey BUcher orgel, etc. (1577)<br />

758. Schuler, M. Thesis on J. Paix orgel Tabulaturbuch

•<br />

(<br />

• Boo<br />

•<br />

785. vento. Quinque Motetae, etc. (1575)<br />

786. Verde10t. Ita1ia mia<br />

787. Verde10t. Madriga1i a 4 I, II (1556)<br />

7BB. Verde10t. Madriga1i a 4, III (1537)<br />

7B9. Verde10t. Motets (1549)<br />

790. Verovio. Canzonette (1591)<br />

791. Veronensis, J.P. B/idi-. Institutions ad difersas ... (1572<br />

792. Verovio.<br />

793. Verovio.<br />

794. Verovio.<br />

795. Verovio.<br />

796. Viadana.<br />

797. Vincenti.<br />

79B. Vincenti.<br />

799. Vincenti<br />

Di1etto spiritua1i (1592) (no. intab.)<br />

Di1etto spiritua1e (1592)<br />

Ghir1anda di fioretti musica1i (15B9)<br />

Lodi della musica (1595)<br />

Canzonette a 4, 10 lib. (1590)<br />

Intav. d'organo (159B)<br />

Canzonette (1597)<br />

. Vinci. II 1ibro 10... a2 u/B5B<br />

B01. Vinci & Verso. Bk. 2. Motetti & ricercari a 3 (1591)<br />

canto<br />

""<br />

B02. Vinci & Verso. Bk. 2. M tetti & ricercari a 3 (1591) Tenore<br />

n<br />

B03. Vinde11a. Bk. 1 (1546)-,";'-{"v /UO"..,I •.s'S ,(..,Z:r«eive.d 8-.:l>-fflCf<br />

B04. Alfonso della Viola<br />

B05. Virchi. T bu1atura: cittara I (1574)<br />

B06. Virgi1iano, A. II Do1ceme10. Ms. of ca. 1600<br />

B07. Vreedman. Carminum qual cythara (1569)<br />

BoB. Wae1rant.& Laet. Jardin Musical Bks. 1-3 (1556)<br />

B09. Waisse1ius. Tabu1atur (1591)<br />

B10. Waisse1ius. T .n<br />

buoatur (159212)<br />


•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

RISM 15265<br />

RISM 1529 4<br />

_ /1./ C 1 /'"

• 829<br />

•<br />

•<br />

<strong>MICROFILM</strong> 1103B<br />

MBernardini. Achille in Sciro. 1194<br />

830 II bassa generoso. 1182<br />

831 II conte di bell'umore. 1183<br />

832<br />

La donna bizarra. 1191<br />

833 18 quattro nazioni. 1193<br />

834 Furberia e puntiglio. 1198<br />

835 La statua per puntiglio. 1191<br />

836 L'ultima che si perde e la speranza. 1192<br />

831<br />

838 Amore per incanto. 1191<br />

839 L'allegria della campagna. 1191<br />

840 GI'incontri stravaganti. 1190<br />

841 LBult1ma che si perde a la speranza. 1190<br />

842 La donna di spirito. 1191<br />

843 II conte di bell'umore. 1191<br />

e44 II conte di bell'umore. 1183<br />

845 II barone a forzo 0 sia II trionfo di Bacco. 1188<br />

e46 La finta sposa olandese. 1116<br />

841 18 tre orfanelle 0 sia La scuola di musica. 1198<br />

848 Li tre Orfei. 1181<br />

849 Li cinque pretendenti. 1194<br />

850 II pazzo glorioso. 1190<br />

851 II muto per astuzia. 1199<br />

852 La spoaa polacca. 1199<br />

853<br />

854 A Bernasconi. Adriano in Siria. 1155<br />

855<br />

856 La clemenza di Tito. 1168<br />

851 Demetrio. 1112<br />

858 La Didone abbandonata. 1160<br />

859 L'Olympiadeo 1164<br />

860 Semiramide. 1165<br />

861 Temistocle. 1144

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

DO ..

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

1722 Cavalli. I1 Giasone n. do<br />

1723 CavIlL l'Orimonte (1650)<br />

Cavalli. L10risteo travestito (1656)<br />

Cavalli. L'Ormihdo (1644)---­<br />

'-I<br />

1726 Cavalli. 1.k'_C prosperita infelice di Giulici Cesare elittatore (1656)<br />

1727 Cavalli. II Romolo e t r Remo (1645)<br />

172S----Cava1.1.i.-m--StatTra(1655) ­<br />

1729 Cavalli. La virtU detstrali atanore (1642)<br />

1730- . Cavalli. Artemisia (1656)<br />

1731 Cavalli. La Bradamante (1650)<br />

1732- Cavalli. Pomepo magno (1666)­<br />

1733 - CavallL IIa Torilda (1648)

•<br />

•<br />

MICROFItM 1106A C )<br />

2035 G Cocchi. Li matti per smoreo 1754<br />

2036 Li matti per smore. 1764<br />

2037 II pazzo glorioso. 1758<br />

2038 L'Elisa. 1744<br />

2039 La Gismonda. 1750<br />

2040 La serva bacchettona. 1149<br />

2041 Siroe. 1750<br />

2042 Demofonte. 1154<br />

204 3 Le donne vindicate 0 1151<br />

2044 La Rosmira fedele. 1753<br />

2045 Semiramide riconosciuta. 1153<br />

2046 Sesostri re d'Egitto. 1152<br />

2047 Zoe. 1156<br />

2048 La scuola moderna 0 sia La maestra di huon gusto. 1748<br />

2049 Merope. 1748<br />

2050 Nitocri. 1751<br />

2051 Andromeda. 1155<br />

2052 Adelaide. 1743<br />

2053 II pazzo glorioso. 1753<br />

2054 Tamerlano. 1154 (+ Pescetti)<br />

2055<br />

2056<br />

2057<br />

2058<br />

2059<br />

2060<br />

2061<br />

2062<br />

2063<br />

2064<br />

2065<br />

2066<br />

2067<br />

2068<br />

• 2069<br />

2070<br />

2071<br />

2072<br />


• 2075<br />

•<br />

•<br />

<strong>MICROFILM</strong> 110gA<br />

2074<br />

2076<br />

2077<br />

2078<br />

2079<br />

3080<br />

2081<br />

2082<br />

2083<br />

2084<br />

2085<br />


•<br />

•<br />

'V .... .J .

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

5719 Lotti. Giove in Argo (1717)<br />

5720 Irene augusta (1713)<br />

5721<br />

5722­<br />

5723<br />

5724<br />

5725- ­<br />

5726­<br />

5727-­<br />

Isaciu-ti-ranno(17101­<br />

----- -Sidunio- (1706)<br />

------Teof'ane--(1719)-­<br />

------ ----li:- -trlonf'o--dell-a-innocenza;-(1692) -­<br />

----- - -Id: quattro- elementi -(1719 )<br />

- --- -Ir-v±ncttor gene-rOBO -{1708-;------ -------- -- ..----­<br />

-- - L'inganno -vinto dalle ragione (1708)<br />

\ L-'J.

• 806s<br />

•<br />

•<br />

8067<br />

8069<br />

8070<br />

8071<br />

8072<br />

- .<br />

8073<br />

8074<br />

--<br />

8075<br />

8076<br />

8077<br />

8078<br />

IT Piccinr.i. Atys. 1780<br />

11 barone di Torreforte o 1766<br />

La bella veritil<br />

La buona figliuola. 1768<br />

- --. '- ---- .<br />

dto 1770<br />

.. _- .. -.dto.<br />

!J69 __ .__<br />

dto 1771<br />

dto 1781<br />

---- - ---- -- .<br />

dto 1783<br />

dto 1791<br />

La capricciosa 1776<br />

Catone in Utica. 1770<br />

\ 71..1­<br />

- \ I

• 10799<br />

•<br />

•<br />

= 1125 - C02?.:'<br />

1(1)797 Vogler. Der kaufmrum von ;:iJ:'ryrna. 1771<br />

10798 L1.'\.tlpedo. 1779<br />

10800 Vogler. Castore e Polluce. 1788<br />

10801 J C Vogler. Ulysses. 1721<br />

10802<br />

10803<br />

10804<br />

10805<br />

10806<br />

10807<br />

10808<br />

10809<br />

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J 77,

• 1607.<br />

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llicrofilms-4<br />

1606. Stockholm: tUssal (Brandenburg, 1494)<br />

Paris Breviary 1497 (Pl'. Pasq. Bonhomme)<br />

1608. Agenda Hagdeburg 1497 (in Paris BN)<br />

1609. 'Vlittenberg UB liS Fol. 101: fUssal (Brandenburg, 1516)<br />

1610. WittenbergUB liS Fo!. 115: Breviary (Hagdeburg, n. d.)<br />

\Uttenberg UB HS 8' 361: Breviary (Magdeburg, 1514)<br />

1611. RISM 1569/19 (GB :Lbl - AB only)<br />

1612. Florentine intermedii - 1585<br />

1613. RISM 1555/25<br />

RISM 1557/17 (STB)<br />

RISM 1557/22<br />

RISM 1558/13<br />

1614. Gerona, La Coleg1ata San Felix, Cod. (136) 24 (Hf.JNL 31.054: Spanish<br />

Book of Hours<br />

1615. Gerona, Seminario diocesano, Cod. 238 (HMHL 31100): Spanish Book of<br />

Hours<br />

1616. Madrid, Academia de la Historia, Cod. 91 (HHML 34,497): Spanish Book<br />

of Hours<br />

1617. Montserrat, Bibl. del Monasterio, Cod. 53 (HMHL 29,996): Spanish Book<br />

of Hours<br />

1618. Montserrat Bibl. del Monasterio, Cod. 66 (HMHL 30,000): Spanish Book<br />

of Hours<br />

1619. Vich, Museo episcopal Cod. 87 (HMHL 31249): Spanish Book of Hours<br />

1620. Vich, Museo episcopal Cod. 89 (HMHL 31253): Spanish Book of Hours<br />

1621. Vich, Museo episcopal Cod. 91 (mtlL 31250): Spanish Book of Hours<br />

1622. Zaragoza, Bibl. de la Real Seminario de San Carlos, Cod. 7 (HMHL<br />

31887): Spanish Book of Hours<br />

1623. Vich, Museo episcopal, Cod. 205 (HMP-L 31252): Spanish Book of Hours<br />

1624. Harvard roll 33<br />

French Hissal (?) 1538<br />

HS Typ125: Ordo vestimentorLlll (early 15th c.)<br />

MS Typ 520.95.241: Bry drawings<br />

liS Typ 127: Somnium Viridarii (ca. 1430)<br />

MS Typ 132: Breviary in Dutch (after 1423)<br />

MS Typ 133: Antiphonary (French, early 15th c.)<br />

MS Typ 136: Ponitifical (northern Italy, early 16th c.)<br />

MS Tyup 137: Quintus Curtius: Historia Alexandri Magni (Italy,<br />

ca. 1480)<br />

1625. Harvard roll 51<br />

HS Typ 425: Terence Comedies (1463)<br />

MS Typ 429: St. John Chrysostom: De patientia (ca. 1480)<br />

MS Typ ?: Bernardino Leo; Bellicum Turcicum (1572)<br />

MS Typ ?: German hunting MS<br />

HS Typ?: anon. Latin HS<br />

HSS Typ 443 and 443.1: So-called Hours of Juana la. Loca (Ghent or<br />

Brugges, ca. 1485-90)<br />

1626. Harvard roll 67<br />

MS Richardson 41: Boccacio, De alaris mulieribus (15th c.)<br />

MS Richardson 42: De Buz Hours, Paris Use (ca. 1415)<br />

MS Richardson 43: Petrarch Canzoniere (1440)<br />

MS Richardson 44: Life of S. Catherine<br />

t·iS Richardson 45: Book of Hours (Paris, ca. 1405)<br />

MS Richardson 46: Bastiano Foresi: Triumphus virtutum<br />

HS Richardson: Incipit datari sive martiloquium

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