Enjoy Elba & The Tuscan Archipelago 2023

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Aiuthority sia già oggi una realtà importante per quello che è

il principale settore economico elbano: il turismo. Dobbiamo

puntare alla valorizzazione dell'offerta turistica e al potenziamento

degli standard qualitativi dei servizi di accoglienza. Abbiamo

destinato ingenti risorse agli investimenti nell'ambito

del programma triennale delle opere. A Portoferraio porteremo

a gara l'appalto per la ristrutturazione dell'ex Cromofilm

per destinarla a stazione marittima "


The Port System of the Upper Tyrrhenian is planning to

make Elba’s ports even more attractive, improving the

quality of the services provided and the safety of passenger

traffic. There are new opportunities for the cruise sector

with 90 dockings between April and November: in fact,

the Island of Elba offers itineraries and excursions of

great cultural interest even in low season. The Authority

is aiming to improve tourist reception and to have a

better distribution of arrivals and departures, insisting on

midweek days as well as seasonal adjustment.

A study was organized on behalf of the Port System

Authority of the Northern Tyrrhenian by Risposte e Turismo

which involved 400 Elban operators in a survey and

presented it in both Piombino and in Portoferraio: it makes

clear the importance of teamwork that must be activated on

the territory, with all the stakeholders, from the institutions

to the tour operators and the inhabitants of the Island.

Urgent action has to be taken to improve the road network

and public connections between the town centre-port and

the tourist destinations of the area. Especially in Piombino,

it is essential to work on the accessibility and the road

network to avoid heavy traffic and long queues for boarding.

The port spaces will be reorganised and the services

offered in the Maritime Stations and the areas that deal

with reception and tourist information will be upgraded,

involving local operators in training courses. Territorial

marketing actions will follow. “Teamwork is necessary and

must involve multiple subjects” said the President of the

AdSP, Luciano Guerrieri. “We must aim to enhance our

tourist proposals and strengthen the standard of quality of

the reception services where we have allocated considerable

resources. Work will soon be starting on the renovation of the

former Cromofilm to convert it into a Maritime Station”.

Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Tirreno Settentrionale

Scali Rosciano 6, 57123 Livorno

Tel: +39 0586 249411

Sito web:www.portialtotirreno.it


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