Brochure dei prodotti su misura di Zuudee BYD Titanium per l'industria subacquea e offshore it_compressed

Brochure dei prodotti su misura di Zuudee BYD Titanium per l'industria subacquea e offshore Subsea production systems are complex and challenging environments that require highperformance materials to withstand the harsh conditions of the ocean floor. Titanium is a material that is commonly used in subsea production systems due to its unique properties, including high strength, corrosion resistance, and biocompatibility. Here are some of the main areas where titanium may be used in subsea production systems: Pipes and tubing: Titanium pipes and tubing are often used in subsea production systems to transport fluids, such as oil, gas, and water. Titanium's high strength and corrosion resistance make it an ideal material for these applications, as it can withstand the high pressures, temperatures, and corrosive environments found in subsea production. Connectors and fittings: Titanium connectors and fittings are used to join pipes and tubing in subsea production systems. These components must withstand high pressures and corrosive environments, and titanium's strength and corrosion resistance make it an ideal material for these applications. Valves: Titanium valves are used in subsea production systems to control the flow of fluids. Titanium's corrosion resistance ensures that these valves can withstand the harsh subsea environment and provide reliable performance over time. Heat exchangers: Titanium heat exchangers are used in subsea production systems to transfer heat between fluids. Titanium's corrosion resistance and high thermal conductivity make it an ideal material for these applications. Subsea structures: Titanium may also be used in the construction of subsea structures, such as manifolds and templates. These structures must withstand high pressures, corrosive environments, and the stresses of the ocean floor, and titanium's high strength and corrosion resistance make it an ideal material for these applications.

Brochure dei prodotti su misura di Zuudee BYD Titanium per l'industria subacquea e offshore
Subsea production systems are complex and challenging environments that require highperformance
materials to withstand the harsh conditions of the ocean floor. Titanium is a material
that is commonly used in subsea production systems due to its unique properties, including high
strength, corrosion resistance, and biocompatibility. Here are some of the main areas where
titanium may be used in subsea production systems:
Pipes and tubing: Titanium pipes and tubing are often used in subsea production systems to transport
fluids, such as oil, gas, and water. Titanium's high strength and corrosion resistance make it an ideal
material for these applications, as it can withstand the high pressures, temperatures, and corrosive
environments found in subsea production.
Connectors and fittings: Titanium connectors and fittings are used to join pipes and tubing in subsea
production systems. These components must withstand high pressures and corrosive environments, and
titanium's strength and corrosion resistance make it an ideal material for these applications.
Valves: Titanium valves are used in subsea production systems to control the flow of fluids. Titanium's
corrosion resistance ensures that these valves can withstand the harsh subsea environment and provide
reliable performance over time.
Heat exchangers: Titanium heat exchangers are used in subsea production systems to transfer heat
between fluids. Titanium's corrosion resistance and high thermal conductivity make it an ideal material for
these applications.
Subsea structures: Titanium may also be used in the construction of subsea structures, such as manifolds
and templates. These structures must withstand high pressures, corrosive environments, and the stresses of
the ocean floor, and titanium's high strength and corrosion resistance make it an ideal material for these


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Avvolgitubo offshore ship-to-shore

Giunti girevoli

Le girelle in titanio sono abituate

consentono la libera rotazione di tubi,

ugelli, raccordi, ecc. se utilizzati con

stringhe di tubi, avvolgitubo, ecc.

Piattaforme di carico per piattaforme petrolifere

Bracci di carico marini e industriali

Tubi per cisterna stradale e ferroviaria

Liquidi chimici e petrolchimici

Uso di Heavy Duty

Snodo - doppia corsa della sfera

Lo snodo in titanio Heavy Duty è progettato

appositamente per le rotaie per il carico e lo

scarico di prodotti come idrocarburi

alifatici e aromatici, alcoli e ammine, etere ed

estere, glico e acqua, fertilizzanti liquidi,

acidi e alcali.


Bassa manutenzione

Ogni unità è composta da due metà del corpo.

Sfere in acciaio inossidabile e una singola guarnizione

O-ring assistita da molla.

Dimensioni esterne compatte Portata

elevata / perdita di carico ridotta Gamma

completa di dimensioni, materiali, guarnizioni

e connessioni

Requisiti di manutenzione minimi Funzione di


di sicurezza: consente al tubo di rilassarsi nella sua

posizione di riposo naturale pur consentendo libertà

di movimento senza impartire sollecitazioni di coppia

al punto di connessione - Lo stress da coppia è la

più grande causa singola di guasto del tubo contorto in

composito, PTFE e acciaio inossidabile.

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