x international clavichord symposium - Musica Antica a Magnano

x international clavichord symposium - Musica Antica a Magnano x international clavichord symposium - Musica Antica a Magnano

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X INTERNATIONAL CLAVICHORD SYMPOSIUM The early clavichord from first iconographical documents to the earliest extant instruments (organology and repertoire) The pedal clavichord, from its origins to the eighteenth century The clavichord in the nineteenth century 6 – 10 SEPTEMBER 2011 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR CLAVICHORD STUDIES Magnano (BI) – Italy


The early <strong>clavichord</strong> from first iconographical documents to the earliest extant instruments<br />

(organology and repertoire)<br />

The pedal <strong>clavichord</strong>, from its origins to the eighteenth century<br />

The <strong>clavichord</strong> in the nineteenth century<br />

6 – 10 SEPTEMBER 2011<br />


<strong>Magnano</strong> (BI) – Italy

Daniele Crespi (1597 / c. 1600 – 1630), Angel Musicians.<br />

Fresco, Choir, Certosa di Pavia (Italy)<br />

Photo: Bernard Brauchli


Bernard Brauchli, President<br />


6 – 10 SEPTEMBER 2011<br />





Derek Adlam Peter Bavington Thérèse Cuttelod<br />

Alberto Galazzo Judith Wardman<br />







<strong>Musica</strong> <strong>Antica</strong> a <strong>Magnano</strong><br />

Via Roma 43<br />

13887 <strong>Magnano</strong> (BI), Italy<br />

Tel.: +39 346 8818386 Fax: +39 015 67 92 60<br />

info@<strong>Musica</strong><strong>Antica</strong><strong>Magnano</strong>.com www.<strong>Musica</strong><strong>Antica</strong><strong>Magnano</strong>.com


Quasi vent’anni fa, quando vivevo vicino a Boston, ho avuto il piacere di una prima visita di Christopher Hogwood, suggerita dal mio professore e amico<br />

Macario Santiago Kastner, uno dei pionieri della rinascita del clavicordo. Durante la nostra conversazione, abbiamo scoperto la nostra comune passione per<br />

questo strumento; considerando che l’interesse per il clavicordo era proprio di persone spesso isolate e senza la possibilità di comunicare e di scambiare<br />

esperienze, siamo arrivati alla conclusione sulla necessità di creare una piattaforma d’incontro per musicisti, musicologi, restauratori e costruttori desiderosi<br />

di proseguire l’azione dei pionieri della rinascita del clavicordo, iniziata alla fine dell’Ottocento. Presto siamo arrivati alla conclusione che <strong>Magnano</strong>, in virtù<br />

della quiete delle colline della Sera e della presenza dell’Associazione <strong>Musica</strong> <strong>Antica</strong> a <strong>Magnano</strong>, fosse il posto d’incontro ideale. Alcuni mesi dopo, nel<br />

settembre 1993, si tenne proprio a <strong>Magnano</strong> il primo Simposio Internazionale sul Clavicordo, con circa quaranta partecipanti provenienti da molti paesi<br />

d’Europa e dagli Stati Uniti.<br />

Questo primo incontro ha permesso di riunire le conoscenze già acquisite, di farne una sintesi, e di delineare futuri ambiti di ricerca. La presenza e l’ascolto<br />

di un numero di strumenti mai riuniti nel passato in un solo luogo consentirono anche ai costruttori esperti di comparare i loro esperimenti. Le relazioni<br />

presentate durante questo primo convegno furono pubblicate l’anno successivo e fu adottato un ritmo biennale.<br />

Diciotto anni dopo, ci ritroviamo con lo stesso piacere e una curiosità mai esaurita; il clavicordo ci offre ancora un mondo di riflessione non esausto, un<br />

mondo che affascinava molti già cinquecento anni fa e che continua a offrire un inesauribile campo di riflessione e di attenta considerazione. Auguro, a voi<br />

tutti, sia ai frequentatori abituali e sia a coloro che si uniscono a noi per la prima volta, un piacevole soggiorno in questo piccolo paese della Serra, e<br />

ringrazio tutte le persone che si dedicano all’organizzazione di questo Simposio.<br />

Bernard Brauchli<br />

Ogni anno, il progresso del clavicordo è emblematico del detto Plus Fait Douceur Que Violence, particolarmente appropriato per “questi tempi turbati”.<br />

Speriamo, perciò, che i giorni trascorsi a <strong>Magnano</strong> in compagnia di questi suoni delicati siano portatori di bene a tutti voi che qui siete i benvenuti. Inoltre,<br />

il lavoro tenace di costruttori, restauratori, collezionisti, conservatori e musicologi conferisce un senso certamente più pratico a quella che potrebbe<br />

altrimenti sembrare un’attività piuttosto sfiziosa. Nella conservazione e nella diffusione di questa musica vi è un grande e duro lavoro, per non dire degli<br />

sforzi necessari all’organizzazione dei nostri incontri regolari, qui, in così piacevoli luoghi. Accogliamo con grande piacere il vostro supporto ed<br />

entusiasmo per questa impresa e auspichiamo che passerete dei giorni settembrini incantevoli in compagnia della “madre di tutti gli strumenti”.<br />

Christopher Hogwood


Nearly twenty years ago, when I was living near Boston, I had the pleasure of a first visit from Christopher Hogwood, suggested by my professor and friend<br />

Macario Santiago Kastner, one of the pioneers of the rebirth of the <strong>clavichord</strong>. During our conversation, we discovered our common passion for this<br />

instrument; agreeing that people interested in the <strong>clavichord</strong> were often isolated and without the means to communicate and exchange experiences, we came<br />

to the conclusion that there was a need to create a meeting place for musicians, musicologists, restorers and builders who desired to continue the work of the<br />

pioneers of the <strong>clavichord</strong>’s rebirth, which had begun at the end of the nineteenth century. We quickly came to the conclusion that <strong>Magnano</strong>, in the calm of<br />

the hills of la Serra and the home of the Association <strong>Musica</strong> <strong>Antica</strong> a <strong>Magnano</strong>, was the ideal setting for such a meeting. In September 1993, the first<br />

International Symposium on the <strong>clavichord</strong> was held in <strong>Magnano</strong>, with about forty participants coming from many European countries and the United States.<br />

This first congress allowed us to collect the knowledge already acquired, to make a synthesis, and to delineate future fields of investigation. The presence<br />

and the audition of a number of instruments never before assembled in a one space also allowed also builders to compare their experiments. The<br />

communications given during this first <strong>symposium</strong> were published the year after, and a biennial rhythm was adopted.<br />

Eighteen years later, we meet here again with the same pleasure and a curiosity never exhausted: the <strong>clavichord</strong> still offers us a world of study which already<br />

fascinated many five hundred years ago, and which never ceases to offer us a inexhaustible field of reflexion and of meditation. I wish you all, you the “old<br />

comers”, and those who come here to us for the first time, a pleasant sojourn in this small village of la Serra, and I thank all those who are working for the<br />

success of this Symposium.<br />

Bernard Brauchli<br />

Every year the advancement of the <strong>clavichord</strong> illustrates that “Plus Fait Douceur Que Violence” — is a motto especially appropriate for “these distracted<br />

times“. We hope, therefore, that a few days spent in <strong>Magnano</strong> in the company of these delicate sounds will be beneficent to all of you who are welcomed<br />

here; in addition, the stalwart work of makers, restorers, collectors, custodians and musicologists gives a tougher practical edge to what might otherwise<br />

seem a rather dainty activity. There is much hard labour involved in preserving and making public this music (none less than the efforts required to organise<br />

our regular meetings here in such refreshing surroundings). We very much welcome your support and enthusiasm for this crusade and hope you enjoy your<br />

September days in the company of “the mother of all keyboard instruments”.<br />

Christopher Hogwood


The Associazione Festival <strong>Musica</strong> <strong>Antica</strong> a <strong>Magnano</strong> was initially conceived to promote period-instrument concerts in the twelfth-century<br />

Romanesque church of San Secondo and performances on the Giovanni Bruna organ, built in 1794 and housed in the parochial church of<br />

<strong>Magnano</strong>. Over the years the activities organised by the Association have expanded to include courses in early keyboard performance<br />

(<strong>clavichord</strong>, harpsichord, organ and fortepiano), as well as voice, choir conducting, recorder, viola da gamba, hurdy-gurdy, musicology and<br />

organology. A music library has been established and the restoration of the church of Santa Marta in <strong>Magnano</strong> is currently underway and<br />

already serving as a cultural hall.<br />

L’Associazione Festival <strong>Musica</strong> <strong>Antica</strong> a <strong>Magnano</strong> è un’organizzazione inizialmente concepita per proporre concerti di musica antica con<br />

strumenti d’epoca e sull’organo costruito nel 1794 da Giovanni Bruna per la Chiesa parrocchiale di <strong>Magnano</strong>. Tale iniziativa si è<br />

sviluppata nel corso degli anni promuovendo corsi sugli antichi strumenti a tastiera (clavicordo, clavicembalo, organo e fortepiano) e canto,<br />

direzione di coro, flauto dolce, viola da gamba, ghironda, musicologia e organologia. É stata creata una biblioteca ed è in corso il recupero<br />

della Chiesa di Santa Marta, ma già utilizzata come spazio culturale.<br />


Officially established in 1996 as another of the activities of the Association, the Centre acts as a catalyst for the promotion of the <strong>clavichord</strong>.<br />

Apart from the Symposium and the publishing of the Proceedings, the Centre hosts workshops specifically dealing with building and<br />

performance. The Centre has also undertaken the publishing of music either written for the <strong>clavichord</strong> or especially adaptable for that<br />

instrument.<br />

Ufficialmente creato nel 1996 come nuova attività dell’Associazione, Il Centro agisce come catalizzatore per la promozione del clavicordo.<br />

Oltre il Congresso e alla pubblicazione degli Atti, il Centro ospita seminari specificamente dedicati alla costruzione e all’interpretazione. Il<br />

Centro ha anche intrapreso l’edizione di musica scritta per il clavicordo o adatta a questo strumento.


DEREK ADLAM (England) – keyboard instrument maker, performer, president of the British Clavichord Society<br />

PETER BAVINGTON (England) – <strong>clavichord</strong> maker, chairman of the British Clavichord Society<br />

LOTHAR BEMMANN (Germany) – archivist of the German Clavichord Society<br />

BERNARD BRAUCHLI (Switzerland) – performer, musicologist, president of <strong>Musica</strong> <strong>Antica</strong> a <strong>Magnano</strong><br />

ROMAN CHLADA (Austria) – performer<br />

GREGORY CROWELL (U.S.A.) – editor of Clavichord International<br />

MADS DAMLUND (Denmark) – organist, Jaegersborg Church (near Copenhagen)<br />

ULRIKA DAVIDSSON (U.S.A.) – assistant professor, Historical Keyboard Instruments, Eastman School of Music, Rochester NY<br />

DOROTHEA DEMEL (Germany) – chemist, musicological researcher<br />

ANDREAS ERISMANN (Switzerland) – performer<br />

DIETRICH HEIN (Germany) – <strong>clavichord</strong> maker<br />

EVA HELENIUS (Sweden) – Phil. Dr., curator of Klaverens Hus at Söderhamn<br />

UTA HENNING (Germany) – librarian, musicologist<br />

RUDOLF HENNING (Germany) – librarian, musicologist<br />

CHRISTOPHER HOGWOOD (England) – conductor, musicologist<br />

INA HOHEISEL (Austria) – Dipl.-Restorer, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Sammlung alter Musikinstrumente<br />

ALFONS HUBER (Austria) – Uni.-Doz. Mag.; Kunsthistorisches Museum, Sammlung alter Musikinstrumente<br />

MARTIN KATHER (Germany) – <strong>clavichord</strong> maker<br />

BAREND KRAAL (The Netherlands) – president of the Dutch Clavichord Society<br />

ANNA MARIA McELWAIN (Finland) – performer<br />

FRANCESCO NOCERINO (Italy) – NaturalMente<strong>Musica</strong>, Centro Iniziative <strong>Musica</strong>li<br />

JOEL SPEERSTRA (Sweden) – Senior Researcher, GOART<br />

JIM THVEDT (U.S.A.) – <strong>clavichord</strong> maker<br />

MICHAEL TSALKA (Israel/Netherlands) – performer, professor at Lilla Akademien, Stockholm<br />

PIERRE VERBEEK (Belgium) – keyboard instrument maker<br />

BERNHARD WINKLER (Austria) – Mag. Art., University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna<br />

ILTON WJUNISKI (France) – performer, professor, City Conservatories, Paris


(Chiesa di Santa Marta)



09:00 Welcome by Christopher Hogwood<br />

MORNING LECTURES — Moderator: Bernard Brauchli<br />

09:15 JIM THVEDT — Building two early Clavichords<br />

10:00 EVA HELENIUS — The Swedish Lute and the Swedish Clavichord — Two nationally developed instruments with a repertoire in common<br />

10:45 Pause<br />

11:00 ROMAN CHLADA —Claudio Merulo (1533 – 1604): Toccata seconda del primo tono; Canzoni: La Bovia; la Cortese;<br />

La Gratiosa; L’Albergata; Susanne un jour<br />

13:30 to 14:45 Uta and Rudolf Henning’s life-long experience in musical iconography has materialised in a private pictorial archive which is one of the<br />

largest in Europe. Its <strong>clavichord</strong> and plucked stringed instrument part can be viewed in the Chiesa di Santa Marta. Consultations about<br />

working-methods of musical iconography available.<br />

In the Sacristy of the Chiesa di Santa Marta: DIAPORAMA (Bernard Brauchli): THE CLAVICHORD’S ICONOGRAPHY<br />

(ca. 60 minutes)<br />

AFTERNOON LECTURES — Moderator: Derek Adlam<br />

15:00 FRANCESCO NOCERINO — The “Regole di Marancio”. New Documents on the Clavichord in Naples<br />

15:45 MADS DAMLUND — Dietrich Buxtehude (1637 – 1707), Prelude in G minor, BuxWV 163; Canzona in C major, BuxWV 166; Wie schön<br />

leuchtet der Morgenstern, BuxWV 223; Suite d’amour in D minor, BuxWV 233; Fuga in C major, BuxWV 174<br />

16:30 Pause<br />

16:45 PETER BAVINGTON — Reconstructing Mersenne’s Clavichord<br />

_____<br />

19:00 Dinner<br />

21:00 Concert (Chiesa Romanica di San Secondo)


MORNING LECTURES — Moderator: Christopher Hogwood<br />

09.00 JOEL SPEERSTRA — An Introduction to the Eisenach Pedal Clavichord and Comparison to the Gerstenberg Model<br />

09:45 ULRIKA DAVIDSSON — The Pedal Clavichord as a pedagogical Tool in Keyboard Education<br />

10:30 Pause<br />

10:45 ILTON WJUNISKI — Sonatas de Friedrich Wilhelm Rust (1739 – 1796): Sonata in A major (Allegro – Adagio – Allegretto); Sonata in d minor (Allegro<br />

maestoso – Andantino – Presto)<br />

11.30 ALFONS HUBER & INA HOHEISEL — Early Clavichord-Making between technological, esthetic and cosmological Constraints<br />

13:30 to 14:45 Uta and Rudolf Henning’s life-long experience in musical iconography has materialised in a private pictorial archive which is one of the<br />

largest in Europe. Its <strong>clavichord</strong> and plucked stringed instrument part can be viewed in the Chiesa di Santa Marta. Consultations about<br />

working-methods of musical iconography available.<br />

In the Sacristy of the Chiesa di Santa Marta: DIAPORAMA (Bernard Brauchli): THE CLAVICHORD’S ICONOGRAPHY<br />

(ca. 60 minutes)<br />

AFTERNOON LECTURES — Moderator: Bernard Brauchli<br />

15:00 BAREND KRAAL — Thoughts on the Pedal Clavichord by Claas Douwes (The Netherlands, 1699)<br />

15:45 ANNA MARIA McELWAIN — Hinrich Philip Johnsen (1717 – 1749), Sonata in C; Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 – 1827), Sonate Pathétique;<br />

Frederic Chopin (1810–1849), Préludes 3 and 4 op. 28<br />

16:30 Pause<br />

16:45 CHRISTOPHER HOGWOOD — Carl Friedrich Christian Fasch (1736 – 1800)<br />

Examples by ILTON WJUNISKI: Sonata II for harpsichord or fortepiano (Allegro – Adagio – Presto)<br />

_____<br />

19:00 Dinner<br />

21:00 Concert (Chiesa Romanica di San Secondo)


MORNING LECTURES — Moderator: Derek Adlam<br />

09:00 PIERRE VERBEEK — Reconstruction of the Urbino Clavichord<br />

09:45 ILTON WJUNISKI — A triple-fretted Clavichord by Ch. Asseman made in Paris (1959), and the Experience of the Clavichord Class of the<br />

Conservatoire Claude Debussy (Paris)<br />

10:30 Pause<br />

10:45 LOTHAR BEMMANN — An early XIXth-Century Clavichord by Schmahl?<br />

11:30 GREGORY CROWELL — Victor Hammer and the Revival of the Nineteenth-Century Clavichord<br />



_____<br />

19:00 Dinner<br />

21:00<br />



MORNING LECTURES — Moderator: Peter Bavington<br />

09:30 DOROTHEA DEMEL — The Lusser Clavichord in the Monastery of Marienberg (South Tyrol)<br />

10:15 BERNHARD WINKLER — Acoustical Study of the Clavichord<br />

11:00 Pause<br />

11:15 BERNARD BRAUCHLI — Clavichord Iconography, new Findings<br />

13:30 to 14:45 Uta and Rudolf Henning’s life-long experience in musical iconography has materialised in a private pictorial archive which is one of the<br />

largest in Europe. Its <strong>clavichord</strong> and plucked stringed instrument part can be viewed in the Chiesa di Santa Marta. Consultations about<br />

working-methods of musical iconography available.<br />

In the Sacristy of the Chiesa di Santa Marta: DIAPORAMA (Bernard Brauchli): THE CLAVICHORD’S ICONOGRAPHY<br />

(ca. 60 minutes)<br />

AFTERNOON LECTURES — Moderator: Gregory Crowell<br />

15:00 ULRIKA DAVIDSSON — Presentation of Clavichord Teaching at Eastman School of Music and Hochschule für Künste Bremen<br />

16:00 Pause<br />

16:15 OPEN DISCUSSION AND CLOSING STATEMENTS (Derek Adlam and Bernard Brauchli)<br />

_______<br />

19:00 Dinner<br />

21:00<br />

Concert (Chiesa Romanica di San Secondo)


(Chiesa Romanica di San Secondo)



Sonata in G major, Wq 65/48<br />

Andantino – Adagio e sostenuto – Allegro<br />

Sonata I in A minor, Wq 57<br />

[aus der dritten Sammlung für Kenner und Liebhaber, 1781]<br />

Allegro – Andante – Allegro di molto<br />

Sonata in G minor, Hob XVI / 44<br />

Moderato – Allegretto<br />


⎯⎯⎯⎯ INTERMISSION ⎯⎯⎯⎯<br />

Carl Philip Emanuel Bach (1714 – 1788)<br />

Joseph Haydn (1732 – 1809)<br />

Fantasia in C major, Wq 59/6 (H. 284) Carl Philip Emanuel Bach (1714 – 1788)<br />

Sonata in E major (Stockholm, 1788) Joseph Martin Kraus (1756 – 1792)<br />

Vivace – Adagio – Andantino con variazioni<br />

Sonata in G major, HedT. 98.2.6 Daniel Gottlob Türk (1750 – 1813)<br />

Allegro di molto – Grave – Poco Allegro<br />

Gigue in G major, K. 574<br />

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 – 1791)

THURSDAY, 8 SEPTEMBER, 21:00<br />


Trio super Nun komm der Heiden Heiland, a due bassi e canto fermo BWV 660 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750)<br />

Passacaglia in D, BuxWV 161 Dietrich Buxtehude (1637 – 1707)<br />

From VI Trio Sonaten:<br />

- Sonata V in C major BWV 529 (Largo)<br />

- Sonata IV in E minor BWV 528 (Andante)<br />

- Sonata III in D minor BWV 527 (Adagio e dolce)<br />

Johann Sebastian Bach<br />

Praeludium, Fuga and Ciacona in C major, BuxWV 137 Dietrich Buxtehude<br />


⎯⎯ ⎯⎯ INTERMISSION ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯<br />

Capriccio in D major Georg Boehm (1661 – 1733)<br />

Jesu du bist allzu schöne, 14 Partitas<br />

Prelude in F major<br />

Suite in A minor (Allemande / Courante / Sarabande / Gigue)

SATHURDAY, 10 SEPTEMBER, 21:00<br />


Overture in Ottone Georg Frederic Handel (1685 – 1759)<br />

Suite no. 8 in D minor from Harmonisches Denkmal<br />

- Allemande with Double<br />

- Courante with Double<br />

- Sarabande<br />

- Gigue<br />

Johann Mattheson (1681 – 1764)<br />

Prelude and Fugue in A minor, BWV 923a, 959 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750)<br />

Fantasia in G major Ernst Wilhelm Wolf (1735 – 1792)<br />

Sonata in E major Hob. XVI/22<br />

- Allegro moderato<br />

- Andante<br />

- Finale: Minuetto<br />


“A la Carte”<br />

Works by C. P. E. Bach, Joseph Haydn, and H. O. C. Zinck<br />

⎯⎯ ⎯⎯ INTERMISSION ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯<br />

Franz Joseph Haydn (1732 – 1809)


PETER BAVINGTON (London, England)<br />

- Clavichord after the description in Marin Mersenne’s Harmonie universelle (1636). C – c 3 , diatonically fretted, 1450 x 480 mm<br />

DIETRICH HEIN (Oldenburg, Germany)<br />

- Clavichord after C. G. Frederici (1765/72), F1 – f 3 , unfretted, 172cm<br />

- Clavichord after C. F. Schmahl (1793), C – f 3 , fretted, 140cm<br />

ALFONS HUBER / INA HOHEISEL (Vienna, Austria)<br />

- Clavichord triple/quadruple fretted, 9 pairs of strings, B – f 2 , after the book of Baudecetus (Treatise of Arnaut de Zwolle, fol. 128v),<br />

c. 1400 – 1440. Pythagorean tuning; “crampinum” tangents (in form of staples)<br />

- Clavichord triple/quadruple fretted, 9 pairs of strings, B – f 2 ; reconstruction after “Erlangen, pro <strong>clavichord</strong>ys faciendis”, c. 1400 – 1440;<br />

“just tuning”, brass tangents<br />

- Clavichord triple/quadruple fretted, 11 pairs of strings, B – b 2 ; after Arnaut de Zwolle, fol. 128r, c. 1400; Pythagorean tuning<br />

- Clavichord double/triple fretted, 20 pairs of strings, C/E – c 3 ; after Septemda, Cracow, 16. . ; only <strong>clavichord</strong> preserved with soundboard<br />

underneath the keylevers<br />

MARTIN KATHER (Hamburg, Germany)<br />

- Clavichord after anonymous, Leipzig No. 2, c. 1540, C/E – c 3 , triple/quadruple fretted<br />

- Coelestin (<strong>clavichord</strong> with leather on tangents), after anonymous, Italy, c. 1600, C/E – e 3 , double fretted<br />

- Clavichord freely after Hubert, 1787, but A1 – e 3 , unfretted<br />

JIM THVEDT (San Leandro, California, U.S.A.)<br />

- Clavichord after directions in Ms. Lat. 80, Bibliothèque Publique et Universitaire, Geneva (before 1400). Compass: c – c 2<br />

(no d♭); triple/quadruple fretted (7 courses). Just scaling, c 1 = 295 mm (octave pitch, tuned to a = 888 Hz). Strung in iron.<br />

Dimensions: 809 mm x 181 mm x 78 mm (without keyboard); Pythagorean tuning (accidentals: all flats)<br />

- Clavichord after directions in Ms. 554, Erlangen Universitäts-Bibliothek. Compass: B – f 2 (chromatic on entire compass).<br />

Triple/quadruple fretted (9 courses); just scaling c 1 = 307 mm (octave pitch, tuned to a = 880 Hz). Strung in iron.<br />

Dimensions: 812 mm x 260 mm x 89 mm (without keyboard); Pythagorean tuning (accidentals: all flats)<br />

PIERRE VERBEEK (Belgium)<br />

- Copy of the early17th-century triple-fretted <strong>clavichord</strong> of Edinburgh (Dr Mirrey’s Collection) C/E – c 3<br />

- Reconstruction of the Urbino <strong>clavichord</strong> (c. 1479): F/G/A – f 3 , triple/quadruple fretted, projecting keyboard, 1005 mm x 297 mm<br />

(with keyboard) x 82 mm<br />

- Copy of the anonymous <strong>clavichord</strong> (c. 1620) of the Rodger Mirrey Collection, Edinburgh University Collection of <strong>Musica</strong>l Instruments,<br />

no. 4486: C/E – c 3 short octave, triple fretted, projecting keyboard, 1080 mm x 350 mm (with keyboard) x 115 mm

Sponsored by<br />

Via Roma 43<br />

13887 MAGNANO (BI), Italy<br />

www.<strong>Musica</strong><strong>Antica</strong><strong>Magnano</strong>.com info@<strong>Musica</strong><strong>Antica</strong><strong>Magnano</strong>.com<br />

Tipografia Gariazzo M. di Gariazzo B. & C. s.n.c. – Vigliano Biellese

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