Beta Film Short Cut List Territories - June 2007

Beta Film Short Cut List Territories - June 2007

Beta Film Short Cut List Territories - June 2007


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<strong>Beta</strong> <strong>Film</strong> GmbH<br />

Grünwalder Weg 28 d<br />

D - 82041 Oberhaching<br />

SHORT CUT / KÜRZEL Country (Territory) / English Land (Gebiet) / German<br />

CEUT Ceuta Island Ceuta<br />

CGO Congo (former French Congo) Kongo (ex:Frz.Kongo)<br />

CH Switzerland Schweiz<br />

CHAA Chagos-Archipel Islands Chagos-Archipel<br />

CHAF Chafarinas Island Islas Chafarinas<br />

CHARL Charlottetown City Charlottetown<br />

CHde Switzerland, german speaking Schweiz,deutschspr.<br />

CHEM Chemnitz City Chemnitz<br />

CHfr Switzerland, french speaking Schweiz,franz.spr.<br />

CHit Switzerland, italian speaking Schweiz,ital.spr.<br />

CHRI Christmas Islands Weihnachts Inseln<br />

CHUR Chur City Chur<br />

CHUU Chuuk Atoll Chuuk<br />

CI Cote d'Ivoire (former Ivory Coast) Cote d'Ivoire (ex:Elfenbeinküste)<br />

CIS Cayman Islands Cayman Inseln<br />

CISKE Ciskei (Homeland) Ciskei<br />

CISTR Capo D'Istria Capo D'Istria<br />

CL Sri Lanka (former Ceylon) Sri Lanka (ex:Ceylon)<br />

CO Colombia Kolumbien<br />

COAZ Cot d'Azur Cot d'Azur<br />

COCO Cocos Islands Cocos-Insel<br />

COIM Coimbra City Coimbra<br />

COLO Colorado Colorado<br />

COLU Columbretes Islands Islas Columbretes<br />

COMIS Commonwealth of Indepentent States Vereinigte Unabhängige Staaten<br />

CONN Connecticut Connecticut<br />

CONT Contoy Island Contoy<br />

COOK Cook Islands Cook Inseln<br />

CORA Coralline Islands Coralline Inseln<br />

CORAL Coral Sea - Torres Strait Islands Coral Sea - Torres Strait Inseln<br />

CORU La Coruna City La Coruna<br />

COSE Cosenza City Cosenza<br />

COZU Cozumel Island Cozumel<br />

CR Costa Rica Costa Rica<br />

CROZ Crozet Islands Crozet<br />

CS Czechoslovakia Tscheslowakei<br />

CSJOH St. John's City St. John's<br />

CURA Curacao Island Curacao<br />

CUXH Cuxhaven City Cuxhaven<br />

CY Cyprus Zypern<br />

CYGR Cyprus, greek Zypern, griech.<br />

CYTR Cyprus, turkish Zypern,türk.<br />

CZ Czech Republic Tschechische Republik (Tschechien)<br />

D Federal Republic of Germany (before 1989) Bundesrepublik Deutschland (vor 1989)<br />

DARW Darwin Island Darwin<br />

DAVO Davos City Davos<br />

DDR German Democratic Republic Deutsche Demokratische Republik<br />

DELA Delaware Delaware<br />

DELE Delemont City Delemont<br />

DELM Delmenhorst City Delmenhorst<br />

DERB Derby City Derby<br />

DESSA Dessau City Dessau<br />

DG German <strong>Territories</strong> Deutschsprachige Gebiete<br />

DGneu German <strong>Territories</strong> (new) Deutschsprachige Gebiete (neu)<br />

DK Denmark Dänemark<br />

Dneu Federal Republic of Germany (after 1989) Deutschland (nach 1989)<br />

DOFC District of Columbia District of Columbia<br />

DOM Dominican Republic Dominikanische Republik<br />

DOMT Dom/Tom Dom/Tom<br />

www.betafilm.com/service<br />


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