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tint - (n.) azawng a phunphun in sermi.<br />

tiny - (adj.) a hmemi<br />

tip - (n.) 1. a par; e.g. The tips of fingers = Kutdong 2. hmur; e.g. The tip of the pencil = Khedan hmur. 3.<br />

laksawng hmete.<br />

tip - (v.) 1. a hmur i benh. 2. koih; e.g. He tipped the chair toward him = Thutdan cu amah lei ah a koih.<br />

tippet - (n.) hmum ngeimi puan.<br />

tipple - (n.) zureu<br />

tipsy - (adj.) khulrang tein a tlu khomi, zurimi.<br />

tiptoe - (v.) kepar tein a thli tein kal<br />

tiptop - (adj.) a sang bik.<br />

tirade - (n.) saupi in chimmi sinak bia , heh ti in i haohnak<br />

tire - (v.) 1. batter, thaditter; e.g. The long walk tires her = Saupi ke kal nih a batter.<br />

tire - (n.) motor ke khairiat , tai-ar<br />

tired - (v.) past tense of tire, thadit.<br />

tireless - (adj.) a ba kho lomi , a tha a di kho lomi<br />

tiresome - (adj.) minor a simi<br />

'tis - (contraction) = it is.<br />

tissue - (n.) 1. saram siseh thingkung siseh an titsa i a hun i cangmi thil. 2. tahmi puan phun paoh. 3.<br />

sur bantukin aa takmi thil. e.g. Her whole story was a tissue of lies = A chimmi vialte kha sur tah in aa<br />

takmi lih lawng te a si.<br />

tissue paper - (n.) caku nemte a pante.<br />

tit - (n.) vate phun khat.<br />

Titan - (n.) mikei nganpi<br />

titanic - (adj.) a nganpi a simi<br />

titbit - (n.) a thaw ngaingaimi rawl/thawngpang.<br />

tithe - (n.) cheu hra cheu khat thawh lawm<br />

title - (n.) 1. cauk min, hla min, hmanthlak min. 2. sining min, tahchunhnak ah siangpahrang, sibawi,<br />

saya. 3. thilri upadi ningin a ngeitu sinak; e.g. When a house is sold the seller gives the title deeds to the<br />

buyer = Inn cu a zuar tikah a zuartu nih a cawtu kha ngeitu sinak lehhmah kha a pek.<br />

titter - (v.) a thli tein nih<br />

tittle - (n.) thil hmete<br />

tittle-tattle - (v.) a thlite i mi kong ceih depmap.<br />

titular - (adj.) min men in<br />

TNT - (n.) lungpuahnak zen.<br />

to - (prep.) 1. lei ah; e.g. Go to the right = Orhlei ah kal. 2. tiang; e.g. The apple is rotten to the core =<br />

Epal cu a chung muru tiangin a thu. 3. caah; e.g. Father came to the rescue of the boy = Ngakchiapa<br />

khamh awk caah, khan ka pa a ra. 4. thil tuahmi langhternak; e.g. Give the book to me = Cauk kha<br />

keimah ka pe. 5. John likes to read = John cu carel a duh. 6. He tore the paper to pieces = Cauk kha<br />

man cikcik in a thleh. 7. zulh in; e.g. He sang to the music = Awdawh tummi zulh in hla a sak.<br />

to all intents and purposes - (adv.) a zeiti lei paoh in, dengmang, tuah ding lei ti paohpaoh ahcun<br />

to and fro - (adv.) hilei khilei, a kenkiplo ah.<br />

toad - (n.) utlak hmete<br />

toadstool - (n.) sivai a ngeimi pachia<br />

toast - (n.) 1. pawnghmuk meiin emmi. 2. saupi in ngandam in um seh ti in zapi in ti i zuhrai thlir cio i din.<br />

toaster - (n.) changreu emnak um<br />

toastmaster - (n.) zanriah ei rawl danghnak i haotu rian a ttuan i anih hi anih a si ti a chimtu le damnak<br />

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