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The usual gestures, the habits, the simple and good ones

that make our culture unique in the world. Bread is a key

element in the history of ltalians and that is why Grande

Impero takes care of it every day.


Grande Impero is simply Bread, the story of a family that has been selecting and grinding only the finest Italian

grains for generations. It is the unstoppable path of a company that since 2010 has exceeded every projection

of growth thanks to the production of a Bread made from 100% mother dough, leavened naturally, with

unique characteristics. The skills handed down from father to son, an indomitable spirit and solid governance

represent our added value.


The brand Grande Impero is born 2017 Distribution in Tuscany


Insertion of the Stamp to guarantee the


The Commercial and Development

division is born.

Grande Impero becomes "The Bread of

Great Events”: Festival di Sanremo,

Giffoni Film Festival e Festival de

cinema di Roma.



Opening Sansepolcro Production Site.

First Outdoor Communication Campaign

(Rome Metro).

Implementation of Social Responsibility


Hearing in the Italian Senate in support

of the reduction of food waste.

our history


The Holding Company Limited Liability

is born.

Integrated communication campaign.

Experiential Tour.

Expansion of distribution in Umbria and



The holding established in 2016 is

transformed into a joint stock company.


We believe that combining the knowledge of tradition with the simplicity of

natural ingredients is the only formula to offer real Italian bread every day.

our secret is Simplicity


We want to promote the culture of bread to show that consumers can be

offered a genuine product. We aim to be the the benchmark for our sector

thanks to the passion that distinguishes our work.


At the base of the business ethics there is the certainty that only starting from

the naturalness of the ingredients and the skilful use of technology in the

production processes to protect quality, it is possible to renew the ancient

traditions. Tradition and familiarity are the values that reflect the company's

modus operandi, which believes in continuous training and in the sharing of

common goals.

only flour, water and salt

origins and raw materials

Just as it once was, only three simple

elements combine to make the Grande

Impero a good and genuine bread. At the

base of all the processing, in fact, there are

only excellent raw materials: 100% Italian

flours obtained from highly selected grains,

water and salt from a healthy and virtuous

production chain.

the real artisans use their hands


Each loaf, although apparently similar to

the others, has a unique shape as "hand

finished". Because no machine can ever

replace the warmth of the baker hands

which helps to make grande impero an

authentic true bread.

100% mother dough

origins and raw materials

From the simplicity of ancient traditions

comes the mother dough from which the

Grande Impero bread comes to life. Its over

ten-year maturation, alone, is enough to

trigger the natural leavening process of the

dough which lasts more than 30 hours:

once amalgamated, inside the “mattere”,

the dough rests to fix all the peculiarities

inside itself that will make it a genuine and

healthy bread, of the highest quality and

sublime flavor.

the quality of our bread

process control, traceability and transparency

The traceability of the production chain and transparency are the distinctive

elements of the Grande Impero line of thought. All stages of the production

process are checked: from harvesting in the fields to the processing of products

and delivery to the point of sale.

Through a rigorous selection of suppliers, samples of raw materials are analyzed

at all stages of processing.

The internal protocol that regulates production is constantly monitored. The

cornerstones are the safety of processes, prevention and proper training of


Carried out by accredited laboratories to which samples of each product are

supplied, to carry out analysis of the quality certification of our bread.

All references are fully traceable.

All references are fully traceable so as to guarantee transparency and safety for

the customer.

quality guarantee


Authenticity, ancient flavors, creativity, constant research which, together with

a lot of love, sacrifice and ethics that the whole company puts into every phase

of production, make the Grande Impero a "real bread", artisanal, inimitable. We

proudly share the certification - unique in Italy - obtained thanks to research

conducted by the Università di Bari Aldo Moro and the La Libera Università di

Bolzano, which certifies that Grande Impero products are obtained with the

exclusive use of Sourdough and with a natural leavening process.

Each month our products are subject to careful checks which aim to verify that

the Grande Impero bread meets the requirements and standards indicated in

the certification, monitoring the production process and the traceability of raw


Grande Impero in Italy


Every day we carry out more than 2000 deliveries in 5 different regions between

central and northern Italy to more than 1600 points of sale, divided between

Modern Trade and Ho.Re.Ca.

communication strategies


Effective communication strategies aimed at establishing a

relationship of trust with the final consumer, transferring the

concept of brand value, product quality and its reliability.

Marketing and sponsorship activities are the main strength of

the corporate strategy that transmits the value of the brand,

the culture of Italian bread and quality. Investing in

communication is a necessary commitment for an innovative

company that today is one of the main expanding brands in the

artisan bread sector. Communication that, transversally,

crosses all media: generalist TV, sector magazines, to get to

the sponsorship of sports events and clubs.

we take care

of our world, always

social responsibility

environmental policy

Social responsibility is a fundamental value for our company. We are constantly

working in the search for possible solutions aimed at highly topical issues of

absolute social relevance:

• Reduction of food waste

• Support for the weakest categories.

We are committed every day to reduce the environmental impact. We have a

sincere link with the world of agriculture and its farmers, we reduce until we

completely eliminate packaging, renouncing the packaging communication force to

respect our environment.






Point of Sale





Daily Deliveries





Branded Vehicles

Annual Production


gross revenue (.000)

growth 2015 >2020

30.000.000 €

25.000.000 €



20.000.000 €


15.000.000 €


10.000.000 €


5.000.000 €

0 €

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

2.500.000 €

2.400.000 €

2.300.000 €

gross revenue

2019 > 2020

2.200.000 €

2.100.000 €

2.000.000 €

1.900.000 €

1.800.000 €

1.700.000 €

Gen Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Ago Sep Oct Nov Dic

2019 2020 forecast lockdown

% brands / gross revenue

2020 ytd

8 Semi






Grano Duro




Senza Sale




our Bread

Its appearance evokes that of an ancient noble

of the Roman Empire: proud, strong in shape

and delicate in flavor, decisive in its ancient

taste, imposing but refined. Its scent reaches

us, evoking memories and sensations of other

times. Suitable with any type of food, the

slightly sweet and sour aftertaste enhances

the salinity with the various dishes, as well as

makes it equally good with jam or chocolate.

Processed with "full body" flour, where the

grain of wheat has not undergone major

refining treatments and retains all its natural

characteristics, to which to add toasted bran

and toasted wheat germ, "Nostalgia" is a very

natural product , rich in fiber and suitable for a

healthy diet.

Also present in the “Senza Sale” variant, this

type of “Classico" is suitable for anyone who

wants, or must, follow a low-salt diet, low in

salts, such as children or hypertensive people

who, in this way, can enjoy a excellent slice of

bread without having to worry about its


Another variant of the Grande Impero

“Classico” bread, of which it retains all the

same characteristics, this bread is made with

national durum wheat semolina. Long shelf life

here is assured more than ever, in addition to

the increased presence of proteins, as well as a

lower glycemic index and a higher

concentration of antioxidants.

Traveling back in time, Grande Impero arrives

at type 2 flour, rich in fiber and ashes, with a

high protein content that makes it low in

gluten. The "Grezzo" is ideal for those who

choose a wholemeal product with a more

delicate taste. The ancient processing, the

over ten-year sourdough and the typical

characteristics of the Grande Impero bread

make it yet another pearl of taste and

wholesomeness, born from the constant

search for excellence.

Even more wholesome and healthy, Grande

Impero combines rye, sesame, sunflower,

poppy, dark and yellow linen, spelled and

wheat grains to its characteristics. The fibers

and minerals of the bark are fully preserved

making it highly rich in antioxidants, vitamins

and minerals. Beautiful in its appearance, soft

and tasty. Once again a unique excellence.

We were inspired by the snacks of the ancient

Romans who used to delight themselves with

fruit-based sweet breads. We added 50%

natural fruit and no sulphites to the dough for

the Grande Impero bread! The real novelty is,

therefore, the fruit which, in the Grande

Impero Delizia, is the host: figs, raisins and

apricots, carefully selected and in obviously

variable quantities in the assortment of each

piece, give the bread aromas and flavors that

now seem being lost in time.

Coming Soon


Glamour Food Srl | Sede legale e operativa: Via della Farnesina, 272 - 00135 Roma (RM) - Italia

Tel. + 39 06 72960105 | + 39 06 72901389 - info@grandeimpero.com

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