Terminus Steak&Stilton - INTERSTUDIO

Terminus Steak&Stilton - INTERSTUDIO

Terminus Steak&Stilton - INTERSTUDIO


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PANORAMA 2011<br />


Novità 2010<br />

News 2010<br />

Cosy 22/23<br />

e-motion 10/13<br />

Flores 18/19<br />

Kadrè 16/17<br />

Playful 24/25<br />

Polo 14/15<br />

Steak&<strong>Stilton</strong> 28/30<br />

Taxido 20/21<br />

<strong>Terminus</strong> 26/27-30<br />

Sedie e Sgabelli<br />

Seatings and Stools<br />

Alpha 42<br />

Baltic 45<br />

Basic 45<br />

Bliss 45<br />

Blitz 36<br />

Bloom 37<br />

Breeze 35<br />

Buddy 43<br />

Charlie 36<br />

City 46<br />

Cloud 36<br />

Didivi 44<br />

Diesis 44<br />

e-motion 34<br />

Fire 36<br />

Flash 36<br />

Gallery 41<br />

Home 46<br />

Iron / Multi Iron 38<br />

Jo-Lie/Jo-Lie S 42<br />

Jo-Bim 43<br />

Kadré 34<br />

Kali 47<br />

Kimono 41<br />

Lille 47<br />

Lips 40<br />

Mambo 43<br />

Max 47<br />

Maxi Mambo 43<br />

Max/City/Minny 44<br />

Minny 47<br />

Mistral 45<br />

Moon 46<br />

Nami / Multi Nami 39<br />

Network 37<br />

Noon 42<br />

Pacific 35<br />

Polo 34<br />

PoppyStar 35<br />

Shira 48<br />

Sissi 46<br />

Slide 36<br />

Sophie 48<br />

Storm / Multi Storm 37<br />

Stop&Go 39<br />

Tau/Hi Tau/Hi Tau S 44<br />

Trono 35<br />

Uno 32/33<br />

Well 42<br />

Zenith 40<br />

Kart 48<br />

Imbottiti<br />

Upholstery<br />

Alphabet:<br />

Alpha 57<br />

Beta 58<br />

Delta 58<br />

Fi Large 58<br />

Gamma 58<br />

Hi Fi 59<br />

Hi Omega 59<br />

Jo-Bar 53<br />

Jo-Bim/Jo-Lie/Jo-Lie S 59<br />

Jo-Club 53<br />

Ka Lit 60<br />

Ka Maxi 59<br />

Lambda 60<br />

Mi Longue 60<br />

Omega 60<br />

Ro 61<br />

Sigma 61<br />

Tau/Hi Tau/Hi Tau S 61<br />

Vu 61<br />

Zeta-A-Vis 61<br />

A-My 57<br />

Angl 56<br />

Bonton 55<br />

Bonton Large 55<br />

Cosy 54<br />

Flores 50<br />

Grace 57<br />

Highway 50/52<br />

Meet-Me 54/55<br />

Mygingol 55<br />

Playful 54<br />

Rock 56<br />

Rock Lounge 56<br />

Sax 57<br />

Steak&<strong>Stilton</strong> 53<br />

Taxido 54<br />

<strong>Terminus</strong> 53<br />

Yesbaby 56<br />

Tavoli<br />

Tables<br />

Alphatables 68<br />

Boom 65<br />

Break 68<br />

Capo Tavola 69<br />

Clip-Clap 67<br />

Drum 67<br />

Ellipse tables 69<br />

Et-Voilà 67<br />

Fold-Up 66<br />

Highway-Tables 69<br />

Jo-Tab 65<br />

K 64<br />

Mikado 68<br />

Nox 69<br />

Polo 65<br />

Run 68<br />

Sea 66<br />

Surf 66<br />

Talk 69<br />

Top&Stop 66<br />

Yoga 67<br />

Complementi<br />

Occasional furniture<br />

Bip 76<br />

Capo Banda 74<br />

Capo Bastone 75<br />

Capo Danno 75<br />

Capo Gita 74<br />

Capo Lavoro 74<br />

Capo Linea 75<br />

Capo Lista 74<br />

Capo Pagina 75<br />

Capo Reparto 75<br />

Capo Retto 75<br />

Capo Rizzuto 75<br />

Capo Spalla 75<br />

Capo Verso 75<br />

Capo Volto 75<br />

De Signs 76<br />

Ellipse Mensole/ 73<br />

wall racks<br />

Ellipse<br />

accessori scrivania/ 73<br />

Desk accessories<br />

Ellipse Cestini/ 73<br />

Wastepaer basket<br />

Ellipse Posacenere/ 73<br />

Ash-trays<br />

Ellipse Appendiabiti/ 74<br />

Coat hangers<br />

Generation X 76<br />

Servotre 73<br />

Servoquattro 73<br />

Snake 72<br />

Straight 72<br />

XT 73<br />


Prodotti ad alto contenuto<br />

tecnologico e di design<br />

per il contract e la casa<br />

Il gruppo Segis - Delight - Multipla, attivo dal 1983,<br />

concepisce e realizza prodotti design ad alto contenuto<br />

tecnologico per il contract e la casa. L'elevato livello<br />

qualitativo è testimoniato dal prestigio internazionale che<br />

gode l'azienda nel segmento design contemporaneo.<br />

Tutto ciò è frutto di uno specifico know-how aziendale -<br />

tecnologico e commerciale - e di prestigiose collaborazioni<br />

esterne con professionisti del design, uniti nella passione<br />

autentica per il proprio lavoro.<br />

In quest'ottica di eccellenza senza compromessi l'azienda<br />

s'impegna quotidianamente affinché i propri prodotti<br />

soddisfino gli standards di riferimento più severi previsti da<br />

Istituti di normazione quali: UNI (I), EN (UE), DIN (D), BS (GB),<br />

ANSI-Bifma (USA), e si è dotata di impianti produttivi<br />

tecnologicamente avanzati, un reparto sartoriale qualificato,<br />

una catena di assemblaggio efficiente, che permettono un<br />

capillare controllo qualitativo confermato dalla certificazione<br />

ufficiale secondo lo standard internazionale UNI EN ISO<br />

9001-2008, ottenuta già nel 1997.<br />

2<br />

Attention to quality and design<br />

The Group Team: Segis-Delight-Multipla<br />

Since setting up the company in 1983 our skills and attention<br />

have been focused on products of excellent quality and<br />

design for the contract and residential market; as a result<br />

there have been collaborations with top designers and<br />

technical groups reaching a prestigious international market<br />

position.<br />

Risparmi energetici che<br />

garantiscono il più<br />

basso impatto ambientale<br />

Energy savings and guarantee<br />

the lowest environmental impact<br />

With this aim in mind Segis group meets the requirements<br />

of UNI (I), EN (UE), DIN (D), BS (GB), ANSI-Bifma (USA).<br />

Since 1997 Segis has implemented sophisticated plants<br />

and machinery to meet the requirements of UNI EN ISO<br />

9001-2008, followed by ISO 14001 and SA8000 for social<br />

responsibility.<br />

Il concetto di sviluppo sostenibile è un patrimonio<br />

consolidato dell'impresa: nella progettazione dei prodotti<br />

vengono infatti privilegiate le soluzioni tecniche, le<br />

tecnologie ed i processi produttivi che consentono risparmi<br />

energetici e garantiscono il più basso impatto ambientale.<br />

L'azienda opera dal 2001 in regime di certificazione ISO<br />

14001, e sotto questo profilo ha installato un modernissimo<br />

e sofisticato impianto di verniciatura a polveri, che consente<br />

di riciclare quasi integralmente le acque di lavaggio e delle<br />

polveri esauste, con un livello di emissioni praticamente<br />

trascurabili. Questa filosofia si attua anche nell'utilizzo<br />

della tecnologia di stampaggio a freddo del poliuretano che<br />

garantisce una forma perfetta dell'imbottito con uno spreco<br />

ed una dispersione nulli del materiale chimico, eliminando le<br />

operazioni di ritaglio e d'incollaggio.<br />

Segis soddisfa<br />

gli standards dei<br />

riferimenti più severi<br />

Segis meets the reference standards<br />

Dal 2006 inoltre Segis ha ottenuto la certificazione<br />

etica SA 8000 Sistema di Responsabilità Sociale e<br />

nel 2007 i prodotti Segis-Delight e Multipla hanno ottenuto<br />

la certificazione australiana come prodotti eco-sostenibili<br />

("Good Environmental Choice Australia Ltd" Award).<br />

Respect for the environment is our main ambition, and<br />

we are striving to develop new models that are<br />

environmentally friendly.<br />

A new automatic painting plant that is very sophisticated<br />

reduces our ecological footprint by recycling water, no<br />

smoke rejection, and automatic regeneration of polymer<br />

epoxy powder.<br />

Elevata integrazione<br />

dei processi produttivi<br />

High integration of production processes<br />

We also have eliminated the use of glue and chemical<br />

elements by using cold cure moulded polyurethane for<br />

most of our items.<br />

In 2007 Segis-Delight-Multipla were awarded the Australian<br />

“Good Environmental Choice” Australia Ltd. Award.<br />


Riconoscimenti<br />

Awards<br />

Breeze Design: Carlo Bartoli<br />

1996 - Germania, Vitra Design Museum. - Grecia, Thessaloniki Design<br />

Museum. - USA, I.D. Design Distinction Award, I.I.D.A. Apex Product<br />

Design Award. - Germania, Premio per l'Alta Qualità del Design “IF”<br />

Industrie Forum Design; “Punto Rosso per l'Alta Qualità del Design”,<br />

Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen.<br />

2000 Breeze è uno dei prodotti che rappresentano il design italiano nella<br />

prima emissione filatelica dedicata all'argomento dalle Poste Italiane.<br />

Dal 2004 fa parte della collezione “Coffee Design” della Triennale di<br />

Milano. Breeze, dalla sua nascita, è stata prodotta in più di 1.000.000 di<br />

esemplari.<br />

1996 - Germany, Vitra Design Museum. - Greece Thessaloniki Design<br />

Museum. - USA, “I.D. Design Distinction Award” and “I.I.D.A Apex Product<br />

Design Award”. - Germany, prize Industrie Forum Design Hannover and the<br />

“Red Point of high quality design“ of Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen.<br />

From March 2000, Breeze is one of the products selected to represent<br />

Italian Design in the first philatelic issue of stamps dedicated to this subject<br />

by the Italian Post Office, and in 2001 has reached the 500.000 pieces<br />

sold.<br />

In 2004 Breeze armchair become part of the exclusive selection of seating<br />

exposed at the “Triennale di Milano” in the “Coffee Design” area.<br />

Breeze has been produced in more than 1.000.000 pieces from birth.<br />

Storm Design: Carlo Bartoli<br />

1996 - Greece, Thessaloniki Design Museum.<br />

Pacific Design: George J. Sowden<br />

2004 - viene selezionata come prodotto eco-compatibile da Casa<br />

Toscana/Green Home, marchio che certifica la qualità ambientale<br />

dei prodotti del settore del mobile attraverso l'analisi del ciclo di vita.<br />

Dal 2004 Pacific fa parte della collezione “Coffee Design” della Triennale<br />

di Milano. Prodotto selezionato dall’ADI Design Index.<br />

2004 - Pacific was classified as an environmental-friendly product by Casa<br />

Toscana/Green Home, the trademarkwhich certifies the environmental<br />

quality of furniture products by analysing their life cycle.<br />

In 2004 Pacific chair become part of the exclusive selection of seating<br />

exposed at the “Triennale di Milano” in the “Coffee Design” area. Product<br />

selected from ADI Design Index.<br />

4<br />

Blitz Design: Carlo Bimbi, Paolo Romoli<br />

1999 - USA, “I.D. Design Distinction Award”, “I.I.D.A Apex Product<br />

Design Award”.<br />

Nami Design: Paolo Crescenti<br />

2002 - Canada, INDEX Gold Award.<br />

Noon Archirivolto Design<br />

2002 - Noon viene selezionato come prodotto eco-compatibile da<br />

Casa Toscana/Green Home, marchio che certifica la qualità ambientale<br />

dei prodotti del settore del mobile attraverso l'analisi del ciclo di vita.<br />

2002 - the Noon stool was classified as an environmental-friendly<br />

product by Casa Toscana/Green Home, the trademark which certifies the<br />

environmental quality of furniture products by analysing their life cycle.<br />

Bliss Bartoli Design<br />

La sedia Bliss di Multipla è esposta al San Francisco Museum of Modern<br />

Art.<br />

Bliss chair by Multipla has been included into the San Francisco Museum<br />

of Modern Art.<br />

Please Design: Isao Hosoe<br />

1999 - USA, Good Design Award<br />

Uno Bartoli Design con Fauciglietti Engineering<br />

2004 - Materialica Design Award<br />

2008 - XXI Premio Compasso d’oro ADI<br />

XXI<br />


ADI<br />

Prodotti selezionati nel corso degli anni dall'ADI Design Index:<br />

Sigma e Lambda Design: Roberto Romanello per Segis<br />

Cloud Design: Carlo Bartoli per Segis<br />

Capo-Banda Design: Studio Mussapi per Delight<br />

Downtown Design: Anna Castelli Ferrieri per Segis<br />

Collezione Ellipse Bartoli Design per Delight<br />

Mistral Bartoli Design per Multipla<br />

Trono Design: Sottsass Associati per Segis<br />

Uno Bartoli Design con Fauciglietti Engineering per Segis<br />

Slide Design: Matteo Thun con Antonio Rodriguez per Segis<br />

Pacific Design: George J. Sowden per Segis<br />

Collezione / Collection Capo-Famiglia Design: Studio Mussapi<br />

Contract Design International Design Award.<br />

“Contract Design International Design Award”.<br />

Products selected from ADI Design Index during the last years:<br />

Sigma and Lambda Design: Roberto Romanello for Segis<br />

Cloud Design: Carlo Bartoli for Segis<br />

Capo-Banda Design: Studio Mussapi for Delight<br />

Downtown Design: Anna Castelli Ferrieri for Segis<br />

Collection Ellipse Bartoli Design for Delight<br />

Mistral Bartoli Design for Multipla<br />

Trono Design: Sottsass Associati for Segis<br />

Uno Bartoli Design with Fauciglietti Engineering for Segis<br />

Slide Design: Matteo Thun with Antonio Rodriguez for Segis<br />

Pacific Design: George J. Sowden for Segis<br />


Le realizzazioni Segis nel mondo<br />

Segis Installations in the World<br />


Hospitality<br />

Palace Station Hotel, Las Vegas<br />

Marriot Hotels, various US locations nationwide<br />

Carnival Cruise Fleet, Miami<br />

Starbuck Coffee, various US locations nationwide<br />

New Jersey Devils Stadium Bar Area, New Jersey<br />

Hagen Dazs ice cream shops, Buenos Aires<br />

Worls Sport Cafè, Buenos Aires.<br />

Corporate offices, transit areas & entertainment centres<br />

Nissan Automobiles dealership, various locations nationwide<br />

Chicago Bears Stadium, Chicago<br />

National jockey Club, Cicero (NY)<br />

National car rental headquarters, Ft. Lauderdale (FL)<br />

US Tennis Open championship, NYC<br />

Qualcomm Stadium, San Diego<br />

Bon Marchè dept. stores, various locations nationwide<br />

Paramount Studios, Hollywood<br />

Atlanta Airport, Atlanta<br />

Clear Channel, Minnesota<br />

Dallas Market Center, Dallas<br />

Oakwood Mall, Hammond, Louisiana<br />

Girl Scouts of America, Houston<br />

El Al Israel Airlines Vip Lounge, JFK Airport, NY<br />

San Diego Padres Baseball Club<br />

International Tobacco headquarters, Toronto<br />

Toronto International Airport, Toronto<br />

L'Oreal Shops, Toronto.<br />

Health care & institutions<br />

Science Museum, St. Paul (MN)<br />

Art Museum, Milwakee (WI)<br />

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (MI)<br />

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston<br />

Government Offices, Kansas City<br />

Ripley Sea Aquarium, Long Beach (CA)<br />

Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles<br />

Natural History Museum, Los Angeles<br />

California Science Center, Los Angeles<br />

Villanova University, Philadelphia<br />

Westchester Hospital, Maryland<br />

John Hopkins Hospital Servery, Baltimore<br />

Press Room, Washington DC<br />

University of Delaware, Wilmington<br />

Waterford 51st District Court, Waterford (MI)<br />

Choctaw Indians Courthouse, (MS)<br />

Northwestern University, Sioux Falls (SD)<br />

Pentagon Eatery, Washington DC<br />

Royal Canadian Police headquarters, Vancouver<br />

Boreal University College, Toronto<br />

Schulic School of Business, Toronto.<br />


Hospitality<br />

Grand Hyatt Hotel, Melbourne<br />

Watermark Restaurant, Canberra<br />

Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre, Melbourne<br />

Crown Casino restaurants, Melbourne.<br />

Corporate offices, transit areas & entertainment centres<br />

Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre, Melbourne<br />

Renault Automobiles dealership, Melbourne<br />

Royal Motor Yacht Club, Sydney<br />

Sydney International Airport, Sydney<br />

Apple Computer headquarters, Sydney<br />

Sydney Convention Centre, Sydney<br />

Nestlé headquarters, Sydney<br />

Wellington International Airport, Wellington<br />

Fisher & Parkel headquarters, Auckland<br />

North Harbour Stadium, Auckland<br />

Western Mining headquarters, Perth<br />

Virgin Airlines headquarters, Brisbane<br />

Health care & institutions<br />

The National Museum of Australia, Canberra<br />

Marion Cultural Centre, Adelaide<br />

Department of Defense, Canberra<br />

Royal Melbourne hospital, Melbourne<br />

The Papua Museum, Wellington<br />

Wellington University, Wellington<br />

Macquarie Bank, Sydney<br />

Medibank Private headquarters, Melbourne<br />

Australian Department of Justice, Melbourne<br />

Royal Automobilre Club, Victoria<br />

FAR EAST<br />

Hospitality<br />

Rokkatei Restaurant, Sapporo (J)<br />

Disneyland resort restaurants, Tokyo<br />

Bayside Restaurant, Yokohama (J)<br />

Dragon-i restaurant & lounge, Hong Kong<br />

Caffetteria Spinelli, Singapore<br />

Coffee Club Lounge, Singapore<br />

Ribbon Beef coffee shop, Singapore<br />

Manchester United coffee shop, Singapore<br />

Overseas coffee shop, Singapore<br />

Carnegie Bistrò, Singapore.<br />

Corporate offices, transit areas & entertainment centres<br />

Disneyland resort headquarters, Tokyo<br />

Japan Am-Way headquarters, Tokyo<br />

Tokyo International Airport, Tokyo<br />

Philips headquarters, Singapore<br />

Holland Valley food mall, Singapore<br />

Crematis Garden wedding palace, Tokyo.<br />

Health care & institutions<br />

Bunkyo University, Bunkyo (J)<br />

Tokai University Hospital, Tokyo<br />

Union Bank of Switzerland headquarters, Tokyo<br />

Union Bank of Switzerland headquarters, Singapore.<br />


Hospitality<br />

Ibis Hotel, Dubai<br />

Israel Air Force VIP restaurant, Tel Aviv<br />

Eurovision international music contest, Jerusalem.<br />

Corporate offices, transit areas & entertainment centres<br />

Grand canyon shopping mall, Haifa (IS)<br />

World Trade Centre, Dubai.<br />

Dubai World Trade Center.<br />

Health care & institutions<br />

Wizman Science Institute, Rehovot (IS)<br />

Jerusalem Belison Hospital, Jerusalem.<br />

Belison Hospital, Dubai<br />

EUROPE<br />

Hospitality<br />

Swarowski headquarters restaurant, Wien<br />

Resch Cafe, Wels (A)<br />

Hockenheim F1 racetrack VIP Lounge<br />

Mc Donalds restaurant, Antwerpen (B)<br />

Dockx coffee shop, Antwerpen (B)<br />

Vertigo Terras, Amsterdam<br />

Coca Cola headquarters restaurant, Amsterdam<br />

PTT Telecom headquarters restaurant, Engelo (NL)<br />

Grand Hotel Senator, Ayia Napa (Cyprus)<br />

Amalthia Hotel, Papos (Cyprus)<br />

Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant, Larnaca (Cyprus)<br />

Pralina Cafè restaurant, Nicosia (Cyprus)<br />

Holiday Inn Nicosia, Limassol (Cyprus)<br />

Restaurant Le Bateau Parisienne, Paris<br />

Euro Disney restaurants, Paris<br />

Euro Plaza center, La Defénse<br />

Alcatel coffee shop, Paris<br />

Alsthom Restaurant, Paris<br />

Sofitel , Paris<br />

Group Accor, Several branches in Europe<br />

Goody's fast food restaurant, Athens<br />

Afroditi restaurant, Athens<br />

Dash restaurant, Athens<br />

Hotel Grand Chalet, Athens<br />

Bluebird Cafè, London<br />

Microsoft headquarters restaurant, Dublin<br />

The Gingerman Pub, Dublin<br />

Bord Gais, Dublin<br />

Ericsson employees restaurant, Rome<br />

Laguna Palace hotel, Venice<br />

Autogrill motorway restaurants, Milan & other Italian locations<br />

The Italian Parliament restaurant, Rome<br />

Vodafone-Omnitel break areas - several Italian locations<br />

Boheringer-Ingelheim headquarters restaurant, Florence<br />

Bar Mascalzone Latino, Isola d'Elba (I)<br />

Club Mediterranee, Ragusa & other Italian locations<br />

Holiday Inn Hotels, Several branches in Italy<br />

Eniservizi Canteen, several branches in Italy<br />

Praja Major disco bar, Braga (P)<br />

Hotel Pousada de Alcacer do Sal, Alcacer do Sal (P)<br />

Les Palaces coffe shop, Porto<br />

Faro Ria Hotel, Faro (P)<br />

Monte Prado Hotel, Prado (P)<br />

Novotel, Lisbon (P)<br />

Floridita Cafè, Prague<br />

Caffè Fellini, Prague<br />

Rendez Vous restaurant, Prague<br />

Accor Pannonia Hoel, Budapest (Hungary)<br />

Ondo Ondo restaurant, Pamplona (E)<br />

Mallorca coffe shop, Madrid<br />

Antzoki Zaharra restaurant, Bilbao (E)<br />

Rodilla coffee shops, Madrid and other Spanish locations<br />

Hotel Don Carlos, Marbella (E)<br />

Cafè Opera, Stocholm<br />

Sun Microsystems headquarters restaurant, Kista (S)<br />

Orient Express Restaurant, Railway Station, Stockholm<br />

Mc Donald's Restaurant, Helsinki<br />

Corporate offices, transit areas & entertainment centres<br />

Hewlett Packard headquarters, Wien<br />

Railway Central Station, Bruxelles<br />

DHL headquarters, Diegem (B)<br />

VIP Fitness Center, Bruxelles - ISERP, Luxembourg<br />

DZB Leiden Office, Lederdorp (NL)<br />

Nortel Network headquarters, Den Haag (NL)<br />

Grey Communications headquarters, Copenhagen<br />

Mercedes-Benz of Danmark, Hørsholm (DK)<br />

Leo Burnett headquarters, Copenhagen<br />

Stade de France, Paris<br />

Civil Aviation headquarters, Paris<br />

Metropolis multiscreen movie theatre, Frankfurt<br />

Hamburg Airport, Hamburg<br />

Lufthansa training center, Frankfurt<br />

Volkl trade fair displays, Munich<br />

Olympiapark, Munich<br />

Daimler-Crysler, Dresden<br />

Montblanc Shop, Hamburg<br />

Ptuj International Golf Resort, Ptuj (SLO)<br />

Elleniki Technodomiki SA, Athens<br />

Swatch headquarters, Athens<br />

Ote Greek National Telephone Company, Athens<br />

British Airways headquarters, London<br />

Sadler's Well theatre, London<br />

AT&T headquarters, London<br />

Wimbledon tennis & sport facilities, London<br />

British Telecom headquarters, London<br />

Aldi Headoffice Co., Dublin<br />

Flotta Costa Crociere<br />

Rome International Airport, Rome<br />

Giostyle showroom, Milan<br />

Mandarina Duck headquarters, Bologna (I)<br />

Telecom Italia Mobile calling centres, Italian nationwide locations<br />

NIKE headquarters, Bologna (I)<br />

Malpensa International Airport, Milan<br />

Ferrari Automobiles, Maranello<br />

Maserati Automobiles, Modena<br />

The House of Music, Parma (I)<br />

Vignadivalle Airport Headquarter, Vignadivalle (I)<br />

University of Saragozza, Saragozza (E)<br />

Twin Towers shopping mall, Lisbon<br />

Feira Nova shopping mall, Sintra (P)<br />

Boa Vista stadium, Porto<br />

Palac Flora shopping mall, Prague<br />

Lanzarote International Airport, Lanzarote (Canary Islands)<br />

Aquopolis Costa Dorada, Tarragona (E)<br />

Club la Costa, Malaga<br />

Factory shopping mall, Seville<br />

Saab-Scania headquarters, Stockholm<br />

Electrolux headquarters, Stockholm<br />

Canon headquarters, Malmö(S)<br />

Gothenburgs Airport, Landvetter (S)<br />

Jarowsky Television network, Stockholm.<br />

Palmeraie Golf Palace, Marrakech (Morrocco)<br />

Health care & institutions<br />

Aboriginal Art Museum, Utrecht<br />

Saint Crispopher Foundation, Nicosia<br />

Hvidovre Hospital, Hvidovre (DK)<br />

Royaumont Abbey, Royaumont (F)<br />

Alte Pinakothek, Munich<br />

Deutsche Bank, several German locations<br />

Volksbank, Mönchengladbach (D)<br />

Sächsische Landesbank, Fresden (D)<br />

Sparkasse, Aachen (D)<br />

Klinikum Garmisch, Partenkirchen (D)<br />

Psychiatrishe Klinik, Wiesbaden (D)<br />

Universität, Duisburg (D)<br />

Otokos University, Athens<br />

The Bank of Greece, Athens & other locations<br />

Museum of Modern Art, Thessaloniki (GR)<br />

Cromwell Hospital, London<br />

The C.R. Mc Intosh House Museum, Glasgow<br />

Chase Manhattan Bank<br />

Nottingham (UK)<br />

Banca Commerciale Italiana headquarters, London<br />

John Moore University, Liverpool<br />

Irish Sport Council, Dublin<br />

Dublin Port Authority, Dublin<br />

Irish Department of Education, Dublin<br />

Museum of Ireland life, Castlebar (IR)<br />

Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford (IR)<br />

University of Siena, Siena<br />

Scala Theatre Museum, Milan<br />

Industrial Design University, Florence<br />

The Bank of Italy, Rome<br />

Tor Vergata Hospital, Rome (I)<br />

University of Lisbon, Lisbon<br />

Alfredo da Costa medical center, Lisbon.<br />

6 7

8<br />

Novità 2010<br />

News 2010<br />


e-motion<br />

Sedia impilabile.<br />

e-motion, una sintesi perfetta sul tema<br />

della sedia in polipropilene stampata con<br />

air-moulding, integrando allo schienale<br />

un dispositivo innovativo, che consente<br />

un movimento di flessione unico per<br />

prestazione, tecnologia e competitività<br />

di prezzo. Il risultato è un prodotto<br />

leggero, molto confortevole e robusto,<br />

con un design che lo rende<br />

particolarmente versatile ed adatto agli<br />

ambienti residenziali, dell'hospitality e<br />

dell'ufficio. Le combinazioni di colori<br />

possibili e i volumi ricchi rendono<br />

e-motion adatta anche per collocazioni<br />

importanti. e-motion è disponibile<br />

anche con sedile rivestito in eco-pelle.<br />

Impilabile a terra fino a 8 pezzi.<br />

Il modello è brevettato.<br />

81,5<br />

10<br />

48 53<br />

46<br />

Giancarlo Piretti design<br />

Stacking chair.<br />

The e-motion is a stylistic revolution in<br />

technology and an unbelievable synthesis<br />

about the theme of the chair in<br />

polypropylene with air-moulding,<br />

integrating an innovative device to the<br />

back that allows motion, unique in a<br />

product for this market and price.<br />

The result is a dynamic, light, comfortable,<br />

and strong product with a versatility that<br />

makes it very transversal, from corporate<br />

dining, training, waiting and conferencing<br />

to hospitality. The combinations of<br />

colours, including the option of a fauxleather<br />

seat, and its shape make the<br />

e-motion aesthetically rich and suitable<br />

for dynamic environments.<br />

Stacking capacity 8 pieces on floor.<br />

Patented Model.<br />

Possibilità di rivestimento similpelle<br />

Option of a faux-leather seat<br />


e-motion<br />

12<br />


Polo<br />

Poltroncina impilabile il cui design<br />

consente una facile collocabilità in ogni<br />

contesto interno o esterno. Realizzata<br />

in alluminio fuso ed estruso verniciato<br />

a polveri epossidiche in vari colori che<br />

garantisce anche una particolare<br />

leggerezza dell’oggetto. Impilabilità<br />

a terra fino a 6 poltroncine.<br />

Tavolo Polo con base in fusione di ghisa<br />

pressofusa disponibile in due dimensioni:<br />

Ø 48 cm con colonna in tubo di<br />

alluminio Ø60 mm e sottopiatto<br />

in tecnopolimero.<br />

Ø 65 cm con colonna in tubo di<br />

alluminio Ø 80 mm e sottopiatto<br />

in presso fusione di alluminio.<br />

Finitura verniciata a polveri epossidiche<br />

per interno ed esterno.<br />

Tavolo Top&Stop con base Ø 50 cm in<br />

pressofusione di alluminio, colonna in<br />

acciaio (Ø60 mm) e sottopiatto in<br />

tecnopolimero o pressofusione di<br />

alluminio per piani tavolo di 79x79 cm e<br />

Ø 100 cm. Finitura verniciata a polveri<br />

epossidiche per uso interno ed esterno,<br />

cromata per uso interno. Piani tavolo in<br />

lamiera verniciata Ø 72 cm (con o senza<br />

fori), MDF laccato o laminato (per uso<br />

interno), in laminato MEG o Werzalit<br />

(per uso interno ed esterno) in vari colori<br />

e dimensioni.<br />

80<br />

80<br />

70x70<br />

70 70<br />

48<br />

46<br />

120<br />

80x80<br />

65<br />

Archirivolto Design<br />

Stacking armchair and table base with a<br />

geometric motif, perfect for commercial,<br />

hospitality, and residential use; indoor or<br />

outdoor applications. Produced in die-cast<br />

aluminium, available in a variety of<br />

powder coat colours. Stacking capacity<br />

up to 6 pcs on floor.<br />

Polo table base: die-cast iron base<br />

available in two dimensions:<br />

Ø 48 cm (19”) with aluminium profile<br />

column (Ø 60 mm - 2.5”) and techno<br />

polymer fixing plate<br />

Ø 65 cm (26”) with aluminium profile<br />

column (Ø 80 mm - 3”) and die-cast<br />

aluminium fixing plate.<br />

Variety of powder coat finish colours<br />

for indoor or outdoor use.<br />

Top&Stop table: die-cast aluminium base<br />

(Ø 50 cm - 20”), steel column (Ø 60 mm -<br />

2.5”) with techno polymer fixing plate;<br />

version with die-cast fixing plate for larger<br />

table tops 79x79 and 100 cm (32”x32”<br />

and Ø 40”). Chrome or powder coat<br />

finishes for indoor use; powder coat only<br />

for outdoors. Table tops in powder coat<br />

metal sheet Ø 72 cm (28” ) (with or<br />

without pattern), lacquered MDF or<br />

laminate (for indoor use), MEG laminated<br />

or Werzalit (for indoor and outdoor use)<br />

in several colours and dimensions.<br />

14 15<br />


Kadré<br />

Sedia impilabile in poliuretano rigido<br />

ad alta densità. Struttura disponibile<br />

in due versioni: a slitta in tondino<br />

d’acciaio ad alta resistenza o con 4<br />

gambe, finitura cromata o verniciata a<br />

polveri epossidiche.<br />

Grazie alle elevate caratteristiche<br />

meccaniche del materiale e alla reazione<br />

al fuoco in classe V-0 può essere<br />

utilizzata in ogni contesto sia domestico<br />

che contract.<br />

La scocca può essere monocromatica o<br />

bicolore. La colorazione è ottenuta prima<br />

dello stampaggio utilizzando vernici ad<br />

acqua, quindi nel pieno rispetto<br />

dell’ambiente. Impilabilità a terra fino<br />

a 4 pezzi.<br />

84,3<br />

16<br />

49,4 48,5<br />

45,3<br />

Contemporary stacking chair in rigid high<br />

density polyurethane, suitable for<br />

commercial, hospitality, and residential<br />

use. Strong yet light, the back is very<br />

flexible, moving comfortably with one’s<br />

body. In addition to the monochromatic<br />

shell, a bi-colored version is obtained by<br />

using environmentally friendly<br />

polyurethane varnish water prior to<br />

moulding; fire retardant shell meets UL94<br />

V-0. Tubular steel frame available in two<br />

versions: four legs or sled base, both in<br />

chrome or powder coat finishes.<br />

Stacking capacity: 4 pieces on the floor.<br />

84,4<br />

50,8 50,2<br />

Angelo Dall’Aglio Design<br />

45,4<br />


Flores<br />

Panche rettangolari, quadrate e circolari<br />

per sedute informali da centro locale,<br />

destinate a spazi di attesa, incontro e<br />

relazione. Il disegno ne consente l'uso<br />

da ogni lato. I cuscini posizionabili<br />

liberamente sulle basi offrono diverse<br />

configurazioni di seduta, e grazie al<br />

peso contenuto al loro interno risultano<br />

stabili ma svincolati da agganci fissi.<br />

Basi in tubolare cromato o verniciato a<br />

polveri epossidiche. Carter sotto sedile<br />

stampato in ABS nero a vista o rivestito<br />

nel materiale della seduta.<br />

Sedute in poliuretano indeformabile e<br />

ovatta poliestere su struttura metallica e<br />

multistrati. Cuscini con zavorra interna.<br />

Imbottitura interna resistente al fuoco<br />

secondo la normativa italiana Classe 1<br />

IM e normativa California Bulletin 117A<br />

Rivestimento disponibile in tessuto o<br />

eco-pelle.<br />

18<br />

270<br />

270<br />

122<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Benches in various sizes and shapes,<br />

Flores is perfect for waiting areas.<br />

This design allows one to sit on any side<br />

and to arrange the backrests comfortably.<br />

Backrest cushions, with internal dead<br />

weight, are not attached to the frame but<br />

free to be positioned as desired.<br />

Tubular steel legs in chrome or powder<br />

coat finishes. Underside of seat is black<br />

moulded ABS thermoplastic which, if<br />

desired, may be upholstered to match<br />

seat top surface. Internal frame of metal<br />

combined with multi-ply plywood; seat<br />

and shaped cushions of non-deformable<br />

polyurethane foam covered with polyester<br />

padding. Fire retardant foam and padding<br />

meet Italian Class 1 IM and California<br />

Bulletin 117A. Covers available in fabric<br />

or faux leather.<br />

122<br />

122<br />

40<br />

Ø 200<br />


104<br />

Taxido<br />

Poltroncina con o senza poggiatesta.<br />

Disponibile con base girevole, base a<br />

slitta in acciaio con finitura cromata o<br />

verniciata a polveri epossidiche o con<br />

base a dondolo con struttura in tondino<br />

e legno massello. Struttura in metallo<br />

ed imbottitura in poliuretano espanso<br />

schiumato a freddo. Sedile sagomato in<br />

poliuretano espanso. Imbottitura interna<br />

resistente al fuoco secondo la normativa<br />

California Bulletin 117A e secondo la<br />

normativa italiana Classe 1 IM.<br />

Rivestimento in tessuto, pelle o<br />

eco-pelle.<br />

82<br />

82<br />

42<br />

20<br />

45,6<br />

71,5<br />

45,6<br />

71,5<br />

42<br />

75,2<br />

73,3<br />

104<br />

82<br />

82<br />

42<br />

49<br />

71,5<br />

49<br />

71,5<br />

Carlo Bimbi Design<br />

Lounge chair with Optional Headrest<br />

Appealing elliptical lounge chair of Italian<br />

design with round swivel base, sled base,<br />

or rocking wood base. Swivel and sled<br />

base in chrome or powder coat finishes.<br />

Cold injected polyurethane foam over<br />

inner steel profile frame; shaped nondeformable<br />

polyurethane foam seat.<br />

Fire retardant foam and padding meet<br />

Italian Class 1 IM and California Bulletin<br />

117A. Covers available in fabric, leather,<br />

or faux leather.<br />

42<br />

79<br />

79<br />

104<br />

82<br />

82<br />

52<br />

71,5<br />

52<br />

71,5<br />

42<br />

42<br />

61<br />

75,2<br />

61<br />

73,3<br />


Cosy<br />

La gamma Cosy si compone di poltrona,<br />

divano a 2 e a 3 posti. La struttura è in<br />

legno multistrato e le imbottiture sono<br />

in poliuretano espanso indeformabile,<br />

con fodera accoppiata con ovatta<br />

poliestere. Imbottitura interna resistente<br />

al fuoco secondo la normativa California<br />

Bulletin 117A e secondo la normativa<br />

italiana Classe 1 IM. Le gambe sono in<br />

fusione di alluminio con finitura cromata<br />

o verniciata a polveri epossidiche.<br />

Rivestimento in tessuto, pelle o ecopelle<br />

72<br />

75<br />

22<br />

80<br />

80<br />

142<br />

199<br />

40<br />

Carlo Bimbi Design<br />

Angular collection of lounge chair,<br />

loveseat, and sofa. Constructed with<br />

multi-ply plywood inner frame and<br />

non-deformable polyurethane foam<br />

covered with polyester padding. Fire<br />

retardant foam and padding meet Italian<br />

Class 1 IM and California Bulletin 117A.<br />

Aluminium die-cast legs in chrome or<br />

powder coat finishes. Covers available<br />

in fabric, leather, or faux leather.<br />


Playful<br />

Divano e poltrona.<br />

Struttura metallica e imbottitura in<br />

poliuretano espanso schiumato a freddo<br />

e fodera accoppiata con ovatta<br />

poliestere. Sedile sagomato in<br />

poliuretano indeformabile.<br />

Imbottitura interna resistente al fuoco<br />

secondo la normativa California Bulletin<br />

117A e secondo la normativa italiana<br />

Classe 1 IM. Rivestimento in tessuto,<br />

pelle o eco-pelle. Le gambe sono in<br />

fusione di alluminio con finitura cromata<br />

o verniciata a polveri epossidiche.<br />

Accessori per poltrona: tavoletta<br />

scrittoio in laminato nero su multistrati.<br />

69<br />

24<br />

74<br />

74 74<br />

83<br />

Carlo Bimbi Design<br />

Cylindrical lounge chair and loveseat.<br />

Cold injected polyurethane foam with<br />

inner steel profile frame. Shaped seat<br />

constructed in non-deformable<br />

polyurethane foam. Fire retardant foam<br />

and padding meet Italian Class 1 IM and<br />

California Bulletin 117A. Aluminium<br />

die-cast legs in chrome or powder coat<br />

finishes. Covers available in fabric, leather<br />

or faux leather.<br />

Accessory: black laminate on plywood<br />

writing tablet.<br />

41<br />

83<br />

151<br />

151<br />


<strong>Terminus</strong><br />

Sistema componile di sedute pensato<br />

per la ristorazione. Elementi angolari e<br />

lineari consentono qualunque tipo di<br />

composizione. Il sistema <strong>Terminus</strong> può<br />

avvalersi anche di pannelli divisori in<br />

laminato o rivestiti in eco-pelle, per<br />

consentire la formazioni di ambienti<br />

privé. La struttura è in legno multistrato,<br />

le imbottiture sono in poliuretano<br />

espanso indeformabile e fodera<br />

accoppiata con ovatta poliestere con<br />

imbottitura interna resistente al fuoco<br />

secondo la normativa Italiana<br />

Classe 1 IM e secondo la normativa<br />

California Bulletin 117 A. Gambe in<br />

metallo con finitura cromata o<br />

verniciata a polveri epossidiche.<br />

Rivestimento disponibile in tessuto o<br />

eco-pelle.<br />

Tavolo Boom rettangolare con base<br />

85x45 cm in acciaio verniciato a polveri<br />

epossidiche o cromato con carter di<br />

copertura in acciaio inox lucido.<br />

Colonne Ø 60 mm in acciaio verniciato<br />

a polveri epossidiche o cromate.<br />

Disponibile anche la versione quadrata<br />

con base 45x45 o rotonda Ø 45,<br />

Ø 60 e Ø 65 cm.<br />

Piani tavolo di varie misure e materiali.<br />

26<br />

Carlo Bimbi Design<br />

Modular freestanding banquette system<br />

designed for restaurant, lounge, or bistro.<br />

Angular and linear elements allow<br />

numerous compositions with or without<br />

partition panels in laminated or<br />

upholstered in faux-leather, to create<br />

secluded areas. Multi-ply plywood frame;<br />

non-deformable polyurethane foam with<br />

polyester padding. Fire retardant foam<br />

and padding meet Italian Class 1 IM and<br />

California Bulletin 117A. Steel legs<br />

available in chrome or powder coat<br />

finishes.<br />

Covers available in fabric or faux leather.<br />

Boom Table: rectangular steel base<br />

85x45 cm (18”x34”) (for tops up to<br />

24”x55”) in powder coat finishes or<br />

chrome with polished stainless steel<br />

cover. Steel 60 mm (2.5”) diameter<br />

columns in chrome or powder coat<br />

finishes.<br />

Optional bases: 45x45 cm (18”x18”)<br />

square, 45 cm Ø (18”), 60 cm Ø (24”)<br />

and 65 cm Ø (26”) round; tops in several<br />

sizes and materials.<br />


Steak&<strong>Stilton</strong><br />

Sistema componibile di sedute dedicato<br />

all’ambiente bistrot. Elementi lineari e<br />

moduli angolari consentono di ottenere<br />

massima versatilità di impiego, da<br />

situazioni vis-a-vis a composizioni aperte<br />

ed isolate o lineari . La struttura è in<br />

legno multistrato, le imbottiture sono in<br />

poliuretano espanso indeformabile e<br />

fodera accoppiata con ovatta poliestere<br />

con imbottitura interna resistente al<br />

fuoco secondo la normativa Italiana “<br />

Classe 1 IM;” e secondo la normativa<br />

“California Bulletin 117 A “. La base è<br />

in acciaio inox. Rivestimento disponibile<br />

in tessuto o eco-pelle. Possibilità di<br />

lavorazione Capitonné per lo schienale<br />

per ambienti più lussuosi ed eleganti.<br />

Tavolo Jo-Tab base quadrata (45x45<br />

cm) e rettangolare (85x45 cm) in acciaio<br />

verniciato a polveri epossidiche o<br />

cromato con carter di copertura in<br />

acciaio inox lucido. Colonne in acciao<br />

verniciato a polveri epossidiche o<br />

cromato.<br />

Piani tavolo in due misure, 75x75 e<br />

120x75 cm in vari materiali.<br />

28<br />

Carlo Bimbi Design<br />

Modular system of upholstered<br />

banquettes for the bistro.<br />

Linear and angular elements allow<br />

maximum versatility, from vis a vis to<br />

open compositions. Inside back plain or<br />

with optional Button Tufting. Multi-ply<br />

plywood frame; non-deformable<br />

polyurethane foam and polyester<br />

padding; fire retardant foam and padding<br />

meet Italian Class 1 IM and California<br />

Bulletin 117A. Stainless steel base.<br />

Available in fabric or faux leather<br />

Jo-Tab Table: square 45x45cm<br />

(18”x18”) or rectangular 85x45cm<br />

(18”x34”) steel bases in powder coat or<br />

polish stainless steel with cover<br />

protection.<br />

Steel columns in chrome or powder coat<br />

finishes. Table tops in several materials<br />

available in two sizes: 75x75 cm<br />

(30”x30”) or 120x75cm (30”x48”)<br />


31<br />

30<br />

<strong>Terminus</strong><br />

Steak&<strong>Stilton</strong><br />

Sedie e sgabelli<br />

Seating and stools<br />

65<br />

79<br />

47<br />

120<br />

150<br />

180<br />

120<br />

150<br />

180<br />

65<br />

53<br />

47<br />

99<br />

125<br />

110<br />

80<br />

110<br />

80<br />

110<br />

150<br />

110<br />

70<br />

53<br />

47<br />

99<br />

125<br />

150<br />

110<br />

150<br />

70<br />

79<br />

47<br />

110<br />

150<br />

110<br />

70<br />

53<br />

47<br />

99<br />

125<br />

110<br />

79<br />

47<br />

110<br />

70<br />

79<br />

47<br />

110<br />

120<br />

150<br />

180<br />

80<br />

65<br />

110<br />

65 80<br />

65<br />

120<br />

150<br />

180<br />

65<br />

110<br />

70<br />

110<br />

70<br />

70<br />

70<br />

70<br />


Uno<br />

Sedia impilabile.<br />

Struttura interna in acciaio ad alta<br />

resistenza e inserto schienale in speciale<br />

tecnopolimero elastico, il tutto annegato<br />

in uno schiumato bi-componente a base<br />

uretanica.<br />

La struttura interna assicura rigidità e<br />

resistenza strutturale, la “pelle“ esterna<br />

offre durabilità e piacevolezza al tatto,<br />

mentre il materiale interno garantisce<br />

morbidezza e comfort.<br />

Disponibile in vari colori.<br />

Il materiale è ignifugo in Classe 1, è<br />

atossico ed offre inoltre alta resistenza<br />

all'abrasione ed alle macchie.<br />

Possibilità di impilare fino a 9 sedie a<br />

terra, e 20 max su carrello.<br />

Accessori: carrello per il trasporto.<br />

Uno è protetto da brevetto<br />

internazionale.<br />

79<br />

32<br />

48 45<br />

44<br />

max 9<br />

Stacking chair.<br />

Inner frame in high grade steel and<br />

flexible technopolymer backrest insert,<br />

everything buried in a urethanic based<br />

twincompound.<br />

The inner frame grants stiffness and<br />

structural strenght, the external film<br />

offers pleasure and durability, while<br />

the internal material assures softness and<br />

comfort. Available in several colours with<br />

a satin finishing.<br />

The external film is flexible, fire retardant<br />

in “Classe 1“ and non toxic.<br />

It also offers high resistance to abrasion<br />

and spots. Stacking capacity up to 9 pcs<br />

on floor, (max 20 on trolley).<br />

Accessory: Trolley for stacked chairs<br />

transportation.<br />

Uno is covered by international patent.<br />

Bartoli Design, Fauciglietti Engineering<br />

XXI<br />


ADI<br />

Quest’immagine evidenzia la<br />

straordinaria morbidezza e flessibilità<br />

del materiale.<br />

This picture underlines the<br />

extraordinary softness and flexibility<br />

of the material.<br />


e-motion<br />

Giancarlo Piretti Design<br />

Polo<br />

Archirivolto Design<br />

Kadré<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />

Uno<br />

Bartoli Design,<br />

Fauciglietti Engineering<br />

34<br />

4<br />

4<br />

XXI Compasso<br />

d’oro ADI<br />

Trono<br />

Design: Sottssas Associati<br />

PoppyStar<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Pacific<br />

Design: George J. Sowden<br />

Breeze<br />

Bartoli Design<br />


Blitz<br />

Design: Carlo Bimbi, Paolo Romoli<br />

6<br />

Cloud<br />

Design: Carlo Bartoli<br />

Fire<br />

Design: Carlo Bartoli<br />

Slide<br />

Design: Matteo Thun, Antonio Rodriguez<br />

36<br />

Flash<br />

Design: Carlo Bimbi, Paolo Crescenti<br />

Charlie<br />

Design: Bimbi,<br />

Gioacchini<br />

versione legno<br />

wood version<br />

Bloom<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Storm<br />

Design: Carlo Bartoli<br />

MultiStorm<br />

Design: Carlo Bartoli<br />

Network<br />

Design: Archirivolto<br />


Iron<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Multi Iron<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

38<br />

Nami<br />

Design: Paolo Crescenti<br />

MultiNami<br />

Design: Paolo Crescenti<br />

Stop&Go<br />

Design: Lievore Altherr Molina<br />


Zenith<br />

Design: Carlo Bimbi<br />

Lips<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

40<br />

Gallery<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Kimono<br />

Bartoli Design<br />


Jo-Lie / Jo-Lie S<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />

Alpha / Alpha pouf<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />

Well<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Noon<br />

Archirivolto Design<br />

42<br />

5<br />

Mambo<br />

Archirivolto Design<br />

”<br />

Maxi Mambo<br />

Archirivolto Design<br />

Buddy<br />

Archirivolto Design<br />

2<br />

Jo - Bim<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />


Tau / Hi-Tau / Hi-Tau S<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />

Max / City / Minny<br />

Design: DM Design<br />

Didivi<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />

Diesis<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />

44<br />

Baltic<br />

Design: George J. Sowden<br />

Basic<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Bliss<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Mistral<br />

Bartoli Design<br />


Moon<br />

Design: Federico Rinoldi<br />

Home<br />

Design: Dario Taurian<br />

Sissi<br />

Design: Studio Esseci<br />

City<br />

DM design<br />

46<br />

Kalì<br />

Design: Patrizia Guiotto<br />

Lille<br />

DM design<br />

Max<br />

DM design<br />

Minny<br />

DM design<br />

Optional<br />

Optional<br />

Optional<br />

Optional<br />


Shira<br />

DM design<br />

Sophie<br />

Design: Edi Ciani<br />

48<br />

Optional<br />

Optional<br />

Kart carrello universale<br />

Trolley for stacking chairs<br />

Impilabilità virtualmente illimitata.<br />

Virtually unlimited stacking capacity.<br />

Imbottiti<br />

Upholstery<br />


Flores<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Highway A<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Highway B<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Highway C<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

50<br />

Highway D/G/H/I/M<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Highway E<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Highway F<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Highway tables<br />

Bartoli Design<br />


Highway L<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Highway N<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Highway O<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Highway Q/R<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

52<br />

Jo-Club<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />


Jo-Bar<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />


Steak&<strong>Stilton</strong><br />

Carlo Bimbi Design<br />


<strong>Terminus</strong><br />

Carlo Bimbi Design<br />



Taxido<br />

Carlo Bimbi Design<br />

Cosy<br />

Carlo Bimbi Design<br />

Playful<br />

Carlo Bimbi Design<br />

Meet-Me<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

54<br />

Meet-Me<br />

Bartoli design<br />

Meet-Me Swivel<br />

Bartoli design<br />

Bonton / Bonton large<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />

Mygingol<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />


Yesbaby<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />

Rock<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Rock Lounge<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Angl<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />

56<br />

Grace<br />

Design: Studio Esseci<br />

Sax<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

A-My<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />

Alpha / Alpha pouf<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />


Beta / Beta 2<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />

Delta / Delta2 / Delta pouf<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />

Fi-Large / Fi-Large2<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />

Gamma<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />

58<br />

Hi-Fi / Fi-Pouf<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />

Hi-Omega / Omega pouf<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />

Jo-Bim / Jo-Lie / Jo-Lie S<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />

Ka-Maxi / Ka-Maxi pouf<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />


Ka-Lit<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />


Lambda<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />

Mi-Longue<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />

Omega / Omega2 / Omega maxipouf<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />

60<br />

Ro<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />

Tau / Hi-Tau / Hi-Tau S<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />

Vu / Vu2<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />

Zeta A Vis<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />

Sigma<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />


62<br />

Tavoli<br />

Tables<br />


K2 / K2 Alto<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

K3 / K4 / K5<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

K2/ K4<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

64<br />

Tavolo con piano a ribalta<br />

Table with flip top mechanism<br />

Boom / Boom Alto<br />

Design: UTS<br />

Jo-Tab<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />

Polo<br />

Archirivolto Design<br />


Top&Stop<br />

Design: UTS<br />

Sea / Sea Alto / Mini Sea<br />

Design: Carlo Bartoli<br />

Surf<br />

Design: Carlo Bartoli<br />

Fold-Up<br />

Design: Lucci e Orlandini<br />

66<br />

h.<br />

h. hors plateau<br />

Tischhöhe ohne Platte<br />

h. Clip-CLap<br />

Design: Sergio Giobbi<br />

h.<br />

h.<br />

Tischhöhe ohne Platte<br />

Tischhöhe ohne Platte<br />

h. hors plateau<br />

Tischhöhe ohne Platte<br />

Et-Voilà<br />

Design: Sergio Giobbi<br />

Yoga<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Drum<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

h.<br />

h. hor<br />

T<br />


Run<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Mikado<br />

Design: Bartoli Design<br />

Break<br />

Design: UTS<br />

Alphatables B-Tab/B-Tab SP/D-Tab SP<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />

68<br />

Capo-Famiglia<br />

Design: Studio Mussapi<br />

Capo-tavola<br />

Highway tables<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Talk<br />

Archirivolto Design<br />

Nox<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello<br />

Ellipse tables<br />

Bartoli Design<br />


70<br />

Complementi<br />

Occasional furniture<br />


Snake<br />

Archirivolto Design<br />

Straight<br />

Design: Paolo Rizzatto<br />

72<br />

Ellipse<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Servotre / Servoquattro<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Ellipse desk<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Ellipse<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

XT<br />

Design: Nilo Gioacchni,<br />

Marco Merlini,<br />

Michele Vella<br />

Ellipse desk<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Ellipse<br />

Bartoli Design<br />


Ellipse<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Ellipse<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Ellipse<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Capo-Famiglia<br />

Design: Studio Mussapi<br />

Capo-lista<br />

Capo-lavoro<br />

74<br />

Ellipse<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Ellipse<br />

Bartoli Design<br />

Capo-Famiglia<br />

Design: Studio Mussapi<br />

Capo-banda<br />

Capo-Famiglia<br />

Design: Studio Mussapi<br />

Capo-Gita<br />

Capo-Famiglia<br />

Design: Studio Mussapi<br />

Capo-danno<br />

Capo-bastone<br />

Capo-Famiglia<br />

Design: Studio Mussapi<br />

Capo-reparto<br />

Capo-Famiglia<br />

Design: Studio Mussapi<br />

Capo-volto<br />

Capo-spalla<br />

Capo-rizzuto<br />

Capo-Famiglia<br />

Design: Studio Mussapi<br />

Capo-retto<br />

Capo-pagina<br />

Capo-Famiglia<br />

Design: Studio Mussapi<br />

Capo-linea<br />

Capo-Famiglia<br />

Design: Studio Mussapi<br />

Capo-reparto<br />

Capo-Famiglia<br />

Design: Studio Mussapi<br />

Capo-verso<br />

Capo-Famiglia<br />

Design: Studio Mussapi<br />

Capo-pagina<br />


Bip<br />

Design: Studio Mussapi,<br />

Francesco Crimella<br />

Bip<br />

Design: Studio Mussapi,<br />

Francesco Crimella<br />

Generation X<br />

Design: Maurizio Favetta<br />

De-Signs<br />

Design: Studio Mussapi<br />

76<br />

Bip<br />

Design: Studio Mussapi,<br />

Francesco Crimella<br />

Bip<br />

Design: Studio Mussapi,<br />

Francesco Crimella<br />

Generation X<br />

Design: Maurizio Favetta<br />

Project: PlataniaLab<br />

Printing: Ciani artigrafiche

Segis Spa<br />

53036 Poggibonsi (SI) Italy<br />

Loc. Fosci - via Umbria, 14<br />

T. ++39 0577 980333<br />

F. ++39 0577 938090<br />

www.segis.it<br />

segis@segis.it<br />

Tecnoforma srl<br />

53036 Poggibonsi (SI) Italy<br />

Multipla 2000 srl<br />

53036 Poggibonsi (SI) Italy<br />

Showroom<br />

20122 Milano Italy<br />

via Felice Cavallotti, 15

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