Issue 359 - 24/07/2020

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34 24/07/2020 NEWS LITERATURE POLITICS FASHION ART & CULTURE KIDS RELIGION FILMSwww.samajweekly.comGuy Ritchie banned fromdriving for six monthsLondon : Filmmaker GuyRitchie has been banned fromdriving for six months after acyclist filmed him texting whilehe was behind the wheel.The director was spotted typinga message on his phone as hedrove his car through London'sHyde Park in November lastyear. Ritchie has also beenordered to pay a fine of 666pounds, as well as 166 pounds inprosecution costs and court fees,reports He hasalready been hauled up thricepreviously for speeding offencesin March 2017, and Februaryand December last year. In thevideo, Ritchie is seen waiting intraffic when the cyclist stopsbeside him. "Hello my friend,"he says when he realises he isNew Delhi : Mumbai-born street photographerDimpy Bhalotia who is now based in London onWednesday won the title of Photographer of theYear at the 2020 iPhone Photography Awards(IPPAWARDS) for an stunning black and whiteimage showing Varanasi boys in the Indian summer.Selected from thousands of entries receivedfrom 140 countries, Bhalotia's winning photographtitled "Flying Boys" was shot on iPhone X andcharacterised the day-to-day activities of the boysin Varanasi in India. The boys were jumping offfrom a man-made cliff into the Ganges river to beatthe hot weather during the summer.Face masks tobecome mandatoryin UK takeawaysLondon : Face masks will become mandatoryin takeaways and sandwich shops in the UK undergovernment laws which will come into effect onFriday, media reports said.The Downing Street is expected to clarify itsposition on Thursday after mixed messages fromMinisters over wearing masks in food establishments,the Metro newspaper reported.Premises with table service are said to beexempt from the new rules, though buying foodfrom a counter and sitting down to eat inside willbanned, according to The Daily Telegraph.A government source told the newspaper thatonly eateries with table service would not requiremasks. "You have to sit down straight away if youare going to eat in. If you can sit at a table youdon't need to wear a mask."This comes ahead of already planned changesover face mask usage. From Friday onwards,wearing a face mask in shops and supermarketswill become mandatory and anyone failing tocomply will be fined up to 100 pounds.being watched. The cyclistreplies: "I don't think you shouldbe using your text messageswhile you are driving. I saw youdoing it back there as well."Ritchie then drives away as thetraffic moves forward.The filmmaker has admittedto being the driver in the video.Cyclist Mike van Erp sent thevideo to the police, with the file"Their expressive limbs fillthe sky with both tension andexuberance," said the awardcommittee in a statement. Withover nine years of shooting oniPhone, the grand prize winnersaid that "it feels like I'mshooting with my palm,"adding that "understanding thetrue semiotics of street photographywith iPhone at my convenienceis a euphoria." Shewas joined by ArtsiomBaryshau of Belarus, Gelititled: "Man typing on his mobilephone whilst behind the wheel ofhis car."The cyclist said as part of hisstatement: "I spotted this drivertexting on his phone. I stoppedand whilst waiting for traffic toclear could clearly see the drivertyping on his phone."He did not know then the manhe was filming was Ritchie.He said he started filming andreporting drivers on a helmetcamera after his father was killedin a road crash while riding amotorcycle.Ritchie pleaded guilty in writingto the latest offence. He wasbanned from driving for sixmonths by magistrates at thesoutheast London township ofBromley on Tuesday.London road closedafter ammunition felloff police vehicleLondon : A major road in London had to beclosed for over 11 hours after ammunition fell offthe top of a police vehicle.The items had been placed on the roof of anarmed response vehicle and subsequently fell intothe road as officers drove off to support colleagueson a firearms operation on Wednesday, the Metronewspaper reported.Police were called at about 10.15 a.m., to theeastbound A13, close to Prince Regent Lane, toreports of items on the carriageway.Officers attended the scene and recovered a"quantity of ammunition and ancillary items" fromthe carriageway, a spokesman for the Met Policesaid. The road remained closed off till about 9 p.m.The Met's Directorate of ProfessionalStandards established that the incident was due to"human error".US Ambassador to UK deniesmaking racist commentsLondon : Woody Johnson,the US Ambassador to theUK, has denied reports thathe made "insensitive"remarks about race and genderto embassy staff, themedia reported on Thursday.Responding onWednesday to a CNN reportthat he had been probed byUS officials after making"generalisations about blackmen", and "cringeworthy"comments about women'slooks, Johnson tweeted: "Ihave followed the ethicalrules and requirements of myoffice at all times.""These false claims of insensitiveremarks about race andgender are totally inconsistentwith my longstanding recordand values," the BBC quotedthe envoy as saying.Johnson was namedAmbassador to the UK byPresident DonaldTrump in 2017.In the report, CNNalso said that the envoyhad sought to promotethe President's businessinterests in the UK byasking politicians if theOpen Championshipgolf tournament couldbe played at Trump'sTurnberry course.But Johnson, who ispart-owner of NFLteam the New YorkJets, denied that claimtoo. Asked about theallegation at a WhiteHouse press conference onWednesday, President Trumpsaid he had never spoken toJohnson about the matter.Mumbai-born woman wins iPhone Photography Awards for 'Flying Boys'Zhao of China and Saif Hussain ofIraq as three runners-up of the awardwhich entered into the 13th year, withsubmissions from thousands of photographersfrom all over the globe."Having an iPhone with me at myleisure has made it all more convenientfor me. iPhone grants me thatprivilege to manoeuvre my craft as Ilike," she said.Bhalotia wishes to cast her photographsinto life-size sculptures anddescribes her winning photograph asa "symbol of fearlessness and freedom".She said she aims to capture moments whichwill "cease to exist" in her photographs andencourage people to step back from technology toappreciate their lived experience and spread themessage of hope, love, energy and freedom.iPhone Photography Awards is the first and thelongest running iPhone photography competitionsince 2007. It has been celebrating the creativity ofthe iPhone users since the first iPhone has inspired,excited and engaged the users worldwide.Since then, IPPAWARDS has selected the bestshots among thousands of images submitted byiPhone photographers from 140+ countries aroundthe world.


Guy Ritchie banned from

driving for six months

London : Filmmaker Guy

Ritchie has been banned from

driving for six months after a

cyclist filmed him texting while

he was behind the wheel.

The director was spotted typing

a message on his phone as he

drove his car through London's

Hyde Park in November last

year. Ritchie has also been

ordered to pay a fine of 666

pounds, as well as 166 pounds in

prosecution costs and court fees,

reports He has

already been hauled up thrice

previously for speeding offences

in March 2017, and February

and December last year. In the

video, Ritchie is seen waiting in

traffic when the cyclist stops

beside him. "Hello my friend,"

he says when he realises he is

New Delhi : Mumbai-born street photographer

Dimpy Bhalotia who is now based in London on

Wednesday won the title of Photographer of the

Year at the 2020 iPhone Photography Awards

(IPPAWARDS) for an stunning black and white

image showing Varanasi boys in the Indian summer.

Selected from thousands of entries received

from 140 countries, Bhalotia's winning photograph

titled "Flying Boys" was shot on iPhone X and

characterised the day-to-day activities of the boys

in Varanasi in India. The boys were jumping off

from a man-made cliff into the Ganges river to beat

the hot weather during the summer.

Face masks to

become mandatory

in UK takeaways

London : Face masks will become mandatory

in takeaways and sandwich shops in the UK under

government laws which will come into effect on

Friday, media reports said.

The Downing Street is expected to clarify its

position on Thursday after mixed messages from

Ministers over wearing masks in food establishments,

the Metro newspaper reported.

Premises with table service are said to be

exempt from the new rules, though buying food

from a counter and sitting down to eat inside will

banned, according to The Daily Telegraph.

A government source told the newspaper that

only eateries with table service would not require

masks. "You have to sit down straight away if you

are going to eat in. If you can sit at a table you

don't need to wear a mask."

This comes ahead of already planned changes

over face mask usage. From Friday onwards,

wearing a face mask in shops and supermarkets

will become mandatory and anyone failing to

comply will be fined up to 100 pounds.

being watched. The cyclist

replies: "I don't think you should

be using your text messages

while you are driving. I saw you

doing it back there as well."

Ritchie then drives away as the

traffic moves forward.

The filmmaker has admitted

to being the driver in the video.

Cyclist Mike van Erp sent the

video to the police, with the file

"Their expressive limbs fill

the sky with both tension and

exuberance," said the award

committee in a statement. With

over nine years of shooting on

iPhone, the grand prize winner

said that "it feels like I'm

shooting with my palm,"

adding that "understanding the

true semiotics of street photography

with iPhone at my convenience

is a euphoria." She

was joined by Artsiom

Baryshau of Belarus, Geli

titled: "Man typing on his mobile

phone whilst behind the wheel of

his car."

The cyclist said as part of his

statement: "I spotted this driver

texting on his phone. I stopped

and whilst waiting for traffic to

clear could clearly see the driver

typing on his phone."

He did not know then the man

he was filming was Ritchie.

He said he started filming and

reporting drivers on a helmet

camera after his father was killed

in a road crash while riding a


Ritchie pleaded guilty in writing

to the latest offence. He was

banned from driving for six

months by magistrates at the

southeast London township of

Bromley on Tuesday.

London road closed

after ammunition fell

off police vehicle

London : A major road in London had to be

closed for over 11 hours after ammunition fell off

the top of a police vehicle.

The items had been placed on the roof of an

armed response vehicle and subsequently fell into

the road as officers drove off to support colleagues

on a firearms operation on Wednesday, the Metro

newspaper reported.

Police were called at about 10.15 a.m., to the

eastbound A13, close to Prince Regent Lane, to

reports of items on the carriageway.

Officers attended the scene and recovered a

"quantity of ammunition and ancillary items" from

the carriageway, a spokesman for the Met Police

said. The road remained closed off till about 9 p.m.

The Met's Directorate of Professional

Standards established that the incident was due to

"human error".

US Ambassador to UK denies

making racist comments

London : Woody Johnson,

the US Ambassador to the

UK, has denied reports that

he made "insensitive"

remarks about race and gender

to embassy staff, the

media reported on Thursday.

Responding on

Wednesday to a CNN report

that he had been probed by

US officials after making

"generalisations about black

men", and "cringeworthy"

comments about women's

looks, Johnson tweeted: "I

have followed the ethical

rules and requirements of my

office at all times."

"These false claims of insensitive

remarks about race and

gender are totally inconsistent

with my longstanding record

and values," the BBC quoted

the envoy as saying.

Johnson was named

Ambassador to the UK by

President Donald

Trump in 2017.

In the report, CNN

also said that the envoy

had sought to promote

the President's business

interests in the UK by

asking politicians if the

Open Championship

golf tournament could

be played at Trump's

Turnberry course.

But Johnson, who is

part-owner of NFL

team the New York

Jets, denied that claim

too. Asked about the

allegation at a White

House press conference on

Wednesday, President Trump

said he had never spoken to

Johnson about the matter.

Mumbai-born woman wins iPhone Photography Awards for 'Flying Boys'

Zhao of China and Saif Hussain of

Iraq as three runners-up of the award

which entered into the 13th year, with

submissions from thousands of photographers

from all over the globe.

"Having an iPhone with me at my

leisure has made it all more convenient

for me. iPhone grants me that

privilege to manoeuvre my craft as I

like," she said.

Bhalotia wishes to cast her photographs

into life-size sculptures and

describes her winning photograph as

a "symbol of fearlessness and freedom".

She said she aims to capture moments which

will "cease to exist" in her photographs and

encourage people to step back from technology to

appreciate their lived experience and spread the

message of hope, love, energy and freedom.

iPhone Photography Awards is the first and the

longest running iPhone photography competition

since 2007. It has been celebrating the creativity of

the iPhone users since the first iPhone has inspired,

excited and engaged the users worldwide.

Since then, IPPAWARDS has selected the best

shots among thousands of images submitted by

iPhone photographers from 140+ countries around

the world.

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