Issue 359 - 24/07/2020

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32 24/07/2020 NEWS LITERATURE POLITICS FASHION ART & CULTURE KIDS RELIGION FILMSwww.samajweekly.comRecent Approach of the Supreme Courtof India on ReservationAfter numerous decades, the ordergiven by the Supreme Court of India,“reservation is not a fundamentalright” has sparked an ardent politicaldebate and unrest among backwardcommunities. In this article, theauthor shall explain what was theview of the Supreme Court in earlierjudgments regarding the reservation.Accordingly, the author shall explainif the right to the claim reservation isnot a fundamental right, then what isthe status of reservation.On 11th June 2020, in the case ofUmedsinh P. Chavda vs. Union of Indiaand Ors., the political parties of TamilNadu challenged the policy of CentralGovernment according to which theCentral Government has decided to notgive the reservation to the OtherBackward Classes (OBC). A petitionwas filed under article 32 of the IndianConstitution under the argument that thefundamental rights of OBC candidatesare violated. However, the SupremeCourt of India held that the reservationis not a fundamental right and hence thispetition cannot be filed under article 32as article 32 is available only for violationof a fundamental right. Therefore, athree-judge bench led by justice L.N.Rao ordered the petitioners to withdrawtheir petitions.In February 2020 as well, theSupreme Court of India observed thesame in the case of Mukesh Kumar andAnr. vs. The State of Uttarakhand andOrs. In this case, the argument ofreserved category candidates was givenunder the decision of M. Nagraj vs. UOI(2006) that the government ofUttarakhand has not given reservationto Scheduled Castes and ScheduledTribes whereas the State is bound togive reservation according to the reportsubmitted in M. Nagraj Case which saidabout unsatisfactory of SCs and STs inMumbai : With the panic surroundingthe Covid-19 pandemicstarting to subside in Europe,Switzerland has opened its doors forglobal tourism, but not for India, anofficial said here on Thursday.From July 20, in tune withEuropean Union guidelines,Switzerland lifted restrictions fortravelers from 21 countries, besidesthe European nations, though India -- currentlyranking third on the world Corona dashboard -- has been excluded. However, travellers fromcertain regions will be quarantined for 10 daysafter entering Switzerland, one of the fewnations in the world which has managed to controlthe impact of the pandemic. "We have notfinalised any date for India yet. As for the isolation,the travellers will have to go into selfpaidquarantine," said a spokesperson forSwitzerland Tourism in Mumbai. Besidesopening the borders and gradually relaxing therules, the country’s tourism board has initiateda ’Clean & Safe’ campaign with tourism establishmentsjoining to create a ’Clean & SafeLabel’ indicating they are committed to complywith the protection plans, said SwitzerlandTourism India Deputy Director Ritu Sharma.She said a total of six industry-specific labelsare available for hotels, restaurants, navigationcompanies, cable cars, public transportationand meeting facilities. Earlier on June 15,Switzerland had opened itself for travellersfrom the Schengen zone and others, and it nowincludes a total of nearly four-dozen big andsmall countries around the world, with plans togovernment jobs that time. In this case,the honorable Supreme Court of Indiaput on the decision given in the case ofAjit Singh vs. the State of Punjab (1999)where it was made clear that underArticle 16(4) and Article 16(4-A), doesnot give any fundamental right in reservationin promotion. In Ajit Singh scase, where the case of C.A. Rajendranvs. UOI (1968) was also discussed andhere it was said that the State governmentwould not be ordered for givingreservation by the courts. Even in thecase of M.R. Balaji vs. State of Mysore(1963), Article 16(4) and Article 16(4-A) were supposed as enabling provisions.After relying upon previous verdictsof this Court of law, the SupremeCourt held in the case of Ajit Singh thatarticle 16(4) and 16(4-A) are in thenature of enabling provisions, conferringa discretion on the StateGovernment to contemplate providingreservations, if instances so warrant. Itis established law that the state governmentcould not be dictated for the nominationin public posts.Hence, by the case of MukeshKumar, the Supreme Court made it clearthat the government can ignore thereport of any committee, however, if theState government want to give reservationto any class then the governmentwill have to collect quantifiable data forthe meagerness of the portrayal of thatclass in public services. If the pronouncementof State Government toprovide reservations to promotion isconfronted, the State concerned shallhave to place before the Court, the vitalcomputable facts and mollify the courtthat such reservations became obligatoryon account of the scantiness of representationof SCs and STs in a specificclass or classes of posts without distressingthe general efficacy of administrationas delegated by the article 335 ofthe Indian Constitution.Court also emphasizes on the verseof article 16(4) and 16(4-A) and saidthese articles sanction the state to makea reservation in matters of selection andSwitzerland opens for globaltourists, but not for INDIAfurther open up gradually.These include: Schengen Zone: Austria,Hungary, Norway, Belgium, Iceland, Poland,Czech Republic, Italy, Portugal, Denmark,Latvia, Slovakia, Estonia, Liechtenstein,Slovenia, Finland, Lithuania, Spain, France,Luxembourg, Sweden, Germany, Malta,Greece, the Netherlands. The other countriesare: United Kingdom, Algeria, Andorra,Australia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Canada,Georgia, Ireland, Japan, Monaco, Morocco,New Zealand, Romania, Rwanda, San Marino,South Korea, Tunisia, Thailand, Uruguay andThe Vatican. With a population of around 8.50million -- roughly equivalent to the number ofdaily commuters in Mumbai suburban trains --Switzerland has notched 34,000 Covid-19cases, including 1,972 fatalities, as per theWorldometer dashboard. Switzerland Tourism,a federal public corporation formed in 1994,opened its first branch in India in Mumbai(1977) followed by Delhi (2000), and has operationsin 28 countries.promotion in favor of SCs and STs if inthe view of the state they are ineffectivelyepitomized in the services of theState. It is for the State Government toresolve whether reservations arerequired in the matter of selection andpromotions to public posts. The languageof Article 16(4) and 16(4-A) isclear and according to which, the inadequacyof representation is a matter withinpersonal approval. In the case ofMukesh Kumar, the court also said thatno one has the fundamental right toclaim the reservation and for being itenforced the court cannot issue a writ ofmandamus.In the case of Common Cause vs.Union of India (2003), the honorableSupreme Court of India held that forexercising discretionary power, a writ ofmandamus cannot be issued.It is also questioned that if the Stateis not giving reservation the state mustexpress there is a satisfactory representationor not. The court said that notbeing certain to provide reservations,the state is not mandated to rationalizeits pronouncement based on quantifiabledata, showing that there is a satisfactoryrepresentation of members ofSCs and STs in State services.In the case of Suresh Chand Gautam(2016) the court made it clear and heldthat no mandamus can be dispensed bythe court to the state to accumulatequantifiable data concerning to an adequacyof representation of SCs and STsin public services.There are several reasons peopleargue reservation is a fundamental right.Two of them are:Those people say reservation is afundamental right they rely on twocases judgments, the first one is JagdishLal VS. the State of Haryana and 2ndone is Ashok Kumar Gupta vs. State ofU.P. In these cases, it was observed thatLucknow : Congress GeneralSecretary Priyanka GandhiVadra has once again targetedthe Uttar Pradesh governmentover the lack of healthfacilities in the state,saying Chief MinisterYogi Adityanath ismore interested in hidinghis failures, ratherthan improving thecondition of hospitals.Priyanka Gandhiuploaded a video on herTwitter handle with hertweet. In the video,people are seen working in ahospital filled with water. Shewrote: "Health facilities shouldhave been improved at a timewhen coronavirus is spreadingfast. But this is the condition ofMahoba’s Women’s Hospital.You must have seen the chaoticconditions in hospitals ofBareilly, Lucknow. The CM,who is boasting about goodhealth facilities, is interested inreservation is a fundamental right.Some people believed that article16(4) comes under part III (articles 12-35) of the Indian Constitution, whichitself deals with fundamental rights,then why reservation does not comeunder the fundamental right.By taking these two arguments only,in the case of Ajit Singh article 16(4)and Article 16(4-A) were discussed andwas said that these two articles openwith a non-obstante clause. There is anoticeable variance in the languageemployed in Article 16(1) on the onehand and Article 16(4) and Article 16(4-A). There is no order or command inArticle 16(4) or Article 16(4-A) as inArticle 16(1). Hence, both Article 16(4)and 16(4-A) are only empowering provisions.It means that if in article 16(4)and 16(4-A), it is written that notwithstandinganything in this article, Stateshall provide reservation then onlyreservation can be regarded as a fundamentalright.In the case of Ajit Singh, inappropriately,all the verdicts of larger bencheswere not fetched to the notice of thebench which decided Ashok KumarGupta and Jagdish Lal and to the bencheswhich followed these two cases.Because of the devastating authorityright from 1963, we hold that bothArticles 16(4) and 16(4-A) do not deliberatefundamental rights nor do theyexecute any constitutional duty to theState. Thus, the court said that JagdishLal and Ashok Kumar Gupta cases areper encuriam i.e. do not lay down theregulation appropriately.It has made clear from the abovecases that the right to claim reservationis not a fundamental right. However,this can be said as a statutory or legalright because, for supporting the provisionsof reservations any law, rule or actcan be used.UP CM more interested in hidinghis failures, says Priyankahiding these conditions, notimproving them."Earlier, she wrote that thereare reports of beds being full ingovernment hospitals inLucknow and Gorakhpur, thetwo major cities of UttarPradesh.She said cases of coronavirusare increasing day by day andthis situation in hospitals is worrying.Concerns were raisedbefore the government threemonths ago, but sadly this is thereality today, the Congressleader said.

www.samajweekly.comNew Delhi, July 23 (IANS) TheIndian Army has started the process togrant permanent commission to shortservice commissioned women officersin 10 streams, the force said onThursday.The Ministry of Defence has issuedthe formal government sanction letterfor grant of permanent commission towomen officers in the Indian Army,paving the way for empowering womenofficers to shoulder larger roles in theorganisation.The order specifies grant ofPermanent Commission to ShortService Commissioned (SSC) WomenOfficers in all 10 streams of the IndianArmy - Army Air Defence (AAD),Signals, Engineers, Army Aviation,Electronics and Mechanical Engineers(EME), Army Service Corps (ASC),Army Ordnance Corps (AOC), andIntelligence Corps in addition to theNEWS LITERATURE POLITICS FASHION ART & CULTURE KIDS RELIGION FILMSexisting streams of Judge and AdvocateGeneral (JAG) and Army EducationalCorps (AEC). In anticipation, the ArmyHeadquarters had set in motion a seriesof preparatory actions for conduct of thePermanent Commission SelectionBoard for affected women officers. TheSelection Board will be scheduled assoon as all affected short service commissionwomen officers exercise theiroption and complete requisite documentation."The Indian Army is committed toprovide equal opportunities to all personnelincluding Women Officers toserve the nation," the force said in astatement.It was after the Supreme Courtordered the Indian Army in Februarythis year to grant permanent commissionto women officers within threemonths, that the Army started theprocess to give serving women officersa bigger role.A bench comprising Justices D YChandrachud and Ajay Rastogi, said,"Short Service Commission (SSC)24/07/2020Army starts permanent commission for women officers33women officers, both within the periodof fourteen years’ service and beyond,should equally be entitled to considerationfor the grant of PCs." The courtinsisted on shaking off typical argumentsfounded on the physical strengthsand weaknesses of men and women andon assumptions about women in thesocial context of marriage and familythat do not constitute a constitutionallyvalid basis for denying equal opportunityto women officers."To cast aspersion on their abilitieson the ground of gender is an affront notonly to their dignity as women but to thedignity of the members of the IndianArmy - men and women who serve asequal citizens in a common mission,"noted the top court.The Indian Army then had stated thatall women officers serving in the forcefrom now on would be considered forpermanent commission.PUNJAB IMPOSESRS 5K FINE FOR HOMEISOLATION VIOLATIONSChandigarh : Covid-19 patients violating home isolationinstructions in Punjab will have to shell out Rs 5,000 as fine, asper the new guidelines announced on Thursday by Chief MinisterAmarinder Singh.Currently, there are 951 patients under home isolation acrossthe state. The ChiefMinister alsoannounced Rs 5,000as fine for owners ofrestaurants and commercialeating placesviolating social distancingnorms, as adeterrent againstdefiance of therestrictions put inplace to check thespread of the Covid-19 pandemic in thestate. Further, violationof social distancingnorms andsocial gatherings ofmore than the permittedstrength willlead to penaltiesamounting to up toRs 10,000, the ChiefMinister said at a virtualmeeting to review the Covid situation and preparedness in thestate.The fines and penalties are in addition to those announced earlierin May for not wearing masks in public places (Rs 500), violationof home quarantine instructions (Rs 200) and spitting inpublic places (Rs 500). Under the existing guidelines, shops andcommercial places are liable to pay Rs 2,000 for violation ofsocial distancing norms, while for buses and cars, such violationsare punishable by Rs 3,000 and Rs 2,000, respectively, and in thecase of auto-rickshaws and two-wheelers, the fine stands at Rs500. The additional fines come even as instances of violationscontinue to get reported from across the state, with average dailyfines for not wearing masks standing at around Rs 5,000, as perDirector General of Police Dinkar Gupta.The Chief Minister also appealed to the heads and managementsof religious institutions to ensure enforcement of social distancingrestrictions and other safety guidelines, including wearingmasks, during visits to religious places. He urged them to makeregular announcements in this regard through public address systems.The Chief Minister also directed Chief Secretary ViniMahajan and the health experts to work out the modalities for settingup plasma banks in the government medical colleges inFardikot and Amritsar, in addition to Patiala, where the state’s firstplasma bank was inaugurated on July 21. On the first day itself,four donors had donated plasma in the bank in Patiala.Pakistan again violates LoCceasefire in J&K’s PoonchJammu : After violating theceasefire on the Line of Control(LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir’sPoonch district early onThursday, Pakistan againopened unprovoked firing inanother sector of the district inthe evening, a defence officialsaid.Defence Ministry spokesmanDevender Anand said at about5.15 p.m., Pakistan began smallNew Delhi : The incident of anattempt to kidnap a minor child in EastDelhi’s Shakarpur has again broughtthe heinous crime into the spotlight.Though the child’s mother fought withthe criminals andthwarted the kidnappingattempt bytwo bikers as theneighbours toojoined in, the focusagain shifted to thekidnapping cases inthe country’s capital.The incident hasbeen reported at atime when Delhi isbusy with preparationsfor Independence Day and securityhas been beefed up. The data ofDelhi police shows that till June 30this year, eight cases of kidnappingwere reported. This includes themonths in which the national capitalwitnessed the lockdown. In comparisonto 2019, till June 30 at least 8cases of kidnapping for ransom werereported. Giving a glimpse into thecases of kidnapping for ransom in thelast 10 years in the national capital,the data shows that the numbers havebeen fluctuating from as high as 38 ina year to as low as 15. While in 2011,the total number of kidnappings forransom cases reported were 25, in2012, it saw a marginal decline as 21arms firing and mortar shellingalong the LoC in Balakot sector.Pakistan had, earlier in theday, violated the ceasefire inQasba sector of the district.The Indian Army has retaliatedbefittingly at both the places,the spokesman added.Pakistan has been repeatedlyviolating the ceasefire on theLoC in Poonch district for thelast three days.Kidnapping for ransom: Data showsfluctuating figures in Delhicases were reported.The year 2013 saw a surge in suchcases and a total of 30 cases werereported in various police stations ofDelhi. In 2014, the cases shot up to 38,registering a steeprise, while in 2015nothing muchchanged and a slightdecrease was noticedas 36 cases were registeredin Delhi.In 2016, the casesof kidnapping for ransomreported were 23and in 2017, the datashowed only 16 cases.In 2018, the casesregistered for theoffence were 19 while 2019 saw theminimum number of cases at 15. So,in the last decade the maximum numberof kidnapping for ransom cases,38, were registered in Delhi in 2014while the lowest number of cases - 15- were recorded in 2019. In somecases it turned out that persons knownto the victims were behind the act. Themotive is usually to demand a heftyransom and convince the kin of thevictim not to call the police.In the Shakarpur case, with thebrave efforts of the mother and neighbours,the police managed to solve thecase and arrest the main accused whoturned out to be the uncle of the 4-year-old child.Since January this year,Pakistan has violated ceasefireon the LoC over 2,711 times,leading to the death of 21 civiliansand 94 others gettinginjured. The safety of the families,homes, cattle and agriculturalfields has become an insurmountableproblem for hundredsof border villages livingalong the LoC and the internationalborder in J&K.Percentage of peoplehoarding ration, medicinesincreased post lockdownNew Delhi : The percentage of people hoarding rationand medicine for more than three months has massivelyincreased post lockdown, due the persistent uncertaintyamid the coronavirus situation. According to the IANS-CVoter Covid-19 Tracker conducted between March 16and July 22, no one used to collect the essentials for morethan one week prior to the lockdown. However, the purchasingpattern and behaviour of the customers changeddrastically after it was imposed.The poll shows the level of preparedness among thepeople. Interestingly, four months after the nation-wideshutdown, 54.3 per cent people now have ration, medicineor money for these items for more than three weeks athome, while 44.7 per cent have it for less than threeweeks. If the data is broken down into weeks, 5 per centhave ration, medicine and money for three weeks, 27.7per cent have hoarded it for a month, while 21.6 per centhave it for more than a month. On the other side, 12.2 percent people have the items for less than a week, 19 percent have it for one week and 13.5 per cent for two weeks.The IANS-Cvoter survey was conducted on more than1,000 randomly-selected respondents across 1,000 assemblysegments from March 16 to July 22. The respondentswere interviewed in 10 different languages. The data holdsimportance at a time the country is facing the wrath of thedeadly virus, which has claimed over 30,000 lives andinfected as many as 12 lakh Indians. India has also loggedthe world’s third-largest case load, after the US and Brazil.


Recent Approach of the Supreme Court

of India on Reservation

After numerous decades, the order

given by the Supreme Court of India,

“reservation is not a fundamental

right” has sparked an ardent political

debate and unrest among backward

communities. In this article, the

author shall explain what was the

view of the Supreme Court in earlier

judgments regarding the reservation.

Accordingly, the author shall explain

if the right to the claim reservation is

not a fundamental right, then what is

the status of reservation.

On 11th June 2020, in the case of

Umedsinh P. Chavda vs. Union of India

and Ors., the political parties of Tamil

Nadu challenged the policy of Central

Government according to which the

Central Government has decided to not

give the reservation to the Other

Backward Classes (OBC). A petition

was filed under article 32 of the Indian

Constitution under the argument that the

fundamental rights of OBC candidates

are violated. However, the Supreme

Court of India held that the reservation

is not a fundamental right and hence this

petition cannot be filed under article 32

as article 32 is available only for violation

of a fundamental right. Therefore, a

three-judge bench led by justice L.N.

Rao ordered the petitioners to withdraw

their petitions.

In February 2020 as well, the

Supreme Court of India observed the

same in the case of Mukesh Kumar and

Anr. vs. The State of Uttarakhand and

Ors. In this case, the argument of

reserved category candidates was given

under the decision of M. Nagraj vs. UOI

(2006) that the government of

Uttarakhand has not given reservation

to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled

Tribes whereas the State is bound to

give reservation according to the report

submitted in M. Nagraj Case which said

about unsatisfactory of SCs and STs in

Mumbai : With the panic surrounding

the Covid-19 pandemic

starting to subside in Europe,

Switzerland has opened its doors for

global tourism, but not for India, an

official said here on Thursday.

From July 20, in tune with

European Union guidelines,

Switzerland lifted restrictions for

travelers from 21 countries, besides

the European nations, though India -- currently

ranking third on the world Corona dashboard -

- has been excluded. However, travellers from

certain regions will be quarantined for 10 days

after entering Switzerland, one of the few

nations in the world which has managed to control

the impact of the pandemic. "We have not

finalised any date for India yet. As for the isolation,

the travellers will have to go into selfpaid

quarantine," said a spokesperson for

Switzerland Tourism in Mumbai. Besides

opening the borders and gradually relaxing the

rules, the country’s tourism board has initiated

a ’Clean & Safe’ campaign with tourism establishments

joining to create a ’Clean & Safe

Label’ indicating they are committed to comply

with the protection plans, said Switzerland

Tourism India Deputy Director Ritu Sharma.

She said a total of six industry-specific labels

are available for hotels, restaurants, navigation

companies, cable cars, public transportation

and meeting facilities. Earlier on June 15,

Switzerland had opened itself for travellers

from the Schengen zone and others, and it now

includes a total of nearly four-dozen big and

small countries around the world, with plans to

government jobs that time. In this case,

the honorable Supreme Court of India

put on the decision given in the case of

Ajit Singh vs. the State of Punjab (1999)

where it was made clear that under

Article 16(4) and Article 16(4-A), does

not give any fundamental right in reservation

in promotion. In Ajit Singh s

case, where the case of C.A. Rajendran

vs. UOI (1968) was also discussed and

here it was said that the State government

would not be ordered for giving

reservation by the courts. Even in the

case of M.R. Balaji vs. State of Mysore

(1963), Article 16(4) and Article 16(4-

A) were supposed as enabling provisions.

After relying upon previous verdicts

of this Court of law, the Supreme

Court held in the case of Ajit Singh that

article 16(4) and 16(4-A) are in the

nature of enabling provisions, conferring

a discretion on the State

Government to contemplate providing

reservations, if instances so warrant. It

is established law that the state government

could not be dictated for the nomination

in public posts.

Hence, by the case of Mukesh

Kumar, the Supreme Court made it clear

that the government can ignore the

report of any committee, however, if the

State government want to give reservation

to any class then the government

will have to collect quantifiable data for

the meagerness of the portrayal of that

class in public services. If the pronouncement

of State Government to

provide reservations to promotion is

confronted, the State concerned shall

have to place before the Court, the vital

computable facts and mollify the court

that such reservations became obligatory

on account of the scantiness of representation

of SCs and STs in a specific

class or classes of posts without distressing

the general efficacy of administration

as delegated by the article 335 of

the Indian Constitution.

Court also emphasizes on the verse

of article 16(4) and 16(4-A) and said

these articles sanction the state to make

a reservation in matters of selection and

Switzerland opens for global

tourists, but not for INDIA

further open up gradually.

These include: Schengen Zone: Austria,

Hungary, Norway, Belgium, Iceland, Poland,

Czech Republic, Italy, Portugal, Denmark,

Latvia, Slovakia, Estonia, Liechtenstein,

Slovenia, Finland, Lithuania, Spain, France,

Luxembourg, Sweden, Germany, Malta,

Greece, the Netherlands. The other countries

are: United Kingdom, Algeria, Andorra,

Australia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Canada,

Georgia, Ireland, Japan, Monaco, Morocco,

New Zealand, Romania, Rwanda, San Marino,

South Korea, Tunisia, Thailand, Uruguay and

The Vatican. With a population of around 8.50

million -- roughly equivalent to the number of

daily commuters in Mumbai suburban trains --

Switzerland has notched 34,000 Covid-19

cases, including 1,972 fatalities, as per the

Worldometer dashboard. Switzerland Tourism,

a federal public corporation formed in 1994,

opened its first branch in India in Mumbai

(1977) followed by Delhi (2000), and has operations

in 28 countries.

promotion in favor of SCs and STs if in

the view of the state they are ineffectively

epitomized in the services of the

State. It is for the State Government to

resolve whether reservations are

required in the matter of selection and

promotions to public posts. The language

of Article 16(4) and 16(4-A) is

clear and according to which, the inadequacy

of representation is a matter within

personal approval. In the case of

Mukesh Kumar, the court also said that

no one has the fundamental right to

claim the reservation and for being it

enforced the court cannot issue a writ of


In the case of Common Cause vs.

Union of India (2003), the honorable

Supreme Court of India held that for

exercising discretionary power, a writ of

mandamus cannot be issued.

It is also questioned that if the State

is not giving reservation the state must

express there is a satisfactory representation

or not. The court said that not

being certain to provide reservations,

the state is not mandated to rationalize

its pronouncement based on quantifiable

data, showing that there is a satisfactory

representation of members of

SCs and STs in State services.

In the case of Suresh Chand Gautam

(2016) the court made it clear and held

that no mandamus can be dispensed by

the court to the state to accumulate

quantifiable data concerning to an adequacy

of representation of SCs and STs

in public services.

There are several reasons people

argue reservation is a fundamental right.

Two of them are:

Those people say reservation is a

fundamental right they rely on two

cases judgments, the first one is Jagdish

Lal VS. the State of Haryana and 2nd

one is Ashok Kumar Gupta vs. State of

U.P. In these cases, it was observed that

Lucknow : Congress General

Secretary Priyanka Gandhi

Vadra has once again targeted

the Uttar Pradesh government

over the lack of health

facilities in the state,

saying Chief Minister

Yogi Adityanath is

more interested in hiding

his failures, rather

than improving the

condition of hospitals.

Priyanka Gandhi

uploaded a video on her

Twitter handle with her

tweet. In the video,

people are seen working in a

hospital filled with water. She

wrote: "Health facilities should

have been improved at a time

when coronavirus is spreading

fast. But this is the condition of

Mahoba’s Women’s Hospital.

You must have seen the chaotic

conditions in hospitals of

Bareilly, Lucknow. The CM,

who is boasting about good

health facilities, is interested in

reservation is a fundamental right.

Some people believed that article

16(4) comes under part III (articles 12-

35) of the Indian Constitution, which

itself deals with fundamental rights,

then why reservation does not come

under the fundamental right.

By taking these two arguments only,

in the case of Ajit Singh article 16(4)

and Article 16(4-A) were discussed and

was said that these two articles open

with a non-obstante clause. There is a

noticeable variance in the language

employed in Article 16(1) on the one

hand and Article 16(4) and Article 16(4-

A). There is no order or command in

Article 16(4) or Article 16(4-A) as in

Article 16(1). Hence, both Article 16(4)

and 16(4-A) are only empowering provisions.

It means that if in article 16(4)

and 16(4-A), it is written that notwithstanding

anything in this article, State

shall provide reservation then only

reservation can be regarded as a fundamental


In the case of Ajit Singh, inappropriately,

all the verdicts of larger benches

were not fetched to the notice of the

bench which decided Ashok Kumar

Gupta and Jagdish Lal and to the benches

which followed these two cases.

Because of the devastating authority

right from 1963, we hold that both

Articles 16(4) and 16(4-A) do not deliberate

fundamental rights nor do they

execute any constitutional duty to the

State. Thus, the court said that Jagdish

Lal and Ashok Kumar Gupta cases are

per encuriam i.e. do not lay down the

regulation appropriately.

It has made clear from the above

cases that the right to claim reservation

is not a fundamental right. However,

this can be said as a statutory or legal

right because, for supporting the provisions

of reservations any law, rule or act

can be used.

UP CM more interested in hiding

his failures, says Priyanka

hiding these conditions, not

improving them."

Earlier, she wrote that there

are reports of beds being full in

government hospitals in

Lucknow and Gorakhpur, the

two major cities of Uttar


She said cases of coronavirus

are increasing day by day and

this situation in hospitals is worrying.

Concerns were raised

before the government three

months ago, but sadly this is the

reality today, the Congress

leader said.

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