Issue 359 - 24/07/2020

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28 24/07/2020 «ÚÙ∂Ù√≈Ú‰ Ó‘ΔÈ∂ ÓßÁapple≈∫ ”⁄ Òμ◊ apple‘Δ¡≈∫‘È ÷±Ï appleΩ‰’≈∫ - ¡ÙØ’ √ß˱ȱappleÓ«‘Ò È’ØÁapple (‘apple«‹ßÁapple ¤≈ÏÛ≈)- ‹À «ÙÚ Ù’ÂΔ √∂Ú≈ Óß‚ÒȱappleÓ«‘Ò Á∂ ÍzË≈È Ò≈«¬È ¡ÙØ’ √ß˱ ÈßÏappleÁ≈apple ȱappleÓ«‘Ò È∂ ◊μÒÏ≈Â’apple«Á¡≈∫ Áμ«√¡≈ «’Ë≈apple«Ó’ Ó≈ÈÂ≈Ú≈∫ ¡È∞√≈apple√≈Ú‰ Á≈ Ó‘ΔÈ≈ Á∂ÚØ∫ ’∂ Á∂ÚÓ‘≈Á∂Ú «ÙÚ Ùß’apple ‹Δ Á≈√Ì ÂØ∫ ÚμË «Í¡≈apple≈ Ó‘ΔÈ≈‘ÀÕ «¬√ ’≈apple‰ ‘Δ Á∂Ù-«ÚÁ∂√ «Úμ⁄ «ÙÚ Ì◊Â√≈Ú‰ Á∂ Ó‘ΔÈ∂ «ÙÚ Ùß’apple‹Δ ÁΔ Í±‹≈ ’appleÈ Ò¬Δ ÓßÁapple≈∫«Úμ⁄ ‹≈∫Á∂ ‘ÈÕ «ÙÚ«Òß◊ Â∂«ÏÒÍÂappleΔ, ’μ⁄≈ Á∞μË, ‹Ò¡≈«Á √Óapple«Í ’apple’∂ «ÙÚÙß’apple ‹Δ 鱧 Íz√ßÈ ’appleÈ ÁΔ‘apple √ßÌÚ ’Ø«ÙÙ ’appleÁ∂ ‘ÈÕ «ÙÚ Ì◊Â‹È √≈Ú‰ Ó‘ΔÈ∂ Á∂ ‘apple √ØÓÚ≈apple ȱß√≈apple∂ √ØÓÚ≈apple Á∂ Úapple ÚΔ ÏÛΔ ÙappleË≈ Ì≈Ú È≈Ò appleμ÷Á∂ ‘È, Ì◊Ú≈È ÌØÒ∂È≈Ê¡≈͉∂ Ì◊Â≈∫ ÁΔ¡≈∫ ‘apple ÓÈØ’≈ÓÈ≈Ú≈∫ ÚΔ Í±appleΔ¡≈∫ ’appleÁ∂ ‘ÈÕ «’‘≈ ‹≈∫Á≈‘À «’ √≈Ú‰ Ó‘ΔÈ∂ appleμ÷∂ ‹≈∫Á∂ Úapple √ØÒ≈∫ √ØÓÚ≈apple Á∂ ÚappleÂ≈∫ ÂØ∫ ÚΔ ÚμËÎÒÁ≈¬Δ ‘∞ßÁ∂ ‘ÈÕ È±appleÓ«‘Ò Á∂ √≈apple∂ ÓßÁapple≈∫ «Úμ⁄ √≈Ú‰ Á∂ Ó‘ΔÈ∂ ÷±ÏappleΩ‰’≈∫ Òμ◊ÁΔ¡≈∫ ‘ÈÕ ı≈√’apple Ï≈Ï≈ ̱ÂÈ≈Ê ÓßÁapple ȱappleÓ«‘Ò, √ΔÂ≈ apple≈ÓÓßÁapple ȱappleÓ«‘Ò «Ú÷∂ √≈Ú‰ Ó‘ΔÈ∂ Á∂ ¡≈«ıappleΔ √ØÓÚ≈apple 鱧 √Ú∂apple ÂØ∫ Ù≈Ó Âμ’ÓμÊ≈ ‡∂’‰ Ú≈Ò∂ Ì◊Â≈∫ ¡ΩappleÂ≈∫-ÓappleÁ≈∫-Ïμ«⁄¡≈∫ ÁΔ¡≈∫ ÒßÏΔ¡≈∫-ÒßÏΔ¡≈∫’Â≈apple≈∫ Òμ◊ ‹≈∫ÁΔ¡≈∫ ‘ÈÕ «¬‘ ¡ÒΩ«’’ «ÁzÙ ‘apple √≈Ò √≈Ú‰ Ó‘ΔÈ∂ Á∂¡≈«÷appleΔ √ØÓÚ≈apple 鱧 Úapple ͱ‹‰ ÓΩ’∂ «ÚÙ∂Ù’apple Á∂÷‰ 鱧 «ÓÒÁ≈ ‘ÀÕapple≈Ù‡appleΔ¡≈ Ó˜Á»apple ’ª◊apple√ ’Ó∂‡ΔÓ˜Á»appleª Á∂ «‘æª Ò¬Δ ÷ÛΔ - √ØÓÍ≈Ò¡æÍapple≈-apple≈Ù‡appleΔ¡≈ Ó˜Á»apple ’ª◊apple√ ’Ó∂‡Δ Í≥‹≈Ï ÁΔ «¬æ’ ¡«‘Ó ÓΔ«‡ø◊√ÃΔ √ØÓÍ≈Ò ÓÀ∫◊Û≈ÍÃË≈È Í≥‹≈Ï ÁΔ¡◊Ú≈¬Δ ‘∂· «ÎÒΩapple«Ú÷∂ ‘جΔÕ «¬√ ÓΩ’∂ÏØÒ«Á¡ª √ÃΔ √ØÓÍ≈ÒÓÀ∫◊Û≈ È∂ «’‘≈ «’apple≈Ù‡appleΔ¡≈ Ó˜Á»apple Á∂Úapple’apple˜ Ó‹Á»appleª ÁΔÌÒ≈¬Δ Ò¬Δ «ÁÈapple≈ ÷Û∂ ‘ÈÕ ¿πȪ«’‘≈ «’ ’∂∫Áapple ÁΔ√æÂ≈Ë≈appleΔ Ì≈‹Í≈√apple’≈apple ÚÒØ∫ Ó˜Á»appleª Á∂ «‘æª Á≈ ÿ≈‰ ’ΔÂ≈ ‹≈ «apple‘≈ ˛Õ ¿πÍappleø ÏØÒ«Á¡ª‹√ÚΔapple ’Ωapple ◊πÛ≈ √ΔÈΔ¡apple Ó«‘Ò≈ ¡≈◊» È∂ «’‘≈ «’ ‘apple Ó‹Á»apple ¿πȪ ÁΔ‡ΔÓ Á≈ «¬æ’ ¡«‘Ó «‘æ√≈ ˛Õ ÓΩ’∂ ¿πȪ «ÙøÁapple Í≈Ò ÍÃË≈È apple≈Ù‡appleΔ¡≈Ó˜Á»apple ’ª◊apple√ ’Ó∂‡Δ «‹Ò≈ ´«Ë¡≈‰≈ «Á‘≈ÂΔ, ÙøÂØÙ ’πÓ≈appleΔ, √øÁΔÍ ’Ωapple⁄∂¡appleÓÀÈ ´«Ë¡≈‰≈ «Á‘≈ÂΔ, √ØÓÈ≈Ê ˛ÍΔ, ◊πappleÏ⁄È «√øÿ, √øÂØÙ ’πÓ≈appleΔ,’ÓÒ∂Ù ’πÓ≈appleΔ ¡≈«Á ÚΔ ‘≈˜apple √ÈÕ√ΔÓ≈ ’Ø‘ÒΔ È∂ ÍΩÁ∂ Ò◊≈’∂ ÓÈ≈«¬¡≈ ‹ÈÓ «ÁÈ‘∞√ÀÈÍ∞apple (’ΩÛ≈)- ‹ÈÓ «ÁÈ È±ß ¡√Δ∫ «˜¡≈Á≈Âapple ‘Ø‡Ò appleÀ√‡ØappleÀ∫‡ ⁄Í≈apple‡Δ ’apple’∂ ÓÈ≈¿∞∫Á∂ ‘≈∫ ‹≈∫ ÿapple «Úμ⁄ ÎÀÓÒΔ È≈Ò Í≈apple‡Δ ’appleÁ∂ ‘≈∫ Ízß±’Δ Â∞√Δ ’Á∂ ‹ΔÚÈ«Úμ⁄ «¬√ ÷≈√ «ÁÈ鱧 «¬√ ¡ßÁ≈˜ È≈ÒÓÈ≈¿∞‰ ÁΔ √Ø⁄Δ ‘ÀÂ≈ «’ ’∞ÁappleÂ È±ß ’Ø¬Δ«apple‡appleÈ «◊· Á∂√’Δ¬∂Õ Áapple¡√Ò «¬√√Ø⁄ Á∂ È≈Ò ÓÀ‚Ó√ΔÓ≈ ’Ø‘ÒΔ È∂¡≈͉≈ ‹ÈÓ «ÁÈÍ«appleÚ≈apple Á∂ È≈Ò ÍΩÁ∂Ò◊≈ ’∂ ÓÈ≈«¬¡≈ Â≈∫‹Ø Ú≈Â≈ÚappleÈ √≈¯√∞Êapple≈ ‘Ø √’∂Õ ÂappleÎ Ï«‘ÏÒ Ï‘≈Áapple ÁΔ ¡«Ë¡≈Í’≈ √ΔÓ≈ ’Ø‘ÒΔ È∂..«’‘≈«’ ‘apple «¬μ’ ÓÈ∞μ÷ 鱧 ¡≈͉∂ ‹ÈÓ «ÁÈ ¡Â∂ «Ú¡≈‘ ÁΔ Úapple∑∂◊ß„ Â∂ «¬μ’ÍΩÁ≈ ˜apple±apple Ò◊≈¿∞‰≈ ⁄≈‘ΔÁ≈ ‘À Â≈∫ ‹Ø Ú≈Â≈Úapple‰ Ù∞μË apple‘∂..ÓÀ‚Ó √ΔÓ≈’Ø‘ÒΔ È∂ «’‘≈ «’ √≈‚∂ ‹ΔÚÈ «Úμ⁄ Ú≈Â≈ÚappleÈ Á≈ Ï‘∞ ӑμÂÚ ‘ÀÚ≈Â≈ÚappleÈ È≈Ò ‘Δ ¡√Δ∫ ‹ΔÚÈ ‹Δ¡ apple‘∂ ‘≈∫ ..Ízß± ÓÈ∞μ÷ ¡≈͉∂ Î≈«¬Á∂Ò¬Δ apple∞μ÷≈∫ ÁΔ ÚμË ’‡≈¬Δ ’apple apple‘∂ ‘È «‹√ È≈Ò ÓÈ∞μ÷ 鱧 ¡≈’√Δ‹È ÁΔ√Óμ«√¡≈ ¡≈ apple‘Δ ‘À «¬√ Ò¬Δ ‘apple ÓÈ∞μ÷ 鱧 ÚμË ÂØ∫ ÚμË ÍΩÁ∂ Ò◊≈‰∂ ⁄≈‘ΔÁ∂‘È «¬√ ÓΩ’∂ Ú≈Â≈ÚappleÈ Íz∂ÓΔ Ó≈√‡apple Èapple∂Ù ’Ø‘ÒΔ.. ¡ÒΔÙ≈ ’Ø‘ÒΔ.. «⁄apple≈◊’Ø‘ÒΔ .‘appleÙ ’Ø‘ÒΔ . 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www.samajweekly.comNEWS LITERATURE POLITICS FASHION ART & CULTURE KIDS RELIGION FILMS24/07/202029Does anybody still remember theDalits of Chakwara, a village around50km from Jaipur in Rajasthan, whohad launched a struggle to gain accessto the pond in their village? It is morethan 18 years since the Dalits, supportedby human rights organisations, wonthat fight for water. Their undertakinghad echoes with the historic strugglelaunched by Dr BR Ambedkar in March1927 at Chavdar tank at Mahad toassert the equal rights of Dalits to water.It is well known to most people thatwhile animals were allowed to use thewater of this tank in present-day Raigaddistrict of the state, the Dalits were not.Anand Teltumbde has described theevents of this satyagraha in his book,Mahad: The Making of the First DalitRevolt, published by Navayana in2016. But what happened at Chakwaraafter the Dalits started using the villagepond is hardly known: the upper castesslowly stopped using the water from thepond once the Dalits gained access to it,saying it had become impure .Enraged by the assertion of the Dalitsand keen to humiliate them for it, theydug up the village sewer and directedthe waste water to their own villagepond. There is no change in the statusquo there.Around 700km away, in Viramgamnear Ahmedabad in Gujarat, a villagecemetery used by Dalits was recentlyflooded with sewer water, a starkreminder that the gap of two decadeshas not changed the caste scenario inthe country. The executioners of thissinister plan in Viramgam were the residentsof two housing societies in whichthe well-off and educated middle classeslive. For more than the last sixmonths, the graves of the socially-disadvantagedVankar, Chamar, Rohit,Dangasia, Shetwa and other communitieshave been surrounded by dirtywater. The district administration didnot intervene on behalf of the Dalitsdespite their repeated complaints. Thefact that dignity after death is beingdenied to marginalised communitiesdid not seem to rouse the administration.They were humiliated when theywere alive. And now even after theyhave died, the upper caste people isheaping insult on them by purposefullydischarging their solid and liquid wasteinto our final resting place, KiritRathod, convener of the Dalit AdhikarManch, told a news outlet earlier thismonth. This matter has made news now,but it remains to be seen whether theVijay Rupani government in Gujaratwill follow through on the action takenNo End to Humiliation ofDalits Even After DeathThe attitude of respect and reverence towards fellow men is yet to develop in far against those who deliberatelybuilt a channel to divert hazardouswaste on to the Dalit s land.The Viramgam episode is also justone more instance of what is a widespreadphenomenon. The denial of dignityto Dalits even after death is not anexceptional event in India, thoughmany would like to think it is. Plenty ofinstances occur across the country inwhich Dalits are denied decent burialgrounds. In 2001, a Dalit family fromHooda village in Palanpur block ofBanaskantha district,also in Gujarat,buried a two-and-ahalfyear old deceased child in a communityburial ground. Almost immediately,a Patel caste resident of the villageexhumed the child s body with histractor. The powerful Patels hadencroached on some land next to theburial ground and they were offendedby the burial. Fifteen years after thisincident, the Dalits of Hooda had stillnot got land for burial allotted to themSubhash Gatadeby the collector and village panchayat.It is very common for Dalits to bedenied access to village burial groundsby dominant upper castes, who compelthem to use wasteland for the last ritesof members of their communities.A survey done by the Gujarat RajyaGrampanchayat Samajik Nyay SamitiManch in 2009 found that 657 villagesfound that 397 had not allotted land forconducting burials to Dalits. In the 260villages where land had been allotted,94 had been encroached by the dominantcastes and 26 were onlow-lying areas that wouldget waterlogged.Muslims share a similar predicament,as their graveyards also areencroached into by the dominant classes.Some years ago, the Gujarat HighCourt asked the state government topost police personnel at Muslim graveyardsin Patan, as attempts were on toencroach the land. In August 2019, atVaniyambadi taluk of Vellore district inTamil Nadu, a man s dead body wasIndia to reduce coal imports to zero: ShahNew Delhi : Union Home Minister AmitShah on Thursday said India is movingtowards reducing coal imports to zero, andthe central government has set an ambitioustarget of one billion tonnes in annual productionof coal by 2023-24.The Home Minister said that coal PrivateSector Units (PSUs) and captive miners havealso launched steps to enhance production,while an investment of Rs 1,25,000 crore isenvisaged under the InfrastructureInvestment Scheme during 2020-24 forwhich 534 projects have been identified.Shah was speaking on the occasion oflaunching the Tree Plantation CampaignVriksharopan Abhiyan’ of the Ministry ofCoal in the presence of Union Minister ofCoal, Mines and Parliamentary Affairs,Pralhad Joshi here. The Home Minister saidthe coal sector today is not only ready to fulfillthe growing demand for coal but is equallysensitive towards environmental stability."The Government is promotingReclamation and Afforestation in the variouscoalbed regions. The Prime Minister has setup the district mineral fund with a corpus ofRs 39,000 crore for the development of themining areas and 35,000 minor projects havebeen completed."He said the coal sector is an important pillarof India’s economy and will continue toretain its significance in the times to come.During the launch event at his residence, theHome Minister inaugurated and laid thefoundation stone of six eco parks andtourism sites. The tree plantation campaignwas conducted at more than 130 locationsspread in 38 districts of 10 coal or lignitebearing states through video conferencing.On the occasion, Shah said: "Climatechange has impacted the world and onlygreenery is the solution to this crisis." Hesaid our culture has emphasised that onemust not exploit nature but instead must supportnature.""The focal mantra of Indian heritage hasbeen that we should harness naturalresources and not exploit them. We ignoredthis principle at our own peril, leading todepletion of the ozone layer and forming ofozone hole, which in turn resulted in globalwarming and climate change. There is onlyone solution to this problem and one that hasbeen mentioned in the Puranas’ by sages thattrees are friends of mankind and only greenerycan get us out of this crisis," Shah said.seen in a viral video as it was being loweredby his kith and kin over a bridge aspart of his last rites. The funeral processionof 46-year-old N Kuppam had beenblocked by members of dominantcastes, which forced them to use thebridge. Three months later, anothervideo went viral from Veedhi village inCoimbatore district, Tamil Nadu, showingresidents wade through a sewer anddump-yard to reach the crematorium asthey were denied access to the crematoriumthrough those lanes in which theupper caste communities live. Around1,500 Dalit families have repeatedlypetitioned the district administration toprovide a clear passage to take the deadto cremation ground but to no avail. Justa few months back, Sabrang India publisheda report looking at this phenomenonat an all-India level. It says, Withmore than half of the lower caste populationbeing landless, the Dalits andpeople from other backward classeshave had to pursue a long standing fightto even live a decent life and attain adecent livelihood. Now with lands notbeing allocated to them and if allocated,the lands being usurped, along withcaste discrimination, the oppressedbackward classes have to fight a twoprongedbattle for dignity.Instances from two different statesare quoted in the same report whichdemonstrate how caste discriminationspersist. It cites data from Maharashtra sministry for social justice which statesthat upper castes have usurped 72.13%of the burial grounds earmarked forDalits in 43,722 villages. Similarly itcites the instance of Punjab, whereDalits are 30% of the population butforced to live on west-facing locationsof inhabitations so that the samebreeze does not blow over non-Dalithouseholds. The Dalits do not just burytheir dead in separate cremationgrounds. They are also compelled topray in separate gurudwaras.Like Maharashtra, where there havebeen a spate of social reform movementssince the mid-19th century,Kerala has also seen multiple socialreform movements and agitationsincluding those led by Narayan Guru,Ayyankali and other reformists. Nostate is perhaps free of some form ofreform movement. Yet the irony is thatthings are not qualitatively different.The journalist Sanu Kummil, in a documentary,Six Feet Under , highlightshow lack of space in public graveyardshas been forcing people to bury theirdead on private land, includinginstances of people having to demolishtheir homes to bury their dead.The myriad ways in which a societywhose internal dynamics are dictatedby norms of purity and pollutionhumiliates those whom it considers theOther should shock the conscience.Seventy years after becoming a republicand abolishing discrimination basedon caste, gender, race and so on, there isno change on the ground. PerhapsAmbedkar had a premonition of whatwas to come when the Constitution waswritten in the name of the people ofIndia. He declared on the floor of theHouse that India has attained a politicaldemocracy s status one man, onevote but the goal of social democracyone man one value still eludesus. Ambedkar had imagined a democracynot merely as a form of governmentbut primarily as a mode of associatedliving. He had envisioned that therewould be an attitude of respect andreverence towards our fellow men , butthat is where India has fallen short.New SpaceX Mars Starship rocketprototype to fly soon: Elon MuskSan Francisco : SpaceX will attempt to fly a prototype of its MarsStarship rocket this week, said CEO Elon Musk.Starship is SpaceX’s ambitious spacecraftto take humans to the Red Planet.The company has been working on prototypesto find the right design that willwork for the transport. Musk revealed onTwitter that the latest version of the prototype,SN5, "will attempt to fly later thisweek." This does not mean SpaceX willattempt to send a spacecraft to Mars thisweek itself. According to a report inCNET on Wednesday, the first flight ofSN5 is expected to be a 150-metre "hop."Last year, such a flight was performed by an earlier Starship prototypedubbed "Starhopper". SpaceX says its Starship spacecraft andSuper Heavy rocket (collectively referred to as Starship) represent afully reusable transportation system designed to carry both crew andcargo to Earth orbit, the Moon, Mars and beyond. The company hasbeen rapidly iterating on the design of Starship with orbital-flight targetedfor 2020. The previous iteration of the Starship prototype, SN4,exploded right after a static fire test in May this year.

28 24/07/2020 «ÚÙ∂Ù

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’appleΔ¬∂? Â∞√Δ∫ ¬∂ ‹Δ ¡≈apple Á∂ Ï’≈¬∂ «’Ú∂∫ ÌappleØ◊∂?

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