Burri e Pistoia

a cura di Bruno Corà

a cura di Bruno Corà


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occasion of the exhibition at Palm Springs, Bacchi and me in 1985, two years<br />

later Tiziano and his wife. He wanted to share with his friends the natural<br />

beauties of the Grand Canyon, Zabriskie Point, Death Valley, the Yosemite<br />

Valley, etc... His dream was for us to make, all together, the journey from coast<br />

to coast but we were prevented from doing so by the deterioration in his health.<br />

Did you go to see him in the United States?<br />

AA: I went to Los Angeles for just two or three days. I’d been in New<br />

York and Washington for work and had brought my whole family with<br />

me, so I decided to make the trip to see <strong>Burri</strong> too: we sprang it on him<br />

as a surprise and he was delighted.<br />

CS: For <strong>Burri</strong> 1978 was the year of the major retrospective at the Solomon<br />

Guggenheim Museum in New York. On his return from the adventure in the Big<br />

Apple you accompanied my father from the airport to the expressway exit for<br />

Arezzo, where I was waiting: it was the first time I met you!<br />

AA: Those were ten wonderful days. <strong>Burri</strong> had organized a flight to<br />

bring all his closest friends: among them were his favorite “niece”<br />

Anita Bucchi [daughter of Annibale Bucchi, the cousin of <strong>Burri</strong>’s mother,<br />

editor’s note], your father, Jack the Spark and his wife. There were<br />

thirty-five of us, all his guests and staying at the same hotel. He was<br />

special, the best not just from the artistic viewpoint, but from the human<br />

one too. He left us by ourselves only when he had personal commitments<br />

that concerned specific aspects of his work, which he always<br />

regarded as a drag, partly because he had to put on a necktie! He took<br />

us to see most of the museums in New York. On one of these visits,<br />

with your father and Jack the Spark, we had great fun. I was the youngest<br />

and you know how I like to raise hell. We started looking at the<br />

pictures, saying: “Beautiful this work, it’d look great at home!” We<br />

went up close, perhaps a bit too close, pretending to take measurements.<br />

The guard in the room called security in and, while we were<br />

all splitting our sides with laughter, <strong>Burri</strong> had to explain who he was,<br />

and that we were his friends and not would-be thieves. Then he said:<br />

bellissimo, il nostro gruppo arrivò un po’ prima. Il museo era ancora<br />

deserto e io ne approfittai per fotografarvi il Maestro da solo, anche per<br />

rendere la dimensione dello spazio.<br />

CS: Il Guggenheim ha un’architettura molto complessa, soprattutto per le pareti<br />

curvilinee, dove non è facile appendere quadri. Hai trovato difficoltà nel<br />

rendere il rapporto spazio-opere, così importante per <strong>Burri</strong>?<br />

AA: Fotografai anche le varie sezioni ma, in realtà, si trattò di un reportage:<br />

il mio intento era quello di riprendere <strong>Burri</strong>, a sua insaputa, mentre<br />

parlava con tutte le persone che lo assediavano, sai che non amava<br />

mettersi in posa!<br />

CS: Immagino che la mostra sia stata allestita secondo precise direttive di<br />

<strong>Burri</strong>, che sapeva sempre ciò che voleva e non ammetteva interferenze.<br />

AA: Devo dire che si confrontava sempre con Nemo, lo ascoltava molto:<br />

d’altronde, c’era fra loro un’intesa formidabile che si percepiva nell’aria.<br />

“Nel 1979, Erich Steingräber chiede a <strong>Burri</strong> una mostra per lo Staatsgalerie<br />

Moderner Kunst di Monaco. <strong>Burri</strong>, dopo aver visionato lo spazio, crea il suo<br />

primo ciclo, “Il Viaggio” nel “capannone studio.<br />

Amendola fotografa l’artista mentre, arrampicato su un trabattello, sta lavorando<br />

sulla parte alta delle opere e mentre fa la combustione. Le foto dall’alto<br />

dell’intero capannone sono molto efficaci nel rendere evidente il rapporto spazio-opere.<br />

Il Maestro, a sorpresa, decide di mostrare”Il Viaggio” in quel luogo, prima di<br />

inviarlo a Monaco. Per l’occasione realizza un pieghevole con la presentazione<br />

di Nemo. Questa esperienza lo convince che quello è lo spazio ideale per esporre<br />

le sue opere di grandi dimensioni. Nel 1989 acquista l’intero complesso architettonico<br />

che poi è diventato la seconda sede della Fondazione <strong>Burri</strong>”.<br />

CS: A proposito della sua passione per il calcio, i giocatori del Perugia parteciparono<br />

a quella “pre-inaugurazione”, c’eri anche tu?<br />

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