Issue 342 - 27/03/2020

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28 27/03/2020 NEWS LITERATURE POLITICS FASHION ART & CULTURE KIDS RELIGION FILMSwww.samajweekly.comIndia may see 25 crore COVID-19cases in next 3 months: ReportNew Delhi : In what could spell realtrouble for the country in the next threemonths, a new report from prestigiousJohns Hopkins University and theCentre for Disease Dynamics,Economics & Policy (CDDEP) has predictedthat 21-day lockdown may beineffective to stop the COVID-19 peakarriving in April-May-June -- infectingover 12 crore Indians in an optimistic(low) scenario. In a High scenario (trajectorywith current lockdowns butinsufficient physical distancing or compliance),the total number of cases(asymptomatic, hospitalized and symptomatic)can even touch a massive figureof 25 crore. In the most likely(Medium) scenario with moderate tofull compliance but no change in virulenceor temperature/humidity sensitivity,the numbers of total cases can swellup to 18 crore. The optimistic (low) scenarioconstitutes decreased virulenceand temperature/humidity sensitivity.To reach these numbers, JohnsHopkins and CDDEP -- a public healthresearch organisation -- used IndiaSIM,a well-validated agent-based model ofthe Indian population which has beenpublished widely over many years andhas been used for government decisionmaking.According to the report, hospitalisedcases can reach up to 25 lakhpeople in the High scenario, 17-18 lakhpeople in Medium scenario and 13 lakhpeople in Low scenario."Ventilator demand will be 1 million.Current availability in India is estimatedto be between 30,000 and 50,000 ventilators,"said the joint report."Mortality in healthcare workerscould further increase deaths in the generalpopulation. Healthcare workersneed personal protective equipment(masks and gowns) to protect themselves.Without them they get sick furtherstraining the capacity of the healthcaresystem to respond," the reportwarned. The number of coronaviruscases climbed to 649 in India onThursday and the death toll hit 13, withone death reported each from Gujarat,Tamil Nadu and Madhya Pradesh,Coronavirus slams Russia, Africa,India as global cases reach 5 lakhNew Delhi : The new coronaviruswhich has infected closeto 5 lakh people, including over22,000 deaths globally, is nowlooking to wreak havoc in threecountries it has spared so far –India, Russia and South Africa.Russia which seemed virtuallyuntouched to date – with justseven confirmed infections asrecently as March 10 – reported840 infections on Thursday(about two-thirds of them in theMoscow region), according todata from Johns HopkinsUniversity's CoronavirusResource Center.The African continent thatseemed to have dodged the bullettill now reported 72 deaths asconfirmed positives cases surpassed2,746 as of Thursday.India – sitting on a COVID-19 ‘time bomb' – reported closeto 700 positive cases, with 16deaths.The highly coronavirusaffectedAfrican countriesinclude South Africa with 709,Egypt with 456 cases, Algeriaaccording to the Health Ministry.But March is the month when peak isyet to even begin, according to thereport. According to the report, delaysin testing are seriously reducing theability of the population to protect itself."This is the most important way inwhich we can contain the epidemic. Anincrease in the official number ofdetected cases in the short term couldencourage the population to take distancingmore seriously and will reducepanic compared to a big spike later," thefindings showed. "Border closures atwith 302 cases and Moroccowith 225 cases as of Thursdaymorning, according to the AfricaCDC. The number of coronaviruscases in the northernregion of Lombardy, whichincludes Milan, increased bynearly 2,500 on Thursday,regional Governor AttilioFontana was quoted as saying."Today's numbers are notgood, unfortunately. There hasbeen a steeper increase comparedwith previous days,"Fontana told reporters.The number of cases in theregion, which has borne thebrunt of Italy's contagion,increased by some 1,643 toroughly 32,346, media reportssaid.The US death toll fromCOVID-19 has hit 1,000. Morethan 37,000 people have testedpositive for coronavirus in NewYork alone.For the first time in a week,coronavirus deaths in Spainslowed down. Spain recorded655 deaths in the past 24 hours,bringing the total to 4,089,according to the health ministrysaid on Thursday.The number of confirmedcases in Spain stood at 56,188.this stage have little to no impact andadd further economic disruption andpanic. While international transmissionwas important in the first stage, domestictransmission is now far more relevant,"it warned. A national lockdown,said the report, is not productive andcould cause serious economic damage,increase hunger and reduce the populationresilience for handling the infectionpeak. "Some states may see transmissionincrease only after another 2 weeksand lockdowns should be optimized forwhen they could maximize the effect onthe epidemic but minimize economicdamage," said Johns Hopkins-CDDEPreport. State-level lockdowns in themost affected states could change thetrajectory of the epidemic and shouldcommence immediately. Any delayallows for more secondary cases toemerge.Lockdowns should be guided by testingand serological survey data andshould be planned on a rolling basis, thereport mentioned, adding that preparednessfor case load should be the highestpriority at this time. "Temperature andhumidity increases should help us inreducing case load. Although the evidenceis limited, it is plausible," thereport mentioned. Evidence from Chinaindicates that higher temperature andhumidity are likely to lower the transmissionrates but it is unclear "how thiswill translate to the India context".India "should be prepared for multiplepeaks in the model and should beprepared for more cases and deaths laterin the year". In India, initial infectionslikely first arrived in early February,according to the report. People who willshow symptoms next week are alreadyinfected and incubating the virus. Someof these will transmit before they aresymptomatic. A large percentage ofcases are mild, but for older individuals,the mortality rate is strikingly higher."Children are less likely to be infectedand also less likely to be hospitalizedthan adults. Illness is less likely to besevere in children than in adults," thereport noted.


India may see 25 crore COVID-19

cases in next 3 months: Report

New Delhi : In what could spell real

trouble for the country in the next three

months, a new report from prestigious

Johns Hopkins University and the

Centre for Disease Dynamics,

Economics & Policy (CDDEP) has predicted

that 21-day lockdown may be

ineffective to stop the COVID-19 peak

arriving in April-May-June -- infecting

over 12 crore Indians in an optimistic

(low) scenario. In a High scenario (trajectory

with current lockdowns but

insufficient physical distancing or compliance),

the total number of cases

(asymptomatic, hospitalized and symptomatic)

can even touch a massive figure

of 25 crore. In the most likely

(Medium) scenario with moderate to

full compliance but no change in virulence

or temperature/humidity sensitivity,

the numbers of total cases can swell

up to 18 crore. The optimistic (low) scenario

constitutes decreased virulence

and temperature/humidity sensitivity.

To reach these numbers, Johns

Hopkins and CDDEP -- a public health

research organisation -- used IndiaSIM,

a well-validated agent-based model of

the Indian population which has been

published widely over many years and

has been used for government decisionmaking.

According to the report, hospitalised

cases can reach up to 25 lakh

people in the High scenario, 17-18 lakh

people in Medium scenario and 13 lakh

people in Low scenario.

"Ventilator demand will be 1 million.

Current availability in India is estimated

to be between 30,000 and 50,000 ventilators,"

said the joint report.

"Mortality in healthcare workers

could further increase deaths in the general

population. Healthcare workers

need personal protective equipment

(masks and gowns) to protect themselves.

Without them they get sick further

straining the capacity of the healthcare

system to respond," the report

warned. The number of coronavirus

cases climbed to 649 in India on

Thursday and the death toll hit 13, with

one death reported each from Gujarat,

Tamil Nadu and Madhya Pradesh,

Coronavirus slams Russia, Africa,

India as global cases reach 5 lakh

New Delhi : The new coronavirus

which has infected close

to 5 lakh people, including over

22,000 deaths globally, is now

looking to wreak havoc in three

countries it has spared so far –

India, Russia and South Africa.

Russia which seemed virtually

untouched to date – with just

seven confirmed infections as

recently as March 10 – reported

840 infections on Thursday

(about two-thirds of them in the

Moscow region), according to

data from Johns Hopkins

University's Coronavirus

Resource Center.

The African continent that

seemed to have dodged the bullet

till now reported 72 deaths as

confirmed positives cases surpassed

2,746 as of Thursday.

India – sitting on a COVID-

19 ‘time bomb' – reported close

to 700 positive cases, with 16


The highly coronavirusaffected

African countries

include South Africa with 709,

Egypt with 456 cases, Algeria

according to the Health Ministry.

But March is the month when peak is

yet to even begin, according to the

report. According to the report, delays

in testing are seriously reducing the

ability of the population to protect itself.

"This is the most important way in

which we can contain the epidemic. An

increase in the official number of

detected cases in the short term could

encourage the population to take distancing

more seriously and will reduce

panic compared to a big spike later," the

findings showed. "Border closures at

with 302 cases and Morocco

with 225 cases as of Thursday

morning, according to the Africa

CDC. The number of coronavirus

cases in the northern

region of Lombardy, which

includes Milan, increased by

nearly 2,500 on Thursday,

regional Governor Attilio

Fontana was quoted as saying.

"Today's numbers are not

good, unfortunately. There has

been a steeper increase compared

with previous days,"

Fontana told reporters.

The number of cases in the

region, which has borne the

brunt of Italy's contagion,

increased by some 1,643 to

roughly 32,346, media reports


The US death toll from

COVID-19 has hit 1,000. More

than 37,000 people have tested

positive for coronavirus in New

York alone.

For the first time in a week,

coronavirus deaths in Spain

slowed down. Spain recorded

655 deaths in the past 24 hours,

bringing the total to 4,089,

according to the health ministry

said on Thursday.

The number of confirmed

cases in Spain stood at 56,188.

this stage have little to no impact and

add further economic disruption and

panic. While international transmission

was important in the first stage, domestic

transmission is now far more relevant,"

it warned. A national lockdown,

said the report, is not productive and

could cause serious economic damage,

increase hunger and reduce the population

resilience for handling the infection

peak. "Some states may see transmission

increase only after another 2 weeks

and lockdowns should be optimized for

when they could maximize the effect on

the epidemic but minimize economic

damage," said Johns Hopkins-CDDEP

report. State-level lockdowns in the

most affected states could change the

trajectory of the epidemic and should

commence immediately. Any delay

allows for more secondary cases to


Lockdowns should be guided by testing

and serological survey data and

should be planned on a rolling basis, the

report mentioned, adding that preparedness

for case load should be the highest

priority at this time. "Temperature and

humidity increases should help us in

reducing case load. Although the evidence

is limited, it is plausible," the

report mentioned. Evidence from China

indicates that higher temperature and

humidity are likely to lower the transmission

rates but it is unclear "how this

will translate to the India context".

India "should be prepared for multiple

peaks in the model and should be

prepared for more cases and deaths later

in the year". In India, initial infections

likely first arrived in early February,

according to the report. People who will

show symptoms next week are already

infected and incubating the virus. Some

of these will transmit before they are

symptomatic. A large percentage of

cases are mild, but for older individuals,

the mortality rate is strikingly higher.

"Children are less likely to be infected

and also less likely to be hospitalized

than adults. Illness is less likely to be

severe in children than in adults," the

report noted.

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