Issue 342 - 27/03/2020

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New Delhi : China has strongly

objected to the reference ’Chinese virus’

used by US President Donald Trump

and many people worldwide, for Covid-

19, arguing that it is stigmatising the

Chinese people. In a statement issued by

spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy

here, Ji Rong said although Wuhan city

in China first reported the outbreak,

there is no evidence that China is the

source of the virus that caused Covid-

19. Trump was the first head of a state to

call Covid-19 as "Chinese virus" arguing

that he wanted to be "accurate"

about the origin of the novel coronavirus

that has caused a global pandemic.

He called it "Chinese virus" after

China blamed American soldiers for

bringing the contagion to Wuhan. The

phrase is now widely being used by

people across several countries on

social media.

The Chinese spokesperson said,

"These arguments ignore the facts and

confuse right and wrong. They are irresponsible

and do nothing to help international

cooperation in epidemic prevention

and control. We are strongly

opposed to these arguments."

The origin of the novel coronavirus

is a matter of science that requires professional

and scientific assessment, she

said. "Research by scientists from the

United States, Europe, China and Japan

as well as the World Health

Organization (WHO) has shown that

there is no certain conclusion as to the

origin of Covid-19."

The US Centers for Disease Control

and Prevention (CDC) estimates that the

flu season, which began in September

2019 has so far sickened more than 30

million people and killed more than

China objects to ’Chinese virus’


20,000, Ji Rong said, claiming that CDC

Director Dr Robert Redfield admitted

some were actually COVID-19.

Pointing out that Chinese people are

also victims of the virus, Ji Rong said,

there is a clear consensus by WHO and

the international community that a virus

should not be linked to any specific

country, region or ethnic group and such

stigmatisation should be rejected. The

pandemic of influenza in 2009 originated

in North America, the spokesperson

said adding that WHO didn’t call it

"North American flu". It was eventually

named "Influenza A virus subtype

H1N1". In the fight against COVID-19,

WHO has consistently called on the

international community to respect science

and respond rationally, and all the

governments to educate the public on

correct disease naming. WHO has

stressed that any discriminatory practices

should be condemned, she said.

The use of "China" and "Wuhan" naming

the virus by some media must be

corrected, and the international community

should focus on China’s swift

response to the epidemic rather than

stereotyping the Chinese people, Ji

Rong said. "After the outbreak, in an

open, transparent and responsible manner,

Chinese government has timely

adopted the most comprehensive, rigorous

and thorough measures to control

the epidemic, provided updates to WHO

and international community and shared

experience in diagnosis and treatment,"

the spokesperson said.

"China has neither created the virus

nor intentionally transmitted it. The

so-called ’Chinese virus’ is absolutely

wrong. Those people who are trying

to stigmatise China’s efforts have

ignored the huge sacrifices the

Chinese people made in safeguarding

the health and safety of all mankind,

and vilified China’s significant contributions

to global public health security,"

the spokesperson said. "Their

moves run counter to the WHO’s professional

advice and the expectations

and efforts of the international community

to fight the pandemic together.

We hope some people could heed the

reasonable voice from the international

community and stop making

wrongful remarks that stigmatise

China," she said.

RAHUL pays

condolences to

Kabul Gurudwara

attack victims

New Delhi : Congress leader

Rahul Gandhi here on Wednesday

expressed shock at the terror attack on

a gurudwara in Kabul, which reportedly

claimed 27 lives and left many

injured. He also offered his condolences

to the next of kin of victims.

"I’m shocked by the news of a terror

attack on a Gurudwara in Kabul,

Afghanistan, in which over 27 people

have died. My condolences to the

families of those who have lost their

lives. I pray that the injured make a

speedy recovery," Rahul Gandhi

tweeted. Around 150 people were

offering prayers at the gurudwara in

the Shorbazar area at the time of

attack, which have been claimed by

the Islamic State Khorasan (ISKP).

According to reports, while one

bomber detonated himself at the

entrance, three IS terrorists stormed

the shrine. The security forces rescued

around 80 faithfuls from the gurudwara.

Afghan security forces killed all

the three terrorists in a day-long gunbattle

after which NATO soldiers

helped in the clearance operation.

The Sikhs constitute a minuscule

minority in Afghanistan.

MP writes to Foreign

Secretary about constituents

stranded in INDIA

Pat McFadden, MP for

Wolverhampton South East has

today (25 March) written to Foreign

Secretary Dominic Raab expressing

his concern that a number of his

constituents are unable to return to

Wolverhampton from India.

Wolverhampton has a large population

with family roots in India,

particularly Punjab. At any given

time there will be a significant number

of Wolverhampton South East

residents there on holiday, for business

or visiting relatives. Mr

McFadden s office has received a

large number of calls and emails

from constituents who have relatives

trapped in India because there

are no commercial flights back to

the UK available.

Mr McFadden said The problem

for my constituents is that right

now there are no commercial flights

available back to the UK. Some of

the people stranded there are elderly,

or reliant on limited supplies of

medication, or both. They do not

have the infrastructure to stay there

for weeks or months on end.

It is no good asking people to

book alternative flights when there

are no alternative commercial

flights available. In the absence of

commercial transport, the question

my constituents are understandably

asking is why the Government cannot

charter planes to get people


I appreciate this is a big logistical

exercise but many airlines have

many grounded planes right now

and there are people desperate to

travel. Rescue flights have already

been organised for some parts of the

world. Why not for India too?

Full text of the letter is as follows:

Dear Dominic,

In recent days my office has

received a large number of calls and

emails from constituents who have

relatives trapped in India. As you

will know, Wolverhampton has a

large population with family roots

in India, particularly Punjab. At

any given time there will be a significant

number of our local residents

who are there on holiday, for

business or visiting relatives.

The problem for my constituents

is that right now there are no commercial

flights available back to the

UK. Some of the people stranded

there are elderly, or reliant on limited

supplies of medication, or both.

They do not have the infrastructure

to stay there for weeks or months on

end. It is no good asking people to

book alternative flights when there

are no alternative commercial

flights available.

In the absence of commercial

transport, the question my constituents

are understandably asking

is why the Government cannot

charter planes to get people home?

I appreciate this is a big logistical

exercise but many airlines have

many grounded planes right now

and there are people desperate to

travel. Rescue flights have already

been organised for some parts of the

world. Why not for India too?

This situation is becoming more

desperate by the day. My office has

passed on details of all constituents

in this position to the FCO through

the website provided but more are

contacting us all the time. I would

be very grateful for speedy and

focussed attention to this issue so

that these UK citizens can come


Yours sincerely,

Rt Hon Pat McFadden, MP

Wolverhampton, South East.

Delhi prepared to ensure

essential supplies: Kejriwal

New Delhi, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal

on Wednesday said the

city is prepared to

ensure essential supplies

during the 21-day

lockdown, urging people

to avoid panic buying.

Kejriwal, along

with Delhi Lt.

Governor Anil Baijal,

held a digital press

conference, where he listed the updates on Delhi s

efforts to contain the spread of the virus. The Chief

Minister said duty passes will be issued to all those

who are involved in essential services but don t have

formal IDs. He said the government will issue e-Pass

to shopkeepers who provide essential commodities.

After getting the pass, they will be able to open their

shops. The facility to apply online will be provided,

he said. The e-Pass will be for grocery shops, milk

plant workers and others. Kejriwal said once the e-

passes are issued, one can open shop related to essential


A helpline number will be activated for that in

few hours. A helpline has been also issued by the

police if the common man feels any issue from them.

Please call 23469536 for reporting against any form

of inconvenience caused by the police.

Baijal said while the government would ensure

effective implementation of the lockdown, it also

wants minimum inconvenience to people.

During the lockdown, we would assure that

essential supplies are maintained, Baijal said.

Kejriwal said the government will ensure that no

one goes to sleep hungry. He said people should try

that they should not step outside the house during the

lockdown. Milk, vegetable, daily use items are

essential and people have to step out to buy and sell

it. There is no need to panic. If we gather in large

number at shops, the purpose of the lockdown will be

defeated. The Prime Minister on Tuesday

announced a 21-day nation-wide lockdown from

Wednesday to check the spread of coronavirus.

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